Ch 75 🍏

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Later in the night, we make it up to bed and while Worth is in the bathroom I lay down on the bed and place my hands on my belly

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Later in the night, we make it up to bed and while Worth is in the bathroom I lay down on the bed and place my hands on my belly.

Worth walks out and smiles and walks over and leans down and kisses my belly. "Hey, baby! Your daddy loves you already." He said.

I smile at him and tear up. "We love you too Worth."

"What if there is more than one in there?" He laughs.

"More than one? Oh, I don't know if I can handle that." I laugh.

"Nothing you can do about it if there is." He gets in bed behind me and snuggles me in his arms. Kissing my head and we doze off to sleep.

The next morning I wake up to find Worth, not in the bed. I get up to pee and then lay back down. I know he is outside tending to the farm.

I doze back off when my phone beeps

📱Hey, Holls I just wanted you to know that Derrick and I are in the office we flew down this morning if you want to come join us.

📱Hey, what a surprise! I didn't know you were coming. I'll be down shortly.

📱Ok, love ya! 😍

📱Love ya too Sid! 🥰

I yawn and get out of the bed and go take a shower. Once out I throw on some clothes and makeup and my hair up in a bun and head downstairs.

"Morning dear! Would you like some food?" Clara asked.

"Sure I'll take whatever you made." I smile.

"How about some Orange Juice Holland?" Chad asks.

"That would be nice thanks Chad," I said.

He pours us both a glass and sits down beside me.

"Sidney texted me a bit ago and she and Derrick flew in this morning and are at the office. Do you want to go with me?" I ask him.

"Sure I don't mind to go." He said chewing on his bacon.

"Have yall seen Worth?" I ask.

"Yes dear, he and Roger are out feeding the animals," Clara said.

"I figured he was. I need to let him know where I am going. Chad can I ride with you?" I really need to get my car shipped here. I said.

"Sure you know you can," Chad said.

"I'll be back I'm going to go find Worth and then I'll be ready to go," I said getting up from the table.

Once I get to the stable I walk over to rex and pat his head and baby talk him before walking to Worths office. I step to the door and he's sitting at his desk looking down.

"Hey good looking." I giggle.

"Hey, sweetheart what's up?" He asked.

"Just wanted you to know I'm heading to the office with Chad. Derrick and Sid showed up this morning and they are there now." I said.

"Ok, that's fine. I would go with you but I have some ranch business today plus I think Emma said she would be over to finish up wedding stuff." He said.

"Oh yeah we have a few more things to go over and I need to organize my stuff in the penthouse to be packed up and shipped along with my car," I said.

"What are you going to do with your furniture and things?" He asked.

"I was thinking about asking Chad if he wants my furniture because I don't need it and the rest we can put in storage and maybe Sid or Derrick will want it," I said.

"I guess that works. Thanks for thinking of Chad he may want some of it." He said.

"No problem. Well, I better get going Chad is waiting on me. And we can discuss it later but I'm going to buy myself a truck." I laughed walking over to kiss him and head out the door before he can say anything.

Once in the truck driving with Chad, I ask him about my furniture and stuff and he said he would be grateful for it. So he gets first pick. I mean Sid is going to be living with Will anyways and Derrick plans on staying with Emerson so he doesn't need any furniture.

Once at the office I jump out because I cant wait to see them. Sid runs up to hug me as does Derrick. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever sis." He smiles.

"I missed you both! What do you think about the office? The boys worked hard on it." I smile.

"It looks amazing!" Sid said walking around to her desk.

"I love the colors sis. The two conference rooms are a plus as well." Derrick said.

"Yesterday a lady walked in here wanting to know if I had samples to sale." Chad laughs.

"No shit?" Derrick laughed.

Sidney pulls me into my office. "Since I have you alone I have to ask if you are ok? I mean you are glowing." She laughs.

"Well, it's all the great sex." I laugh it off.

"Oh, I bet so. Anyways I'm going back home next week and I was wondering if you want me to go pack up your penthouse for you?" Sidney said.

"You would go do that for me? That is all that is left and get my car here but I told Worth earlier I'm going to buy me a truck. I'm tired of having to ask to be taken somewhere." I said sitting down at my desk.

"I can't believe a woman came in here wanting samples." Sid laughed.

"Chad said the building next door is up for rent or sale and said what about buying it and opening it up as a store of just my products. What do you think of that?" I ask.

"Sounds cool to me but you should probably talk to Derrick about it. He's more business savvy." She giggled.

"What you girls laughing at in here?" Derrick said opening the door.

"I have some stuff to go over with you." I smile at him.

"Ok yall talk I'm going to sort my files," Sidney said walking out the door.

I give Derrick the low down about the business next door and ask his opinion.

"It sounds like a good idea but could we get enough product to keep the place going?" He asked.

"I think so I mean we are always spitting out product and its worth a try. I'll get Emerson to get ahold of Bo and have him let us look at it at least." I said.

"Ok sounds like a plan. I already had all my stuff shipped to Emersons and I need to get my stuff put away but I got time." He laughs.

I decide to text Emerson and get Bo to drop by and I need to go purchase a truck. Maybe Worth will take me.

 Maybe Worth will take me

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