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A/N: This is not a chapter.

This is a poem I tried to write in Krystal's voice. 

Vote and Comment and let me know what you think. 


We all are born into this world alone,

But somewhere along our life here,

We meet people along the way,

People who become our friends,

People who also become our enemies,

People who falls in love with us,

And people we fall in love with,

Sometimes they collide,

Sometimes they don't,

But these are the people,

Who makes us feel we are not alone after all.

Yet at times they are the same people,

Who makes us feel extremely alone,

Like our only friend is our shadow,

And just like the irony,

Even our shadow is not constant,

It flickers and vanishes when there is light.

Light that we need, is not the light we get.

The light, the flame of the candle burning,

The one that guides us,

That helps us see,

What do you do if that light dies inside you?

You search for it again?

Or do you give up?

What happens when you encounter someone,

Someone who holds out a candle for you,

To guide you back to light.

You take the leap,

The big jump,

Jump to the unknown.

Because you know that there is a hand,

Waiting for you to hold onto,

With strong steady grip,

To guide you back to your light,

Or they might just be your light.


A/N: This story is coming to an end. It has a few more chapters. 

But I am already thinking of a few new stories. 

Thinking of doing a spin off for Sasha, Riley and  Autumn. 

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