• Chapter Fifteen •

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Both teams broke out into a sprint, some even taking to the sky, as they raced towards each other.

As the fight broke out, Azar stopped in front of her sister, both of them hovering in the air.

"How did it get to this?" The younger twin whispered, glancing down at the chaos below them before shifting her gaze to Rhodey as he flew after Sam.

Artemis could only stare at her little sister with a sad smile.

"What do I do, Arty?" Azar asked, her eyes pleading with her older sister. "My head is telling me that this is what I should do as a hero, but my heart.." She trailed off.

"Is telling you that this isn't." Artemis nodded in understanding. "Follow what your heart is telling you, Azzy. It's always right." She added with a wink, a soft smile etching onto her face.

Azar smiled, quickly hugging her sister before she flew off.

She saw that T'Challa had Bucky by the throat and vice versa before she quickly made her way towards them as the King sent her lover flying backwards.

Just as he extracted his claws, aiming to pierce Bucky's neck, he was kicked into a passenger gangway.

The soldier looked over to see Azar land beside him, helping him up.

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly as she immediately began to check him for injuries.

"I'm fine." The soldier replied.

Azar looked up at him, her brown eyes meeting his baby blue.

"Did you mean what you said?" She asked softly before shifting her gaze to the ground.

The warm, flesh hand of Bucky made it's way up to her face as he grasped her chin gently between his fingers, tilting it up so that he could look into her eyes.

A smile made its way onto his lips as she stared up at him. "I meant every word, doll." He whispered before brushing his lips gently against hers for a quick but passionate kiss.

The brunette giggled as she took hold of his wrist, gently kissing the inside of it before she looked up at him.

"Let's get you out of here." She said before they both ran off hand in hand.

The couple quickly met up with Steve, who had just ended his fight with Peter, the three of them taking cover.

"We gotta go. That guy's probably in Siberia by now." Bucky said, glancing over at his best friend briefly.

"We gotta draw out the flyers." Steve replied as he glanced at the sky. "I'll take Vision. You get to the jet."

"No, you get to the jet!" The heroes heard Sam voice over comms, Azar looking up to see him be chased by Rhodey. "Both of you! The rest of us aren't getting out of here."

"As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it." Clint said.

"This isn't the real fight, Steve." The para-rescue added.

"Alright, Sam, what's the plan?" Steve asked as he gave in.

"We need a diversion, something big." Sam replied.

"I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long." Scott's voice rang out. "On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half.."

Bucky and Azar turned their gazes to each other in confusion by Ant Man's words. "Don't come back for me."

"He's gonna tear himself in half?" Bucky questioned with an arched eyebrow.

"I volunteer to help." His lover voiced from beside him, causing the dark haired soldier to smirk in amusement.

"You're sure about this, Scott?" Steve asked.

"I do it all the time. I mean once.. In a lab. Then I passed out."

Azar shook her head. "Our fate of getting out of here rests in this guy's hands? Where did you even find this guy, Gramps?" She asked the blonde soldier.

All of a sudden, the three turned around to see Scott grow into a towering Behemoth as he grabbed hold of Rhodey's leg.

"I guess that's the signal." Steve commented, staring at the scene with amazement.

"Way to go, Tic Tac!" The heroes could hear the grin in Sam's voice as they began running towards the hangar.

Seeing this, T'Challa went in persuit of them but halted in his steps as, the now gigantic, Scott blocked his path.

"You wanna get to them.. You gotta go through me." He said and swept his leg through the crates that the King stood on, smashing it to pieces.

As he became distracted by Peter, Scott didn't notice Vision curl himself into a ball, ramming into him which threw him off balance.

The holder of the Mind Stone quickly spotted Steve, Bucky and Azar approaching the hangar before he floated through the Ant Man's chest.

"Something just flew in me!" The three heroes heard Scott yell.

"Seriously, Gramps? Where did you find that guy?" Azar asked causing Steve to glance at her.

"Sam knows him." He replied.

"Oh, well that explains it. He knows weird people." The brunette shrugged.

All of a sudden, the control tower began to collapse causing the them to slow their pace and look over their shoulder to see Vision firing an energy beam from his mind stone.

The tower was then engulfed in red energy, Steve turning to see Wanda, who struggled to slow the tower's collapse, which made the three heroes fasten their pace.

A scream pierced the air from behind them and the tower began to collapse all around them.

Bucky quickly pulled Azar in front of him, making her enter the hanger first, closely followed by him and Steve.

Staring at the quinjet, Azar turned around and gripped Bucky's arms. "You two need to go." She said.

"Not without you." Bucky argued, shaking his head as he protested against her.

The brunette held up her fist as it began to glow with cosmic energy. She threw her fist past Bucky and Steve, blasting T'Challa who had gotten through but it wasn't enough to severely harm him.

"Go." She said sternly to the two men, mainly more towards Bucky.

Steve headed towards the quinjet to fire it up but Bucky stayed behind. He reached into the pocket of his cargo pants and pulled out a silver chain with dog tags, placing it into her hands.

Azar looked at the silver item and noticed that these tags belonged to Bucky, his details engraved into them.

"James Buchanan Barnes?" She asked softly, looking up at him.

"My full name." The soldier smiled softly. "Keep them safe for me, will ya, doll?" He asked, his Brooklyn accent making its way out for the first time and Azar had pretty much swooned at the sound of it.

"I will." She replied before she was pulled into a kiss.

Pulling away, Bucky placed his forehead against hers, closing his eyes briefly. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." She replied. "Now go." She said, ushering Bucky towards the jet, quickly blasting the debris from the entrance before she watched the jet fly out.

She looked at T'Challa, after his failed attempt to keep hold on the quinjet as it left the hangar. "I said I'd help you find him, not catch him. There's a difference."

War of Hearts • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now