• Chapter Eighteen •

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The last thing she had heard was when Tony had called her, telling her that he had arrived at the HYDRA base in Siberia.

That was three days ago.

Azar was worried that she hadn't heard anything since. Something was wrong and her gut instinct was always right about things like this.

She sat on her bed holding onto Bucky's dog tags, her mind racing with so many questions. Was everyone okay? Were they hurt?

Were they?..

She couldn't even finish that thought as tears formed in her brown eyes. Just the thought of Bucky dead.. Azar couldn't imagine her life without him.

Sure, she endured 8 and a half years without him which was painful but bearable. But her soldier dying?..

The brunette wouldn't be able to handle it.

The thought alone scared her causing her to shudder. "They're fine, Azar." She muttered to herself. "They're fine, he's fine. You're just freaking out."

She wiped the tears that had silently slid down her cheek before looking at the silver item of jewellery in her hands. She brought it up, holding it close to her chest as she closed her eyes, trying to calm her overwhelmed nerves.

She jumped as she heard her phone ring from beside her. She saw an unknown number calling her and frowned as she answered. "Hello?"

"Azar, it's Steve." She heard the blonde soldier's voice.

"Steve, oh my God." She sighed in relief. "Is Bucky okay? Where are you? Why--"

"Buck's in pretty bad shape, Azar." The soldier cut her off.

She felt her heart drop. "What?.." She breathed.

"I need you to get to Wakanda, I'll send you the coordinates and I promise, I will explain everything when you get here." Steve said as the brunette shot up off of her bed.

"I'm on my way." She replied.

Upon her arrival to the Wakandan palace, T'Challa had already had two guards waiting for her as she landed the quinjet

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Upon her arrival to the Wakandan palace, T'Challa had already had two guards waiting for her as she landed the quinjet.

The guards escorted her inside and to one of many rooms. As she entered, she found Steve standing by the window and Bucky sitting on the bed.

The dark haired male looked up at the door way and threw her a small smile. "Hey doll." He said.

Azar ran forward, throwing her arms around him as she pulled him in for a tight, bone-crushing hug.

He chuckled softly, groaning in pain as he wrapped his arm around her. "Easy there." He said which caused the brunette to pull away.

War of Hearts • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now