Chapter 54

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Boy was I wrong. There were no pitiful looks. None. No there were in fact nothing out of the ordinary. As if the past two days never happened. Somehow the atmosphere has shifted back to how it was on Christmas morning. The jovial vibe in the air, everyone smiling, happily I might add. The hugs were back and so were the eye contact. Gone were those weird looks which were starting to haunt me a little. But this shift made me confused even more.

After like an hour of playing with the twins and talking to them I came out with them still in my arms. I was not about to let them go. They were being my small shields. That is when I noticed the shift in the atmosphere. I received the hugs from everybody, they felt like the ones I have been missing. Everything was back to the way it was as if nothing even happened. That did make me smile but it did make me wonder what did happen? Because I was certain it had something to do with the discovery of my scars. And it was only last night I heard a sniffle from Ade and Jane's room. Now. Now this? I was extremely confused.

The celebration continued. Whatever it was they were celebrating. I remained seated confused and in a daze. I guess it was my turn to feel weird. But I was not allowed to especially by my newfound little buddies. They kept pulling my arms, legs, shirt, even my nose. There was no option left but to play with them or let them play with me. Whichever suited them. By 7pm I looked scary. Because Hunter used make up on me and Holland was my stylist. You can imagine how I would look being dressed by two 3-year-old. I didn't mind much except when I heard Daniel announce that they are throwing some sort of a New Year's Eve party. I didn't think new people would be coming but I was again proven wrong.

I rushed to my room to make myself look like...well at least a 17-year-old when I Sasha's voice outside. Apparently, Ryan invited Tony and his family which for some reason brought Sasha. How are they related or attached I would never know? Every time I asked about her and Tony she replied with a 'puhlease'. That's it. Nothing more. Ever. Even when she was drunk. So, I stopped asking how I just continue to enjoy. It took me roughly an hour to get the makeup off my face. And then dress up for the party. Jess made me apply some make up, but this time I looked good being as it was now done by a 17-year-old.

As soon as I emerged from the room I was tackled by the twins and Sasha.

"Missed you girl. Who are on your legs Trouble?"

"So, you must be Sasha. The one who named Abbie, Trouble."

"That I am. Who are you?"

"I am Evelyn."

"Nice to meet you but I still don't know who you are?"

"Sasha this is Jess, my friend. And these two on my legs are Hunter and Holland." The twins each waved a hello before continuing to grip my leg. Guess I am walking with them again!

"Jess? You said your name is Evelyn. Now I am confused."

"My name is Evelyn Jessica Montgomery. Abbie knows me as Jessica or Jess whereas here I am Eve or Evelyn since my granny's name is also Jessica."

"Cool. Wait so you are the friend from Abbie's old school. Nice." Sasha smirked. I just shook my head. I don't want to know what she is planning or thinking. "Wait where are the other two? You know Sparrow and Riles?" Sasha smirked while wiggling her eyebrows. And she is back.


"Don't Sasha me. You know as well as I do that..."

"You are wrong." Riles came with hands folded on her chest and a bored expression on her face. Which soon turned to an amused one as she spotted the twins on my legs. "They are on your legs again, Abbie?"

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