Chapter 17

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Riley held onto me all night as if her life depended on it. It might have been since as soon as morning rolled in, Vincent started calling her like crazy. I was sure he would be in the hospital. With no phones allowed. Guess I did not beat him up that bad. I am almost happy. Almost being the operative word. Why? Because the first text he sent her was not an apology but instead a string of cussing's as he could not find her. He called her a few times when she did not answer, he apparently went to her house to check. And then sent a lengthy text explaining everything he did in the morning to find her. But nothing about the night before. According to Riley he just got jealous that he is losing her to me. As if! I am not an idiot to believe that. But is this how he treats her all the time? Why does she still like then? I mean if they were in a relationship then it would make sense to call it an abusive relationship but no. This is then a fucking abusive friendship? What the hell? I should help Riley, but I do not want to disrupt her life like this. Another text arrived. This time it was a threat, a simple threat that if she sees me or visits me again, he will tell on her. I have no idea what, but I do not like the sound of it. Fuck it! I am interfering.

I told Jane and Ade the deal while Riley was showering. They made her stay here and called her mom to come here as well. While waiting for her mom I informed Jane and Ade about the situation with Vincent. They said they would help and talk to her mom once she arrives. And it might be better to take her somewhere while they talk. When her mom arrived, Kate. She looked like a profession woman who was extremely tired. I mean working all night would do that to you. She is an engineer and is doing something she did not want to say. Well she did not even tell what sort of engineer she is at least not to me. I asked Riley to come with me and we went to the porch to sit and relax while they talk inside. From the window I saw them chatting like they were close friends. Maybe it's just me that she does not like. Well I would not be surprised. But the old me, makes sense, I thought I changed though. Guess not that much. Vincent did not complain against me or anything. But he did call a few more times. The last time he called Riley picked up. And he said sorry. He got jealous that he is losing his best friend. And he cannot lose her like she means a lot to him. And other bullshit. It just got me angry hearing him say those things.

They might be good things to say to a friend. But it is destroying Riley to hear them. Like he is keeping her hopes up and then crashing them with one single word, friend. Like come on dude either be together or let her go. Not that I am saying I want her that way. I just want her to be happy. I tried to talk to her about random stuff, bringing up stuff from the show we watched the other day. But she kept replying monotonal one syllable 'oh' or 'yeah'. That's it. What felt like hours later when Kate came out and hugged me. What the fuck just happened? And Ryan was nowhere to be found this morning.

"Thank you dear for taking care of my daughter. I told her not to talk to that Vincent anymore. But she kept talking to him, she always goes 'Vinny this' and 'Vinny that'. I told her that he is not a good guy. He was a sweet kid once but then he started to change, and he is completely different. But my dear Riley is...well you know how it is at this age. Teenagers you guys think you know people and everything. I am so grateful to you. You saved her even if you fought but still you saved her. That means a lot to me. Also, just so you know Vincent came to me to tell me that you are not a good person to be around Riley. And that you are doing her more harm than good. I did not believe him, but I do have one question. Did you really go with my Riley to the light house? The one place even her precious Vinny did not want to go?"

"Well yeah. I love the light house. I spend hours there. And thanks to Riley I know about the place. She took me there, and I will forever be grateful to her for that. I know it does not make sense. It's just that place but it is a very special to me. And Riley got that. She is...well she is my best friend. And I would never harm her, but I should be honest I will harm anyone hurting her. I am sorry for that beforehand." I said confidently. Whoa where did this weird confidence come from. It was like a surge of confidence. I saw Ade smiling at me. Like she is proud of me. Well then, I am fucking proud of myself as well! Kate hugged me again. And this time Ade joined us. Riley is looking at us with confusion, like what just happened? Well you are not alone Riley I am right there with you. I have no idea about what happened either. Then Ryan came in.

"Finally, where have you been Ryan?" Riley asked. Okay I did not know she was missing him. Heck I noticed he was not here just a few moments ago.

"Yeah had things to do. Let's just say some things are sorted for now at least. It will be for a while." Ryan replied with a smirk. Really Ryan! Really? But he is looking at Riley and only Riley. Wait am I missing something here?

Kate and Ade let me go and I saw a bemused Jane watching us as the scene unfolds on her porch. Kate said that she will take Riley with her now and then she will drop her off here tomorrow when she has to go out of town for her work. She still did not tell me what she does though. But I guess I can't complain much, she seemed to like me and we have one thing in common. No actually two, we both dislike Vincent and we both want what's best for Riley. It's cool that I found so many people so quickly that I care about and weirdly they care for me too. It's an odd new sensation or feeling that I have never felt before, caring.

I was not sure of going to the light house tonight. Seeing as I did not sleep much last night. Riley kept waking up and crying a little while she was hugging me. And that was new and a bit uncomfortable for me. I have never slept like that, not just someone on my bed but attached to me. So, I knew sleep was out the window. And I was also not sure Krystal will be there or not. Therefore, after dinner, I still packed a little bit of left over and kept in the fridge. It is around 7 now and I was thinking of continuing to watch Riverdale, when my phone buzzed. It was Krystal with her single word text, it simply read, 'here'. It took me a second to process that she meant she is currently at the light house. I was so happy. I jumped out of my room in my pjs only grabbed the dinner box and drove off in Jane's car. She sort of gave her car to me to use whenever I need except when she needs it. She usually tells me when she needs it beforehand and since she is going to the hospital now, she just goes with Ade. When I reached there, I was not sure what I was expecting. Like I knew Krystal would be here. But I was scared she might be banged up again and I can't even help her as she does not tell me who hits her. But I certainly was not expecting what happened when I reached the landing and felt the certain pair of blue eyes staring at me. She just flew towards me and hugged me. Krystal hugged me! Krystal actually hugged me! Oh god I was so not ready for it. The butterflies in my stomach knew no bound and my heart flipped in joy. It started beating so fast and so loudly I was sure anyone in one-mile radius can hear it. Okay maybe not but that's what it seemed like. And I was certain Krystal heard it. She did not say anything, she just hugged me with her skinny lanky arms around my neck and her feet were off the ground hanging in air. So, she is shorter than me. And that is what I am noticing now? What is wrong with me? I hug her back gently placing my arms on her back. She seems so fragile to me, like if I touch her hard, she might break. Also, the fact that I once thought I made her up does not help. I just could not believe that she was real at first since she never talked and just sat there behind the desk hidden with those blue eyes staring intently at me that I was sure my mind made her up. Now I am sure she is real and my joy knows no bounds and neither does my heartbeat. 

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