Chapter 30

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It is Homecoming week. It has been almost a month since school started. And it has been a ride. Just like my new ride, it has been a bit bumpy at first and then smooth sail. My grades seem to be good so far. Teachers are impressed by me. Shocking! In other worldly news I have not had alcohol except maybe a beer once like two weeks ago. That too on a dare from none other than Ryan. Riley stays with us mostly. Her mom is out of town a lot, if not she has night duties. Still do not know what she does, and Riley will not tell me. That girl is so secretive I should say. I mean even I am not that secretive. I swear her mom is CIA. The way she hides stuff. Dear god. If only! Actually, that would be super cool if that is true. Then I would know someone who is CIA. That would be awesome. Now I hope that is true. I did manage to get a little tidbit about her, namely her brother's name, Theo. That is, it. Not where he is? Not even how old he is. Just his name. Well that is something, I guess I can work with that. Another info she has not seen her dad in almost 4 years and her brother for like 5 years. So, I guess he is around 23 years old now. Definitely finished college. My oh my! I had to roughly guess and calculate my best friend's brother's age just to have some information about her family. I swear she would be a really good spy one day. Riley should try it. I can tell her but then she will know what I think about her extreme privacy.

Riley started riding with me to and from school by the end of that week. It did bring more questions for people. Namely Sasha and well a silent someone, Jennifer. That girl does not open her mouth in front of Riley. As soon as Riley is out the picture, she would ask me stuff about Riley. Weirdly I think Sasha and her bonded over this fact, a simple fact of why she is going with me. And we both give the vaguest vague replies ever possible. I think one-time Riley said, 'the wind took us in the direction of Abbie's house.' It was really funny to see their expressions though at the time.

No one knows I am Ade's daughter, why would they? I do not say she is my mom. But that might change after today's game. We have a soccer game for homecoming week today, Wednesday, a football match tomorrow and the homecoming dance on Friday. I am not going to the dance; I would rather dance with my blue-eyed beauty at the light house. But it also depends on what Riley has in plans for us. I do not want to abandon her. And this would be her first year at a school dance when Vincent will not be taking her.

I guess you caught that I am on the soccer team. Yeah so that shocking thing happened. I was still shocked and stunned that my beer bottles hiding skill helped me learn footwork required for soccer. But that was soon explained by Ade who was a star soccer player all throughout high school as well as college. But then for whatever reason she did not continue. I feel it was either because of me or my dad. But she did not say. So, I guess soccer is in my genes and I did not just learn footwork by hiding stuff after weekend parties. Which reminds me Ade and Jane have yet to shout at me for drinking so much at the party the first weekend after school started. They have not said anything about it. They eye me suspiciously if I am going out and when I come back. But no words have been directed at me. No screams, no grounding and definitely no beatings. This whole thing is so weird and out of place for me, that I shouted at myself. I do not miss it, no, never, but growing up like that for the past 17 years of my life, it certainly feels different. Summer it was good, but that was summertime. Now, now is what scares me, worries me even. Why would I be worried for not getting screamed at or hit at? I have no clue why except that I am. Also, dad department has been silent for a while now. It feels like a strange calm has descended over me, my life. A proverbial calm before the storm. And this time the storm will take me with it. It feels a little eerie.

I asked Krystal to come to my game tonight. Ade and Jane said they would be here. Ryan said Mark is coming too. Why I do not know. Riley will obviously be there seeing as she is going back with us. After classes for me, that means only submitting all my homework for today. All the soccer players will be either on the field practicing exercising or relaxing. No stress according to coach. And so, we have the full day off, well almost. When you have Sasha as your captain, you tend to study soccer. She practically lives and breathes soccer. We all relaxed and prepared whatever playoff strategies Sasha and coach told us. Now in a few minutes we will be out in the field. This is my second match. The first being against a small school, I do not remember anything about them even their name. I was so nervous. Well not like today. Why? Because today's match is against Reef's Paradise Private School. That's right. Our biggest rival. And now I am smack-dab in the middle of their rivalry.

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