• Chapter Sixteen •

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As they flew towards the mountains, Bucky looked towards his friend in the pilot seat. "What's gonna happen to your friends?" He asked softly.

Steve continued to stare ahead, heavy hearted. A sigh escaped him as he shook his head. "Whatever it is I'll deal with it." He replied.

The dark haired soldier stared off the to side, a thoughtful look taking over his features as a soft sigh escaped from him. "I don't know if I'm worth all this, Steve." He said, shifting his gaze to the floor.

Steve frowned, glancing behind him ever so often as he flew the jet. "What you did all those years.. It wasn't you. You didn't have a choice." The blonde responded.

"I know." Bucky replied and looked towards his friend. "But I did it."

Silence fell between the two men before the Winter Soldier spoke again. "I don't know why you and Azar are still helping me after everything that has happened."

"You're my best friend, Buck. I'm with you till the end of the line, remember?" Steve replied which caused Bucky to smile slightly. "And Azar, you know how stubborn she can be. She'd be willing to lay her life down for you."

That caused Bucky to stare at the blonde in shock. He hadn't mentioned his relationship with Azar to anyone. "How did you--"

"Come on, man.." Steve chuckled slightly. "I'm your best friend. You think I didn't see the look you two give each other? It's the same way I look at her sister."

Bucky glanced at his hands, fumbling with his fingers. "I dont know how she does it.." He said. "Keeping up with me and my demons."

"She loves you." The blonde replied simply.

Tony paced up and down the hallway of the hospital while Vision stood by the window, watching Rhodey go in for a CT scan

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Tony paced up and down the hallway of the hospital while Vision stood by the window, watching Rhodey go in for a CT scan.

"How did this happen?" The billionaire playboy muttered.

"I became distracted." Vision replied, Tony scoffing as he came to a stop beside the holder of the Mind Stone.

"I didn't think that was possible." He replied.

"Neither did I." Vision said causing Tony to stare at him before the playboy left him in the hallway.

Tony leaned against a wall in the busy hospital corridor and noticed a figure out of the corner of his eye.

He turned to see a concerned Azar staring at him with a small smile.

The playboy had led the brunette to the balcony, the two looking off in the distance.

"The doctors say he shattered L4 through S1. Extreme laceration in the spinal cord. Probably looking at some form of paralysis." The playboy sighed.

"Steve is not going to stop, Tony." Azar said before she turned her gaze to her friend beside her. "If you don't either, Rhodey's gonna be the best case scenario."

"You let them go, Azar." The billionaire replied through gritted teeth as he clenched his jaw.

"Because we played this wrong." The younger twin argued.

"'We'?" Tony scoffed. "No, you. You did this because you have the hots for Capsicle's war buddy. Maybe it's the DNA since both you and your sister fell for the frozen duo."

Azar stared at him, eyes ablaze. "Are you incapable of letting go of your ego for one goddamn second?" She glared at him.

Tony stared at her, narrowing his eyes slightly before looking away. "T'Challa told Ross what you did, so.." He sighed with a small shrug, looking at her once more. "They're coming for you."

"I'm not the one that needs to watch their back." The brunette replied with a heated glare before she left him.

Later that night, Azar sat at a table in a café, playing with Bucky's dog tags between her fingers as she stared at the silver item

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Later that night, Azar sat at a table in a café, playing with Bucky's dog tags between her fingers as she stared at the silver item.

Her thumb lightly traced over the engraving of his name. 'James Buchanan Barnes', she thought to herself with a soft smile.

A part of her was worried about him while he was off doing God knows what Siberia but she knew that he was fully capable of taking care of himself.

Her thoughts were broken as he phone lit up, ringing next to her on the table. Picking up the phone and looking at the caller ID, she rolled her eyes before she answered.

"Gonna badmouth me some more, Stark?" She asked.

"Okay, I admit that was wrong." Tony replied causing her to roll her eyes once more.

"Gee, you think?" She asked, sarcasm clearly dripping in her voice.

"Sarcasm duly noted, Spitfire, but I need your help." Tony said.

"The great Anthony Stark needs my help? Wow, what a shock." The brunette sighed. "What?"

"Steve was right about the 'psychiatrist'. He was a fake. Colonel Helmut Zemo, Sokovian Intelligence who ran Echo Scorpion, a Sokovian covert kill squad."

"Get to the point, Tony." Azar said, beginning to get impatient.

"Well the real doctor, Dr Broussard was found dead in a Berlin hotel room. He had met Zemo upon arrival meaning the guy killed him. Cops also found a wig and facial prosthesis giving of Barne's appearance."

Azar's heart was racing. She knew something had been off about the entire situation, the events at the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre being a giveaway but this?

This just confirmed her suspicion altogether.

"So what do you need exactly?" She asked.

"I need to know where Rogers and Barnes took off to. No one is speaking here at the Raft Prison and you are my last hope to help them stop this son of a bitch."

Azar bit her lip, becoming conflicted. She wanted to take this Zemo guy down but what if she couldn't trust Tony?

What if he was only doing this to bring Bucky in?

"Come on, Spitfire." Tony said. "They could need all the help they could get." She closed her eyes, exhaling the breath that she hadn't realised she was holding


War of Hearts • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now