Chapter 48

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A/N:  4K!!!!!!  Wow!!!!

 Thank you so much for the 4K reads. 


Christmas break is finally here. With it came my worries for what my dear dad had planned. If I said that it was not something, I was thinking every waking moment since I got the text then I would be lying. It also scared me. He never scared me before, no. Disgusted me, made me angry, yes to all of those. But afraid of him, not really. I knew he would hit me, torture me that was life for me. But now since my life has something else in it. And the fact that he could actually take it all away is scaring the shit out of me. Krystal helps a lot. Thinking about her makes me every time. Jane noticed it, Ade did too. But Jane...well she tries to tease me about it sometimes.

We are supposed to go to a family cabin with a whole lot of people. And with Ade's request we now have three more people to that list. Well it was actually my request, but Ade is the one that persuaded Kate about it. So now Kate, Riley and of course Krystal are going with us to this family cabin getaway. I wonder how big the cabin actually is since a lot of people are going. May and Daniel, Jessica, Thomas and their full family Aaron, his fiancé, Jackson, Hannah and her family, she is coming here for the winter break. A bit late but that makes sense since her daughter's school closes later than ours here. And Jane's parents are coming as well. They all reluctantly agreed that I can ride the bike. We are going north of here where it will colder. Thus, packing winter garments and for me buying them was necessary. Yeah, I didn't have them here with me, seeing as I came here for the summer and I also didn't pack my bag when I was thrown out.

Krystal and Riley accompanied me to that shopping trip, it was not surprising for me to see that Krystal needed winter clothes as well. It surprised Riley a bit as she thought her dad might have bought her some jackets. But the answer was a cold no with a scoff from Krystal. I expected as much. It was fun to shop, we made a day out of it. Ryan accompanied us weirdly. Not shockingly though since this is not the first time, he placed himself in the car while we are going somewhere. But what shocked me was that he actually enjoyed shopping with us. That boy still makes me shocked with his behavior. I smiled and shook my head at that realization.

Today we are going to the Cabin. I typed in the address in my phone's GPS so that I do not get lost. Krystal wanted to come with me. I was too happy to say anything to that and Jane's teasing didn't faze me. It made Krystal blush and become red like a tomato though. Riley went with Ryan who will be picking up Jackson from his house. Ade, Jane and Kate are driving together, same as all the grandparents of mine. Jane's parents will be meeting us at the Cabin. Riley wanted to switch riding with me with Krystal for at least half the trip, but Krystal was not comfortable riding with two guys which made Riley change her mind. It did give me extra time with my blue-eyed beauty. Which made me think what are we? I mean we are together all the time, we kiss, we made out that one time a week or so ago at Sasha's house. Suddenly I had an overwhelming urge to call Krystal my girlfriend. Which would only be the case if I ask her. So, I am going to ask her during this trip. Thus, with this newfound determination, we began the trip with my blue-eyed beauty holding onto me, I sped away on the bike biding everyone bye for now.

It is like a two-hour drive. And I took all the extra time I could take before reaching the destination. We stopped for breakfast seeing as we left early. But I was ahead of them as I left early, so we took extra time to sit and eat at a local diner out of the town. It was a quaint place, but the food was good. We ordered pancakes because why not. I then purposely stopped at a gas station just to stall and buy some snacks even though I knew neither of us could eat that while on the bike and we were both full from breakfast. Finally, I reached the cabin, but we were the last one to arrive. Jane smiled as soon as I stepped in, she knew I would make it a three-hour drive even with my head start. I was also tackled by two kids who flung themselves at me. Well my legs to be precise. Who are they? Why are they excited to see me? That is when I noticed four well six new faces staring at me strangely.

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