Chapter 31

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Riley went to homecoming. But I was not her date. Guess who it was? Yes, you guessed it Ryan. Freaking Ryan McAdam. I did not mind but I mean I thought friends tell each other stuff. Well who am I to say I do not tell her about most stuffs. And she did not even tell me he already asked her. Well I did not ask her to come with me per se. More like casually mentioned my plans to her. She was very nonchalant about it, that got my attention. So, when I asked her, she said she is going and with someone. My first thought was that it was Vincent. But then in a second, she breathed out Ryan. Yes, she did not actually say it, more like breathed out his name in a weird dreamy gasp. When did that happen, I wonder? Although I am glad that happened for two reasons. One Riley deserves someone good like Ryan. And Ryan I am sure has a crush on her. Plus, that gave me the opportunity to be with Krystal, who I texted as soon as Riley told me her plan.

I went to the dance with them, just to check it out before I slip out of the venue to go to the light house. I mean I rode my bike to the dance so basically, I followed their car to the high school. Me and Krystal decided to meet at the dance and then maybe go to the light house or somewhere else. I did not want to dress up, so I wore my black jeans with a nice blouse. Not any of my usual shirts. It was a dressy attire for me at least. And Krystal wore a dress. Which I was sure would be a problem for riding the bike, but Krystal did not seem to mind. Sasha and Tony came towards us, well me particularly as soon as we reached the venue. They talked to Ryan. This would be the second time Ryan is with me and Riley. And this time they got to know from Ryan that I am his sister. Well he just said sister and avoided the complications of our relationship dynamics. Jennifer came towards Riley as well. But more like a shadow. She did not say anything just followed us for a while, before I left them to go towards Krystal.

Krystal was standing at the back of the Gym, drinking water. She figured it was the safest drink. Bottled water. She gave me one too. I did not even drink a single cup of punch. The gym looked really good. The decorations and the lights all went with the red and white theme of this year. The guys won the football match yesterday as well against the private school giving us, both wins for homecoming. That pissed them off, which led to upping the security at the high school for tonight's homecoming dance. I thought that it would be difficult to leave but it was rather easy. After I found Krystal, I stood with her for like ten minutes before we left. Jennifer found us by the gate, and I was sure she would do something or say something to mess up the night. Instead she complimented us. That was it. Strange. Very, very strange. Somehow it did not leave a good taste in my mouth. So, I texted Sasha and Ryan just to make them aware. I texted Sasha about Jennifer's behavior and Ryan just to keep an eye on Riley.

I was not in favor of Krystal riding with me, on the bike wearing a dress. But she brought tracks to put on for riding. Strange, but cool. So, she put them on just for the ride. And we went to have dinner first. Then a movie. And then ended up obviously at the light house. I did text Ade letting her know where I was. She knew I was thinking of going to the light house. This time I told her I am taking a friend there. She was a bit scared about it being the night, but I assured her it was okay. At the light house, me and Krystal danced. She was herself. She danced with me. Although at first ,she was a bit shy when I asked her to dance, she reluctantly agreed. Finally, after a few dance moves she relaxed and started dancing. She then danced. Like really danced, crazy dance, we both did. We danced; we even sang the songs. Since there was no one around to hear therefore we just let loose for the night. It was a really fun night. Afterwards we just talked. Krystal asked me if the girl she saw me hugging was my friend, when I told her that she is the friend I saved. Krystal was glad, but her eyes showed she was thinking something. She did not tell me about it. We ended up talking, dancing, singing till almost 5 am. I am sure we rested in between but it felt like we were up all night.

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