Ch 24 🍏

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Its time to pack up and head to the penthouse when Sid knocks on the door

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Its time to pack up and head to the penthouse when Sid knocks on the door. "A complete outfit for you sir." She smiles at Worth.

Worth smiles at her and takes the clothes hanger bag.

"I told you she would make it happen." I giggle.

"Y'all have a good night." She winks and walks out the door.

"I guess we should head to my place so we can get ready and head to the restaurant," I said.

"I think that's a good idea." He motions his hand for her to go first.

After stepping out of the elevator in the lobby we pass James getting on the elevator. He motions his head as hello.

"Hey, James! Have a good night." I smile at him.

"Yeah, you too." He said.

"Well, you really pissed him off Worth." I giggle.

"Me? You are the one that cockblocked him." He laughed.

"Yeah and brought a mouthwatering man home with me," I smirk.

"Mouthwatering huh? I've never been called that before." He said as he smacked my ass walking to the car.

After arriving home we head to our separate rooms to get dressed.

I let my hair down and fix it and apply a little more makeup and lotion an perfume. I walk into my room and pick out a black wrap-around dress with a v neck to show a little cleavage and some black red bottom shoes.

Worth knocks on my bedroom door. "How do I look?" He asks.

I bite my lip. "Wow, cowboy you clean up real nice."

He had on some nice black slacks and a dark blue button-up shirt and a nice tie.

"I'll have to thank Sid later when I'm ripping this off of you," I smirk at him.

"You look so beautiful Holland. Everyone will be staring at you." He leans in for a kiss. "We better go so that we make our reservation." He said.

Rodney is waiting downstairs with the limo to take us. After hoping in the limo Rodney drives us to the restaurant.

"Wow, this is beautiful! I knew Sid would hook us up." I smiled.

Worth leans over and kisses my lips. "You look very beautiful tonight."

"I'm proud to be on your arm Worth." I smile up at him.

Rodney walks around and opens the door and Worth steps out first. He reaches his hand back inside the car to help me out of the car.

"Thank you Worth! Rodney give us about an hour if you have something to do and you can come back." I said.

"Oh I'm good Ms. Kane plus I brought some homework with me to work on." He said.

"Well if you need anything to eat or drink take whatever from the limo," I said to him.

"Yes ma'am." He smiled.

We walk in and approach the maitre'd standing at the podium. An older gentleman smiles at us. "Good evening!"

"Good evening sir! Reservations for two under Kane please." I said.

"Right this way. Sir, Madame." He said.

Worth places his hand at the small of my back and follows me through the restaurant. Worth pulls out my chair and then sits down across from me.

A Waiter comes over to the table. "Evening folks what can I get you to drink?" He said.

I smile at Worth... "Umm, a bottle of your finest white wine please," I said.

"Yes, ma'am I'll be right back with that." He said.

Worth reaches across the table for my hands. "This is so nice and whispers why are people staring at us?"

"Probably because some of them recognize me with the makeup lines I have billboards and products everywhere. But they may be staring at the handsome cowboy across from me." I smile.

"Well, this is fancier than any place I have ever been to." He chuckled.

"Its all part of the New York experience." I smile at him.

"Here you go, guys." He opens the wine and pours the glasses full. "What can I get you to eat." He asks.

"I want a 6oz renegade steak well done please with a loaded baked potato please." Holland hands him back the menu.

"And for you sir?" The waiter asked.

"I'll take the 22oz New York strip well done please as well and fries with that." Worth smiled.

"I'll be back shortly." He said and walked away.

"I have been wanting a steak all day." Worth laughs.

"Do you slaughter any of your cows and eat the meat?" I ask.

"I couldn't do that plus mine are mostly dairy cows." He said.

"You make it look easy to run that ranch Worth." She said when the waiter brings their food over.

"For the most part it's not hard but every now and then an animal will have a hard time giving birth or you have people like Daniel or you that want to buy fruit. But most people aren't on top of it with contracts and things," he said taking a bite of his steak.

"I like to be thorough having all my ducks in a row." I smile.

"I like that about you Holland."He smiled and looked up across the restaurant and catches a glimpse of Adam.

"Holland doesn't turn around but your ex is over at the bar with another man." He said.

I huff. "That's probably the jerk he cheated on me with. A black-haired guy?" I ask.

"Yeah, his hair is slicked back, and it's black." He said.

"Well, I hope he doesn't come over here. We have almost finished with our food anyways" I said.

"If your done Holland I am more than ready to go." He smiled at me.

I texted Rodney to say that we were ready.

Worth motions the waiter over to get the bill. After it was paid we stood up and head toward the door when Adam appears in front of us.

"I thought that was you," Adam said.

"What do you want Adam?" I asked.

"I have been trying to get ahold of you and even called you several times." He said.

"Yeah I'm aware Adam but I've been busy plus I have nothing to say to you." I roll my eyes at him.

Worth wraps his arms around my waist. "Let's go love." He said.

The limo pulls out and we walked outside to Rodney opening the door and Worth helps me inside while Adam is still hollering her name. Worth shuts the door and turns around to him.

"Listen I don't know you and you don't know me but you need to back off. Clearly, Holland doesn't want anything to do with you. She's trying to move on with her life and she don't want you anywhere around." Worth said.

"We are getting serious and as a man, I hope you understand and back off." Worth tips his hat toward him and opens the limo door and gets inside beside me and leans over and kisses my cheek.

"Let's roll Rodney!" I laugh.

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