Chapter 29

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For me to think that Monday would be anything like a normal day was out the window as soon as I rode into the parking of my school. Sasha was waiting for me and so was Riley. She did not go home yesterday yet she wanted to drive to school instead of riding with me, even though she is going back to my house with me after school. You can sense my irritation at her chosen mode of transport for school today, but she cannot. I was greeted with a very weird hug from Sasha before Riley swatted her arms away from me. Weird! Rude much Riley! I rolled my eyes at that. Today I have first period English with Sasha much to Riley's dismay. Neither of us have talked yesterday, we just ate and slept. Needed to gain strength back for school on Monday. Thank god I did my homework on Friday at school and Saturday before noon. Sasha wrapped an arm around my shoulder while we walked to my locker. All three of us...I think. No somewhere along the road we lost Riley. And guess who was waiting by my locker. Yes, you guessed it, Krystal, the source of me suddenly becoming a damn human conductor. She was just smiling at me.

"Hey girl." Sasha greeted her before I could.

"Hey Krystal. Morning."

"Hi...Hi Abbie." Krystal squeaked.

"How was the rest of the weekend?"

"What do you mean rest Abbie? You met her....wait it was her birthday on Friday wasn't it?" Sasha exclaimed and then turned towards Krystal, "Belated Happy Birthday girl. You could have joined us at the party on Saturday. It was so much fun. You would have had a blast just watching Abbie even. She can drink and dance. Next time you are coming. Also hope you do not mind me calling you K. I have a habit of giving people nicknames and calling them by it. That is how Anthony became Tony. And this one right here well she is Trouble." Then Sasha poked my arm, "that is your nickname from me by the way."

"Cool. Thanks, I guess? Not sure if I like the nickname Trouble or that it has any positive side to it. But I'll take it." I told Sasha before turning to Krystal, who was looking at me with an amused look on her face. She liked my new nickname, I guess as she smiled hearing it. Sasha seems cool, she talked to Krystal thereby updating her to cool and likable in my books.

I guess Sasha did not realize it was her on Friday, she just simply waved bye to us. Interesting. Then Sasha went to her locker leaving me with my girl. Well not my girl...yet. Hope she is one day though. Wait what am I saying? I like her now. Is that why I was super charged on Friday. Oh, this is bad. I was having a hard time hiding my crush, now if I like her it would be super difficult to hide. Shit I am screwed!

"Hey Abbie! You okay?" I must have been making a face as Krystal asked me this. Well my sudden realization has me reeling a bit. Thereby activating my bitchy sarcastic side.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I sneered.

"No reason, just Sasha said you drank?" She faltered a bit. Shit! I should not take it out on her. It is my issue. Yes, it is regarding her, but it is still my issue, I cannot let her feel bad for something she does not even know. I need to get a handle on this side of mine. Shit! Now I have two things to control.

"Oh, that's nothing. I used to drink a lot and throw parties every weekend. I am used to it by now. Although I have not been drunk for a while now. But it is not a new thing for me."

"OH!" She exclaimed rather loudly, well loud for Krystal before looking at the floor.

"Wait do you not like that I got drunk?"

"No... I mean...I don't know. I...just...umm...nothing. Never mind. Happy Monday Abbie."

"What? Really Happy Monday? Of all days Krystal, you chose Monday?"

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