• Prologue •

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A lot can happen within two years.

Ultron being one of them. Tony had built an artificial intelligence system alongside the help of Bruce Banner only to have Ultron to turn on them and plan to wipe out the human race.

Yes, the Avengers went up in war against an army of robots.

The Avengers had also welcomed four new members to the team: James Rhodes aka War Machine (or as everyone calls him, Rhodey), Vision who was formerly known as Tony's A.I. companion, J.A.R.V.I.S, Sam Wilson aka Falcon as well as Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, all training under Steve and Natasha.

Steve had also finally taken Natasha's advice and manned up, officially asking Artemis out on a date.

The two had been dating ever since the events of Ultron with Sam and Azar teasing the couple about their feelings towards the other.

The latter four were also busy tracking down a certain Winter Soldier but all their leads had ended up being dead ends.

He just didn't want to be found.

Azar, being the stubborn woman that she is, never gave up her search for Bucky.

She had found a lead in Romania and kept it to herself as she took off for the country. Her lead had lead her to the country's capital of Bucharest, where she had found the soldier.

The youngest of the Danvers twins had been there with him ever since the end of the robot war, not letting anyone in about Bucky's whereabouts.

She stayed with him through everything: from helping him with his memories, to him trying to push her away because he thought of himself as a dangerous, cold blooded monster, through all of his nightmares to just simply allowing himself this chance of happiness with her once again.

A/N: Once again, credits for my amazing cover goes to lilyroselilac24 ✨💛 And please credit me if you use my header as a page break 💋

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A/N: Once again, credits for my amazing cover goes to lilyroselilac24 ✨💛 And please credit me if you use my header as a page break 💋

War of Hearts • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now