• Chapter Seven •

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The Black Panther attacked with sweeping kicks and slashes, Bucky barely avoiding each attack before he was kicked back into a wall.

The Panther swiped his claws, spinning graciously as the super soldier narrowly avoided being slashed.

Bucky was thrown over onto his back and quickly grabbed a metal bar, holding it up to protect himself as the cladded male swiped at him again.

While the two fought, Steve made his way onto the balcony and looked down at the two.

From the corner of his eye, he saw both Artemis and Sam flying towards the building. "Sam, Artemis, southwest rooftop." He said as he took a few steps back.

"Who the hell's the other guy?" Sam voiced over comms as Steve readied himself.

"About to find out." The blonde super soldier replied before he ran and lept off of the balcony onto the neighbouring building.

The metal bar broke in half and the Black Panther proceeded to lunge at Bucky with his claws but the dark haired male grabbed his wrists before his claws could pierce into him.

Sounds of gunfire had caused the cladded male to turn around and find a soldier up in a chopper, manning the machine gun.

It didn't seem to faze the male as the bullets repelled right off his armoured suit.

"Guys." Steve said as he looked at the chopper.

"Got him." Artemis replied as both she and Sam flew down and kicked the tail of the chopper, shoving it off course before swooping down to street level.

Bucky kicked his attacker, finally able to break free before he quickly got to his feet, grabbing his backpack and slinging it over his shoulders as he ran.

The dark haired super soldier jumped down a level and glanced behind him to see the Black Panther in close pursuit as he slid down the side of the building using his claws for traction.

Bucky jumped again, landing on the ground and took off running with his attacker close behind him. Steve quickly followed behind them, landing and rolling along the ground.

Gunfire from the chopper tore up the sidewalk which caused Bucky to jump down through an opening and land in an underpass.

Quickly taking off in a sprint, the Black Panther soon dropped down and chased after the super soldier, Steve not too far behind.

A Special Forces vehicle quickly pursues the three men.

"Stand down! Stand down!" The driver commanded as the vehicle began to close in.

Steve seeing this, threw himself onto the vehicle, cracking the windshield which caused the driver to stop.

The blonde super soldier then yanked the driver from the SUV and kicked out the windshield before speeding off after his best friend and his attacker.

Bucky ran over the top of a speeding car which he had easily outpaced while the Black Panther was still a few cars behind but keeping pace with the soldier.

Seeing the blonde super soldier come up in the SUV, the cladded male jumped onto the vehicle which Steve saw in his side mirror.

He began to swerve the car from side to side in attempt to throw the Panther off but the male kept a tight grip on the vehicle.

"Sam, Artemis, I can't shake this guy." Steve spoke.

"Right behind you." "On our way." He heard the responses from the para-rescue and his girlfriend.

Glancing at his side and rear view mirrors, he saw several police cars join in on the chase, their sirens blaring throughout the tunnel. He quickly side swiped one of the cars and speeded up.

Up ahead, Bucky had reached a fork in the road and was met with three Special Forces vehicles coming straight towards him which caused the super soldier to jump over the barrier.

A motorcycle headed towards the dark haired male to which he grabbed hold of the handle bar, spinning the bike in mid air which threw off the rider.

Bucky flung himself onto the motorcycle and rode through the oncoming traffic, causing the cars to swerve out of the way.

Steve stayed in close pursuit of Bucky, the Black Panther still holding onto the vehicle. The cladded male got himself onto the roof of the car and lept towards the soldier on the motorcycle.

Reacting quickly, Bucky grabbed his attacker by the throat but the Panther flung himself over his head, causing the bike to lean on its side.

Bucky kicked his assailant off and straightened up the motorcycle, riding on. Getting to his feet, the Panther saw both Sam and Artemis fly towards him and he quickly grabbed onto the para-rescue's leg.

"Hey!" Sam yelled. "Get this thing off me!" He attempted to kick the cladded male off with his free leg. "This ain't no taxi!"

Coming close to the exit, Bucky threw up a bomb which blew the roof at the end of the tunnel as he made his way out.

The Panther lept off of the Falcon and threw the super soldier off of the motorcycle.

Steve quickly swerved through the rubble and lept out of the vehicle as it began to tumble.

He threw the cladded male off of Bucky before facing him as several police cars pull up from either side of the three men, surrounding them.

War Machine landed and raised both hands at the men. "Stand down, now." Rhodey commanded while Bucky stood beside Steve who proceeded to put his shield on his back.

"Congratulations, Cap. You're a criminal." Rhodey said as the police force moved in and roughly forced Bucky to his knees.

The Black Panther slowly raised his hands, detracting his claws before removing his helmet to reveal, none other than, Prince T'Challa.

Both Steve and Rhodey looked curious at this revelation. "Your highness." Rhodey said as T'Challa removed his gaze from the two men, towards Bucky who was hauled flat on the ground and being cuffed by officers.

T'Challa continued to stare the dark haired super soldier, as he groaned softly from being handled so roughly, before he turned his gaze to the blonde who could only stare back at the prince.

War of Hearts • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now