Ch 2🍏

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A couple of hours pass by and I'm swamped in paperwork when the intercom beeped

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A couple of hours pass by and I'm swamped in paperwork when the intercom beeped.

"Holl there is a Mr. Maverick on line 2 from Marble Farms Ranch," Sidney said.

"Thanks, Sid," I said.

Hitting line 2.

📞Hello, Mr. Maverick thank you for calling me back.

📞Not a problem Ms. Kane.

📞Please just call me Holland.

📞Well then Holland my name is Worth and what can I do for you all the way in NY?

📞Well, I hear you have an organic farm.

📞Yeah, I have hundreds of acres of it.

📞Well, I own a makeup/skincare line called Glamour Global and the new skincare I'm coming out with I want it all organic with organic fruits and I asked my assistant to find me the best organic farm and she found me yours.

📞I see... Well, she would be right about that. So you want some of my fruit?

📞 Green apples to be exact But I would like to meet with you and check out what you have and go over some numbers and maybe we can make a deal of some sort.

📞I'm not opposed to that Holland. When are you thinking of coming?

📞Umm, let me check my calendar. Wait any certain time good for you?

📞 Anytime is good because my brothers and I run the farm and we are always around here.

📞Well, I have plans this evening but how about Saturday? I can be there by lunchtime tomorrow.

📞Sounds good to me you can look around the ranch over the weekend and we can talk numbers on Monday. Don't book a hotel we have plenty of room here at the ranch. I look forward to meeting you Holland.

📞I look forward to meeting you too and thank you so much Worth.

📞Here is my number in case you need me.

📞Thanks, Worth I'll text you then. Cya Saturday.

📞Cya then Holland.

I beep the intercom: Sid can you come in here, please?

"Be right there."

Sidney walks into the office. "Whats up Holl?"

"Can you make sure that the jet is ready to go tomorrow morning? I am headed to Texas." I said.

"Sure thing. I hope you meet a sexy cowboy." She laughed.

I laugh. "Yeah right! Ok, I'm packing up and heading home so I can get ready for this date." I said.

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