• Chapter Fourteen •

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The couple stared at each other before Bucky was flipped over and onto his back, Azar's foot resting on his chest.

Both the brunette and the Winter Soldier were hesitant to fight one another but Azar's head kept nagging at her, telling her that what she was doing was right while her heart was telling her the opposite.

Her conflicting thoughts were broken as she was pulled to the ground, falling onto her back. She quickly jumped to her feet, noticing that Bucky was back on his own.

"Azar, please.. You don't have to do this.." Bucky said softly.

"I have to.." The younger twin replied, her voice cracking slightly as she threw a kick which the soldier quickly avoided.

The two began their dance in a series of punches and kicks, majority of them being thrown by Azar while Bucky either blocked or completely dodged it.

She was hesitant with her attacks, not wanting to harm Bucky and add to the pain and torture that he had endured over the past 70 odd years, thanks to HYDRA.

The brunette kicked Bucky in the stomach, leaving him winded as the breath left him.

She threw a punch at his jaw which then left him dazed before she kicked him back into the wall, pinning him.

She grabbed hold his black ski jacket with one hand as she raised her fist with the other. Her heart broke as Bucky stared at her, hurt filling those baby blues of his.

"Do it.." He said softly which caused the brunette to frown.

"Why won't you fight?" She asked shakily.

"Because I refuse to." Came his simple answer. "I refuse to fight the woman I love." He added before he closed his eyes, hearing the soft gasp that escaped past her lips as he awaited the punch.

But it never came.

He opened his eyes to see that she had let go of him, stepping back. "Don't hurt the kid." She said before fleeing the scene.

That was the first time in 10 years that Azar had heard Bucky confess his love to her and she became so overwhelmed with emotion that it had become too much for her.

Bucky stood in the same position against the wall, still in shock at Azar's sudden flee. So many thoughts had began plaguing his mind, one of them being had he said something wrong?

He knew that he definitely loved and is still madly in love with Azar, that much he was certain about.

But he couldn't help but wonder.

He was pulled from his thoughts as he saw Peter swing himself down to a webbed up Sam.

The soldier quickly ran forward and flung himself in the way which caused both him and the para-rescue to be kicked through some glass and down onto the floor below.

Making a move to get up, Bucky soon found his metal arm webbed to the floor and turned his gaze towards the teenager.

"Guys, look. I'd love to keep this up but I've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark, so.. I'm really sorry."

Taking advantage of the teen being distracted and his babbling, Sam called on Redwing by using his wrist pad.

As Peter shot another web, it had caught onto the drone as it flew past him. With a yell, the little boy had dragged him out through the glass window.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?" Bucky asked the para-rescue, lying on his back as he began reaching for his knife that was in one of the pouch compartments of his holster around his leg.

Sam, who was also on his back with his arms webbed to his chest, glanced to the side of him, glaring at the soldier. "I hate you."

Back on the runway as they made their way towards the hangar, Clint pointed towards the quinjet as he threw a quick glance at Wanda who ran beside him

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Back on the runway as they made their way towards the hangar, Clint pointed towards the quinjet as he threw a quick glance at Wanda who ran beside him. "There's our ride."

Steve and Scott joined their comrades with Artemis flying above them. The blonde soldier noticed Sam and Bucky heading towards them out of the corner of his eye and waved them over.

"Come on!" He called to them as the last remaining two members of his team joined them.

As they headed towards the jet, a stream of energy slicing across the runway caused the entire team to come to a stop.

They shifted their gazes towards the sky to find Vision hovering above them.

"Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now." The holder of the Mind Stone said as Tony as his team arrived, standing across from Steve and his team.

Silence fell as each team stared the other down. "What do we do, Cap?" Sam asked the blonde soldier, not once taking his eyes off of the opposing team.

"We fight." Steve answered as he began to lead his team forward.

"This is gonna end well." Azar muttered sarcastically as both teams strode towards each other, grim determination etched on their faces while Azar and Bucky's were hesitant.

"They're not stopping." Peter said worriedly as he glanced towards Tony, who only continued to stride forward.

"Neither are we." The playboy replied.

War of Hearts • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now