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The next morning arrives fast and we are headed back on the jet heading to Wimberly Texas

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The next morning arrives fast and we are headed back on the jet heading to Wimberly Texas.

"I don't know if this will ever get any easier," I said while buckling my seat belt.

"I guess I'm used to it. They used to make me nervous too even when you could get up and move around I wouldn't," she said.

"Now I don't feel so bad." I reach for his hand and lock our fingers together.

"So whos picking us up?" She asked.

"I think Emerson said he would while Dustin deals with a few things on the ranch and let's face it Chad isn't even awake." I laugh.

"Does it annoy you that he hasn't gotten it together?" She asks.

"Sometimes yes because I feel he's old enough and we all had to but if I push him he gets mad for days and leaves but I want to get him involved with something he loves like drawing," I said.

"Really?" Her eyes get big. "Maybe I can get him to draw product covers for me."

"Maybe if you ask him otherwise he will think I asked you to ask him and he will say no," I said.

"Don't worry you know I have my ways." Holland smiles.

"Oh, I know you do Ms. Kane. You have me wrapped around your finger already." I smile at her.

"Oh, I do do I? I like the sound of that but I must admit I'm wrapped around yours as well. Or maybe around a cowboy boot." She laughs.

I chuckle. "That's more than likely the case."

Once the plane gets underway we unbuckle and head to the bedroom.

"Maybe we can relax and rest a little bit," Holland said as she walks to the bathroom.

"Yeah maybe." I sigh.

Holland comes back and lays on the bed. "Maybe if we snuggle time will pass faster."

"Maybe if I was inside you I would feel much better," I said wrapping my arm around her.

"Oh, you think that would help? What if I told you that I don't have any panties on?" She giggles.

"What? You don't? That's hot." I smile.

"I took them off in the bathroom." She giggles. Reaching out for his zipper. "Let's just get this bad boy out and we can have some fun."

"You have to be quiet though Holland. Can you do that?" I whisper.

"I think so." She bites her lip and places her leg on top of mine and grabs my hard cock and slips it inside of her.

"Jesus Holland you feel so good and hot, tight and wet" I moan.

"I have never been with anyone without a condom and damn you make it all worth it," I said.

"Worth it." She giggles and pushes her hips closer to mine pushing deeper.

"You better not yell out." I place my lips over hers and push in further and faster.

Picking up speed and it isn't long before we are coming together. Breathing heavy Holland rolls over on her back.

"Wow, that was something else." She smiles over at me.

"That you are Holls," I said.

"Aww, you called me Holls." She smiled.

"Do you not want me to call you that?" I ask.

"Oh, I would love it if you do. Only people I love and care about call me that." She said.

I smile at her. "Are you saying?..."

"Ms. Kane the plane will be landing soon. I need you two out here and buckled up for landing."

"Be right out." Holland leans over to kiss my lips. "We better get out there."

Holland slips her panties back on and laughs when It gets stuck on her shoe. I laugh and walk over to help and laugh. "Only you!"

We get back to our seats to prepare to land. Once the plane lands we step off to see a smiling Emerson.

"Holland it's so nice to see you again." Emerson hugs her.

"It's nice to see you too." She smiles.

"Yall ready to head back to the ranch?" He asks.

"Yeah bro we are. Thanks for coming to get us." I said.

"Its no problem. Dustin has things covered at the ranch and well Chad is probably still asleep or something." He shrugs.

I chuckle... "I'm not surprised."

"How is Rex? Have you been able to pet him?" I ask.

"No, he won't let us go around him," Emerson said.

"Aww, poor thing misses me. Even though Worth pet him." She said.

"Shiiiiit... You did Worth?" Emerson asked.

"Well in all fairness her hand was on him too all the time," I said.

"But I did take my hand away and you kept petting him." She said.

"That's true but Holls you were close to him still," I said.

Emerson looks over and winks when he catches onto what Worth just called her.

"So how was New York all you thought big brother?" Emerson asks.

"It was and more. It was very nice and man you should see this ones penthouse. It's huge." I said.

"I'm jealous! When I look out the window all I see is ass... Horse-ass." Emerson laughs.

Both Holland and I laugh.

Pulling up to the ranch it just felt right. Felt like home with my girl in my arms. Stepping out of the truck Roger and Clara were sitting in rocking chairs and Dustin and Chad were sitting on the steps.

"Welcome back guys!" Dustin smirked.

"Its good to be back." Holland smiled.

I grabbed her hand and interlocked our fingers.

"What have we here?" Chad raises an eyebrow.

"Nothing that concerns you, little brother," I smirk.

Chad raises his hand up to surrender. "Fine, then I'll ask Holland later." He winks at her.

"How about that jet Worth?" Clara asks.

"Man that made me more nervous than being on a hot tin roof. I was so scared." I said.

"He was Clara he squeezed my fingers so tight that I needed blood back in them after." Holland laughed.

Everyone laughed.

Clara jumps up. "Let's go in I made some lunch."

"I need to use the restroom and text Aunt Shelly so excuse me please." Holland walks off to the bathroom.

"I can see it on your face," Chad smirks. "You are in love."

"Shut up butthead. I don't want you blowing this for me." I said.

Holland walks back into the kitchen where everyone is sitting around the table.

"Did you miss me, fellas?" She asks.

"Actually we did." Chad smiles. "It was lonely around here without a smiling face but it was peaceful without Worth." He laughs.

"Hey Now! What have I ever done to you?" I ask.

"I'm just messing we missed you too big brother." Chad smiles.

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