• Chapter Six •

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Bucharest, Romania.

After purchasing himself some plums, Bucky walked along the sidewalk while scanning his surroundings.

Even though he wore a cap and a casual jacket along with a pair of gloves to conceal his metal hand, the dark haired male still felt uneasy while being out in the open, afraid that anyone could recognise him.

He soon noticed a vender at a news stand who was eyeing him suspiciously which caused the soldier to become rigid.

He glanced away for a brief moment and as he looked back, he saw that the vender was still watching him closely.

As Bucky slowly began to make his way over, the vender quickly ran away from his kiosk which set off alarm bells in the super soldier's head. He was recognised.

He went and picked up the newspaper, looking at the front page which showed surveillance pictures with the headline reading 'Winter Soldier cautat pentru. Bombardmentul din Viena'.

Bucky could only stare at the article as hidden fear slowly crept into his icy, baby blue eyes before he glanced at his surroundings tensely.

In his dark blue, armoured suit with his shield on his arm, Steve entered the small apartment

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In his dark blue, armoured suit with his shield on his arm, Steve entered the small apartment.

He glanced around the living space of his best friend and took note of a few things: a mattress on the floor with dishevelled covers along with various bits of cheap furniture.

Something caught his eye as he stopped at the fridge. He reached for the notebook and noticed that there were various coloured sticky notes that were sticking out amongst the pages.

Frowning to himself, the blonde male proceeded to open the book as Sam's voice rung out through his earpiece. "Heads up, Cap. German Special Forces, approaching from the south."

"Understood." Steve replied and felt a presence behind him. He turned his head to find Bucky silently watching him.

Closing the notebook and putting it on the table, he slowly turned around to face the dark haired man completely. "Do you know me?" The blonde asked.

"You're Steve." Bucky replied as he stared at the super soldier before him. "I read about you in a museum."

"They've set the perimeter." Artemis voiced over comms.

"I know you're nervous. And you have plenty of reason to be. But you're lying." Steve said.

"I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore." Bucky said.

Before Steve could respond, he was cut off by Sam over comms. "They're entering the building."

"Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive." The blonde super soldier said as he took a few steps closer.

War of Hearts • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now