Chapter 25

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Today I am starting the last year of my high school life. But I am going to a new school, in a new town. Well this town is not that new anymore. But the school definitely is. I mean nobody knows me here. I did interact with many people at the parties over the summer but none of my usual bullshit to get a 'reputation'. And I am hoping it stays that way. At first everyone knew me as Abbie, then I am the girl who is staying with Ryan, then they knew me as Ade's daughter. How? Beats me. But I never confirmed or denied if they asked me. Mainly because I never tell Ade is my mom yet, but I am her daughter. It does not make sense, but to me it does. Because I plan to say Ade is my mom the day, I can comfortably call her mom. I really hope I get there soon; I know it would make Ade really happy. She is already happy now as when she addresses me as her daughter I respond. I know it makes her very happy, I can see it in her face. Today is an important day for me even if it's just introduction day, therefore the best way for me to get to know the layout of the building. I need this. Come on Abbie!

I went to breakfast and saw Ryan made breakfast. Jane left as she has to prepare and set up before class or rather school starts. Ade had early shift. Therefore, it is just me and Ryan. And apparently Riley? Riley! Wait what? What is she doing here at the breakfast table?

"Morning Abbie. Special first day breakfast. Riley came so she could show you the way to the school and around as well. Come sit. Enjoy the waffles." Ryan said as he handed me a plate. Okay it is like 6.30 in the morning and he already made breakfast. The same guy who did not want to wake up almost all day if he did not have to work. Whoa! Nice change bro! I ate quietly. Mostly because I am very nervous. I guess I am having first day jitters. That's new. Shake it off Abbie! What is happening to me? Why do I keep referring to myself in third person?

Riley drove me to school. I feel I need more practice or just need to calm my nerves to ride to school. Maybe tomorrow I can. I go to the office to get my schedule. Riley was with me the whole time. We had a welcome assembly and some announcements. Today we just have half day where we meet the teachers and get the lesson plan done. From tomorrow actual classes start. Good. My old school was like this only we had classes on the first day. No homework but just simple lessons and not a half day. I guess that might be different because it is a public school and that was not or the fact that it is in a completely different state. Whatever be the reason I like this arrangement. After announcement I went to search for my locker. And then to my first period, which to my dismay I share it with Vincent. I will not let English be ruined by that guy.

It was good, he kept his distance, I kept mine. I did have to introduce myself, which was rather uncomfortable, but I did not share much except my name and that was it. The teacher did not ask for more and thank god for that. And then I had Math and Chemistry with Riley. And then PE and that is it for today. The classes were good, I mean the learning the syllabus sounded good. All the introductions even though it was awkward it got over quickly so that made it bearable. Then PE came. I was not athletic. At least I don't know if I am. Never was allowed to try out. Now is my chance. But today we just ran. Tomorrow we will play basketball. Oh well! Running is fun who knew? Not me that's for sure. After PE I remembered I put my backpack in my locker not the gym locker. So, I went to retrieve it. Riley would drop me off. So, I hurried to my locker. I got it and was on my way back when I spotted the familiar pair of blue eyes a few feet in front of me. Smiling at me as soon as our eyes locked. I smiled back and waved. That earned me a cute little giggle, which I heard as I purposely walked past her, just to hear the sound of her giggle. Oh god I am so gone!

Riley dropped me off and then she stayed for lunch. We compared our schedules to see what all classes we have in common. Except English, Physics and Geography we have all classes in common. Good thing these classes are spread throughout the week and not on the same day. Ryan was home today. I told them about English with Vincent. It was really odd. I mean he did not even say hi or a polite nod. I mean...I don't know. There were many people I knew in my classes. They all said hi to me. I heard some people skip first day especially the seniors. So, I will meet more new students tomorrow. Great! Can't wait. At least first day of school was good. And it got me my Krystal sightings as well. Tonight, I am practicing riding and tomorrow I am riding to school. This weekend me and Krystal already planned to meet to discuss how the first week of school went by for both of us. I guess what neither of realized was how to act when we bump into each other in the school hallways. Somehow in all our talks we forgot to discuss that. Oh well I am going to talk to her whenever I see her tomorrow at school. Can't wait for school tomorrow. Senior year here I come!

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