• Chapter Five •

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As fire crews hosed down the building, along with a medical chopper flying above, Azar watched as Sharon Carter passed her alongside a man in a green jumpsuit.

"Call MI-6, see if we can get Micro Forensics to hurry this up. We need the whole team here in two hours or it's not worth it." She heard the blonde woman say before she turned her attention to T'Challa.

The prince sat on a bench with a distant look in his eyes, still stunned by the events that had occurred.

As she made her way over to him cautiously, she noticed a cut on his head as she took a seat next to him.

"I am so sorry." The brunette apologised softly which caused the prince to glance at her.

She noticed that he held a ornate silver ring which he played with between his fingers.

"In my culture death is not the end. It's more of a.. stepping-off point." T'Challa began to explain, glancing over at Azar every so often as he spoke. "You reach out with both hands and Bast and Sekhmet, they lead you into the green veldt where.. you can run forever."

The twin smiled softly. "That sounds very peaceful." She replied.

"My father thought so.." He said as he slipped the ring onto his finger. "I am not my father."

Azar's body stiffened, she knew about the news broadcasts reporting that the Winter Soldier was behind the bombing.

She stared up at the prince as he got to his feet, fear welling up in her eyes for her lover. She knew it wasn't him, it couldn't have been. "T'Challa--"

"Don't bother, Miss Danvers." He cut her off as he began to clench his fists. "I'll kill him myself." He said as he walked away.

The brunette's heart dropped into her stomach at the thought of Bucky being killed but her thoughts were soon interrupted as her phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, she saw her sister's name and answered. "Hey."

"Are you okay?" Came Artemis' immediate response.

"Uh, yeah.." The younger twin replied. "I got lucky.." Her voice wavered slightly as she looked at the ground before she got to her feet. "It wasn't him, Arty. It couldn't have been."

She sighed softly, closing her eyes before she spoke again. "I know because I've been with him over the last few months. He doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore."

Azar could hear her sister sigh heavily, knowing that she was disappointed with the fact that she couldn't trust her enough to tell her the truth.


"I know you are disappointed but please, you can't tell Steve anything. Just keep him home and let me handle this." The youngest pleaded with her older twin.

She heard her sister sigh again. "It's not going to be easy but.. I'll try." Artemis replied reluctantly.

"Thank you.." Azar said.

"Be careful

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"Be careful." The eldest twin said to her sister over the phone.

"Always am." Azar replied before they both hung up.

The brunette made her way back inside the coffee shop where both Steve and Sam sat at the counter.

"Azar try to tell us to stay out of it?" Sam asked knowingly.

"What do you think?" Artemis sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"She might have a point, you know." Sam added.

"He'd do it for me." Steve spoke up, causing both his girlfriend and his friend to turn their gazes to him.

"Steve.." Artemis began softly before Sam interrupted.

"He may have done it in 1945, maybe." The para-rescue continued. "I just want to make sure we considered all our options. The people that shoot at you usually wind up shooting at Artemis and I."

Steve remained silent as Sharon came to a halt next to the trio.

"Tips have been pouring in since that footage went public. Everybody thinks the Winter Soldier goes to their gym. Most of it's noise. Except for this." She explained as she slid a file over to Steve. "My boss expects a briefing, pretty much now.. So that's all the head start you're gonna get."

"Thank you." The super soldier said, looking at the blonde.

"And you're gonna have to hurry. We have orders to shoot on sight." Sharon added before she turned and left.

War of Hearts • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now