Ch 6 🍏

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The next morning I got up nice and early and showered and went downstairs where everyone was talking

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The next morning I got up nice and early and showered and went downstairs where everyone was talking.

"Morning Guys!" I said walking into the kitchen.

"Morning Holland! Want some breakfast?" Chad asks.

"That would be nice. Morning Clara!" I smiled at her.

"Morning sweetie! Have a seat and I'll get you a plate."

"Thank you, Clara!. So where is Worth?" I ask.

"Right here." He smiled as he walked in the door. "Had to check on my animals."

He sits down beside me. "You about ready?" He asked.

"Yeah as soon as I shovel this food in." I laugh.

Dustin shakes his head and chuckles. "I like you Holland your funny."

After breakfast Worth follows me outside to his truck.

"I need a lift." I laugh. I throw my briefcase in the truck and wait.

Worth chuckles and steps in front of me and places his hands on my hips and slowly lifts me up. By the time my butt hits the seat, his eyes are zeroed in on my breast which is right in his face.

I laugh... "Thanks, Worth."

He snaps his eyes up to my face. He clears his throat... "Your welcome Holland." He shuts the door and runs around to the driver's side and gets in.

He runs his hand down his scruff on his face trying to stop thinking of her breast in his face and wondering what they look and taste like.

"You ok Worth?" I ask.

"Oh yeah just had something on my mind. Listen I have a meeting today at the ranch so if I don't make it to pick you up Emerson will come to get you ok?" He said.

"That's fine with me I just hate putting you guys out," I said.

"Its no problem I just don't know how long my meeting will last. A man I usually do business with wants to buy some fruit off me to make preserves and he wants to see the fruit." Worth said.

"Well naturally because you cant make good preserves with yucky fruit." I scrunch my nose and laugh.

Worth laughs at me... "Yeah, don't think I would sell many that way. Well, here we are." He put the truck in park and smiles over at me.

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