• Chapter One •

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That was all that could be heard throughout the small apartment while Azar ran her slender fingers through Bucky's dark brown hair, as they both lied on the mattress which was on the floor, a blanket covering both of their bodies.

Azar glanced down at the man beside her, who had his head rested on her chest, his breathing calm and steady.

She smiled sadly to herself as Bucky found this to be the most comforting way for him to get a good night's sleep.

She turned her gaze to the ceiling as her mind ran to the first time she had experienced one of his nightmares.


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The brunette sat at the small, wooden, dining room table. It was roughly around midnight when she awoke, getting herself a glass of water.

She stared at the table while softly tapping her nails against the glass until she heard the sound of soft whimpering.

Pulling her gaze away from the table, Azar looked towards the mattress which lied in the corner of the room to find Bucky becoming restless as he tossed and turned, whimpers escaping past his lips.

Azar quickly got to her feet and kneeled down beside him. "Bucky, it's okay." She cooed softly as his whimpering began to get louder and louder, tears escaping past his closed eyes.

All of a sudden, Bucky let out a painful, blood curdling scream which sent chills down Azar's spine as she jumped into action to try and wake him from his dream. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as Bucky was now becoming frantic.

"Bucky--" She touched his right arm gently but was cut off when his left, metal arm reached out and grabbed her by the throat.

She gripped his wrist, not that it'd be of much use at the moment. "Bucky, it's me.." She croaked out as she struggled against him. "It's Azar.."

In that instant, she felt all the air rush back into her lungs.

After taking in a couple of deep breaths, Azar looked up to find Bucky awake, on his feet and staring at her in horror as he began backing himself away from her.

She, too, got herself on to her feet as she stared at those baby blue eyes of his that were filled up with guilt and tears.

She took a step closer which caused the soldier to flinch.

"Don't.." He said hoarsely. "Don't come closer.."

Azar frowned deeply at him. "Bucky, it's okay. I'm fine." She replied as she slowly made her way over to the broken, dark haired man as he shifted his gaze to the floor.

"Look at me." She said softly as she stared at him but Bucky still refused to meet her gaze.

"Bucky, look at me." She said again, gently cupping his face between her hands, forcing him to look at her.

A tear slid down his cheek and Azar gently wiped it away with her thumb. "I'm fine." She smiled sadly.

"Fine.." The soldier laughed slightly with no hint of humour. "I hurt you, Azar!" He said, voice raised, as he moved away from her.

"I'm a monster. You should be terrified of me, let alone to be anywhere near me." He whispered softly, turning his back to her and lowering his head.

To be honest, Azar was scared but she didn't let it show. She knew what she was getting herself into a few months ago when she decided to stay. Tears of her own began sliding down her cheeks.

"Don't say that." She walked over to him, placing her hand on his lower back as she felt him tense up under her touch. "Don't you dare say that about yourself. You are not a monster." She said sternly.

"Azar--" Bucky was interrupted.

"No. Do you know why I'm still here with you after 7 months? It's because I love you." Azar said as he stared down at her. "I promised I would help you because I love you. And despite the times you try and push me away, guess what, I still and will always love you through it all. You can't get rid of me that easily."

Fresh tears formed in his eyes, eventually sliding down his cheeks.

"A monster would never feel guilty about what he's done and you, Bucky Barnes, are no monster." She finished as she wiped his tears.

She wrapped her arms around him, enveloping him into a hug which he slowly returned, burying his face into the crook of her neck.

The couple stayed in that position for a while, just holding each other in their arms as they comforted the other.

"Let's get to bed." Azar whispered softly into Bucky's ear as she pulled away slowly, the dark haired man nodding as exhaustion took over his features.

Lying on the mattress and covering them up with the blanket, Azar felt Bucky wrap his arm around her waist as he slowly shifted himself closer to her body before placing his head on her chest.

The brunette smiled softly to herself, wrapping her own arms around him and began running her fingers through his dark locks while Bucky listened to her heartbeat which sent him off into a dreamful, peaceful sleep.

That was the first time that Bucky had, had a good night's rest in a very long time with no nightmares occurring. Soon this had become their ritual.

Present (2016)

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Present (2016)

And their ritual it became, Bucky falling asleep to the sound of Azar's heart beating while she ran her fingers through his hair. Azar glanced down at Bucky again, he looked so peaceful.

She smiled softly before kissing the top of his head gently. Just as she was about to close her eyes, her phone lit up with a notification.

Grabbing it, she saw it was from Tony who was calling an Avengers meeting.

Sighing softly, she put her phone down and stared up at the ceiling. There goes her little bubble of happiness.

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