• Chapter Four •

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The funeral of Peggy Carter that took place in London had ended over an hour ago but Steve remained inside the Cathedral, standing alone in the aisle and stared at the floor.

Artemis had made her way towards him slowly and quietly as he spoke, feeling her presence.

"When I came out of the ice, I thought everyone I had known was gone." Steve said with a frown etched on his face. "Then I found out that she was alive. I was just lucky to have her."

Artemis smiled slightly. "And then I found you." The super soldier looked up to meet the brunette's gaze.

"She had you back too." Artemis answered softly.

"Who else signed?" Steve asked the most dreaded question.

"Tony. Rhodey. Vision." Artemis replied.

"Clint?" He questioned.

"Says he's retired." She answered with a slight smile.

"Wanda?" He asked.

"TBD." Artemis answered.

"Azar?" Artemis smiled slightly at his question.

"I think you know the answer to that. She wants to leave this life behind, settle down." She replied.

It fell silent between the couple before the brunette spoke up softly. "I'm off to Vienna for the signing of the Accords with Azar and Nat. There's still plenty of room on the jet.."

Steve sighed and bowed his head which caused Artemis to frown at her lover.

She took a step closer to him and took his larger hands into her smaller ones. "Just because it's the path of least resistance doesn't mean it's the wrong path. Staying together is more important than how we stay together."

To Steve, it sounded as if Artemis was trying to convince herself but he wasn't budging.

"What are we giving up to do it?" He asked causing her to sigh softly before he shook his head. "I'm sorry, Artemis, but I can't sign it."

"I know." The eldest twin replied.

"Then what are you doing here?" Steve asked, his blue eyes meeting her hazel.

"I didn't want you to be alone." Artemis answered as Steve began to close the gap between them as he pulled her in from her waist.

"Then don't go.." Steve said, his arms secured around the brunette's waist as he leaned his forehead against hers.

"Please.." He whispered as she tugged her bottom lip between her teeth.

A couple of hours later, while signing a form, Azar let out a soft sigh before a voice spoke up from behind her

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A couple of hours later, while signing a form, Azar let out a soft sigh before a voice spoke up from behind her. "I suppose neither of us is used to the spotlight."

She turned around to find a handsome, dark skinned, young man in a navy blue suit walk up to her. She instantly recognised him as the Prince of Wakanda, T'Challa.

She smiled slightly, letting out a soft laugh. "Oh, well, it's not always so flattering." She replied.

"You seem to be doing alright so far." He smiled at her. "Considering your last trip to Capitol Hill.. I wouldn't think you would be particularly comfortable in this company."

Azar's smile broadened slightly. "Well, I'm not." She turned her gaze away from the floor to look at the prince.

"That alone makes me glad you're here, Miss Danvers." T'Challa said.

"You don't approve of this?" Azar arched an eyebrow.

"The Accords, yes. The politics, not really." The prince chuckled. "Two people in a room can get more done than a hundred."

"Unless you need to move a piano." A voice spoke up from beside them, causing the two to look over, T'Challa smiling at the older man.

"Baba." He said, bowing his head slightly.

"Son." The older man smiled at him before turning to Azar. "Miss Danvers."

"King T'Chaka. Please, allow me to apologize for what happened in Nigeria." Azar said which caused the king to smile slightly.

"Thank you." He said. "Thank you for agreeing to all this. I'm sad to hear that your sister and Captain Rogers will not be joining us today."

Azar smiled slightly "Yes, so am I."

Before they could converse more, an announcement was made that the meeting was to begin soon.

"That is the future calling." T'Challa announced before turning to the brunette. "Such a pleasure." He said as he shook her hand.

"Thank you." She smiled and bowed her head slightly in respect for the two men before leaving to take her seat.

"When stolen Wakandan vibranium was used to make a terrible weapon, we in Wakanda were forced to question our legacy

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"When stolen Wakandan vibranium was used to make a terrible weapon, we in Wakanda were forced to question our legacy. Those men and women killed in Nigeria, were part of a goodwill mission from a country too long in the shadows. We will not, however, let misfortune drive us back. We will fight to improve the world we wish to join. I am grateful to the Avengers for supporting this initiative."

As his father continued his speech, T'Challa stood by the window and noticed something outside. He narrowed his eyes and glanced at his father at the podium. "Wakanda is proud to extend its hand in peace."

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" T'Challa yelled as he ran towards his father just as an enormous explosion went off between the two buildings, destroying the conference hall.

The prince found his father lying on the floor with his eyes closed. He grabbed hold of his father's wrist and felt for a pulse, but his father lied still. Devastated, T'Challa lied across him, lifting him up and rocked him in his arms.

War of Hearts • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now