Ch 23 🍏

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We walk up to a little retro small building that's red inside and small little booths that line the wall

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We walk up to a little retro small building that's red inside and small little booths that line the wall.

"Wow this is cool and I've ever seen anything like it," I said looking around.

An older lady approaches our booth. What can I get you, honey?" She asked.

We order and she smiles and walks away popping her gum.

"This little place is charming. Emerson would love it. Can I take your picture and send it to Emerson?" I ask Holland.

Holland smiles at the camera and I take the picture and show it to her before sending it to Emerson.

My phone beeps and we both laugh.

📱That's so cool! Where are you? tell Holland I said hi.

📱A little diner near her work called Jacks. You would love the place, Emerson.

📱Eat something for me. Oh and Daniel is here getting berries.

📱Sounds good! He knows how many to get.

📱Ok cya in a few days and let me know how good the food is.

📱I will cya in a few days.

"He was so excited." I chuckle.

Holland smiles and reaches her hands across the table for mine. I lock my fingers with hers. "Your amazing you know that? I love how you can be with me and then all businesswoman." I smile.

"I just don't think work is a place to play around and I demand respect. That's why I am successful. My aunt Shelly taught me that. Her dad was a businessman and he was all business and she hated that." Holland said.

"Now I understand then. Are you going to give Ryan another chance?" I ask.

"I think so I mean I would hope someone would help me if I was in that predicament. If he agrees to the contract then I'm back in." She said.

"Are you going to take a percentage from him?" I ask.

"Yes but a very small amount. He's got to get up on his feet first. I asked for 10% but if he gets it back running smoothly then it will go up to 30% but that's where we were before." She smiled.

"I can't believe he let his sister do that to him it was so dirty. I read in the paper he is having her prosecuted." I said.

"Wow really? Well, she messed his company up and embezzled lots of money." She said.

"I looked up the company when he was in there shouting." I smile.

"Here ya go, honey!" The old waitress smiled and sit the plates down. "I'll get your other two started shortly." She said walking away.

Once she walked away we dug into our food and boy it was delicious even though I feel out of place with a cowboy hat on.

"Don't I look out of place sitting here eating this burger with my cowboy hat on?" I asked.

"I don't think so but either way you look sexy in it." She winks at me.

After lunch, Holland makes a fuss about paying she waits to pick up the other two lunches and then we walk back to the office hand in hand.

Walking back into the building and over to the elevator once inside I lean over and kiss her neck.

Holland turns and grabs my face and kisses my lips hard.

"Mmm, you taste like bacon." She giggles.

I chuckle and lick my lips. The elevator opens and Sidney is smiling like a Cheshire Cat. "How was lunch?" She asked.

"Oh, it was so good." I pat my belly.

"Here is yours." Holland hands her a bag.

I walk into Holland's office to sit down when Sidney whispers. "I want all details I can tell you.." She does the hand motion for sex.

Holland laughs. "Your not right!" She walks off down the hall to Derrick's office and sets his lunch bag on his desk.

"Thanks, Holl! I'm starved! Oh and here is the contract for Ryan. Look over it and let me know if you don't like anything and then yall can sign it together." He said.

"Oh before you go Holls I want to say Happy looks good on you. I like the way you are with Worth. Just don't do it in the conference room please." He laughs.

"Oh, good grief! Do I have freshly fucked on my face?" Holland asks.

"Yeah, I would call it that." He laughs.

Holland laughs walking back to her office. "Well, they know." She said.

"How?" I ask.

"Sidney gave me the sex hand jesters and my brother said I looked happy and had a freshly fucked face. Just not to use the conference room table." She said rolling her eyes.

I can't help but laugh out. "Well, then no need to hide it I guess."

Sidney knocks on the door. "Hey, you two I got you a reservation for tonight at 8."

"Thanks, Sid! Sounds perfect!" She said.

"Yes, and you both have to dress up." She smiled.

"Wait I don't have anything other than jeans with me," I said.

"I can fix that." Sidney points at me. "Your size please."

I tell her and she struts out of the room. "That girl gets stuff done." Holland laughs.

At 4:30 Sidney calls over the intercom that Ryan is here.

"Send him to the conference room and tell Derrick. I'm on my way." She said.

I smile big at her. "I hope I see you get frisky again."

"Maybe later." She winks at me.

I follow her into the conference room and Ryan stands up to greet us.

"Sorry, guys I was finishing up a call Derrick said." Pulling up a seat sitting down beside of Holland. "We went over figures and this what we come up with." He said handing Ryan the contract.

"I will give you the 7k that you need but in return, I want 10% until you are way up on your feet and then we will go back to the 30% but if anything else fishy happens I'm out for good," Holland said.

Damn shes so sexy when shes talking business and she looks mean as hell too.

"You have Worth to thank for me changing my mind because I was dead set against helping you. But everyone can use some help and I understand your sister is to blame for what happened." She said.

Ryan tears up... "You don't know how much this means to me. I had nowhere else to turn and I'm sorry again for being such a horses ass and ..."

"Hey" I speak up. "Horses asses are nice."

Holland burst out laughing. "He owns a ranch in Texas."

Ryan laughs ... "Boy, I was getting the wrong idea there cowboy."

We all crack up laughing.

"Ok sign the paper and we are good to go. Derrick will send you the money online to your new account." Holland said.

"I got rid of the other one and here is all the info you need. I appreciate you so much Holland you have no idea." Ryan said.

"Don't make me regret this because I will hunt you down and make you ball-less." She smiled.

All three guys mumble "ouch".

Holland laughs at them and signs the papers and heads out the door back to her office.

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