• Chapter Ten •

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Steve, Sam and the twins stopped just outside of the chamber, red emergency lights flashing all around, to find slumped agents all over the floor, knocked out cold.

"Help me.. Help.." They heard a voice call out to them which caused them to rush over to find the so called 'evaluator' lying in a heap inside the chamber.

Azar marched up to him, grabbing him and pulling him up by the collar before she shoved him against the wall. "Who the hell are you? What do you want?" She glared at him.

"I am Baron Zemo, my dear, and I want to see an empire fall." The man now known as Zemo replied.

Just as Sam entered the chamber, Bucky, who had been hidden in the shadows, swung his fist at the para-rescue who barely ducked in time causing the soldier's fist to smash into the wall.

As Sam went in for a punch, Bucky dodged it and slammed his fist into his stomach, knocking the breath out of the para-rescue, before he grabbed hold of his jaw and threw him at the pod.

Azar quickly dropped Zemo and ran to him. "Bucky--" She began but was cut off as his metal hand found its way around her throat.

Azar clutched his wrist in attempt to pry his hand off her throat but her attempt was futile. Bucky was much stronger.

The dark haired super soldier elbowed her in her stomach which caused her to hunch over before hitting her across the face.

That action had resulted in her being thrown backwards, her back hitting the prison pod before she fell to the ground unconscious besides Sam.

Steve lurched forward into the fight and managed to land a punch which Bucky had barely felt.

Bucky had then punched the blonde super soldier and kicked him out of the chamber and into the hallway.

A series of punches were thrown between the two, one of which Bucky's had went through the door of the elevator.

He went in for another causing Steve to block it but the amount of power from Bucky's fist had sent Steve tumbling down the darkened elevator shaft.

Glaring down at the blonde super soldier, Bucky felt a pair of legs wrap around his neck in attempt to get him in a choke hold.

He grabbed his attacker from her brown hair, that was pulled back into a high ponytail, and flung her across the room.

Artemis groaned as she began to quickly get back onto her feet but a hard blow to her face, from Bucky's foot, had knocked her out.

Back inside the chamber, both Azar and Sam came to, blinking as they tried to clear their blurred and spotted vision

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Back inside the chamber, both Azar and Sam came to, blinking as they tried to clear their blurred and spotted vision.

Both heroes had spotted Zemo looking down the elevator shaft.

"Hey." Sam called out which caught Zemo's attention as he found the two heroes conscious.

He quickly bolted as Azar and Sam got to their feet.

War of Hearts • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now