Ch 68 🍏

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It wasn't long before the intercom beeped and I let Sid and Will come up

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It wasn't long before the intercom beeped and I let Sid and Will come up.  "Hey, guys I'm glad you could come," I said.

"We are glad for the invite.  Plus I want Will to get to know you guys better." Sid said.

"Come on into the living room that's where Worth is. The food should get here anytime." I said sitting down beside Worth.

Intercom beeps.

"I spoke too soon didn't I?" I laugh hitting the button. "Yes?"

"Food delivery Ms. Kane," Sam said.

"Thanks, Sam! Send them up." I open the door and the elevator opens and a smiling young guy is carrying my bag of food. "Here ya go thanks!" I said.

"Ok, guys I have the food." I take it all out and spread it out on the coffee table. Then I walk back to the kitchen to grab some beers and Sid follows me.

"Sid when we get a minute I want to talk to you alone ok?" I said.

"Sure thing Holls after we eat." She smiled.

We eat and talked and laughed and had a good time and Will seems like a nice guy for Sidney. Not even sure how they met.  "So how did you guys meet?" I ask.

"Well I went downtown to the bar with Derrick and Will was there with his friends and we got to talking. They were here on a little trip to New York but as you know Will is from Texas." Sidney said.

"What part of Texas are you from Will?" Worth asks.

"I grew up in Wimberly," Will said.

"No shit! That's where I live." Worth chuckles.

"Really? What's your last name?" Will asks.

"Maverick." Worth said.

"Any kin to Chad Maverick?" Will asked.

"He's my younger brother." Worth smiled.

"No shit it is a small world. So you own the Maverick Ranch then." Will said.

"That I do and this lady will soon be apart of it." Worth smiles.

While they are talking Sid and I take the leftovers to the kitchen and gather up the beer bottles. "So what did you want to talk about Holls?"

"I was going to try and convince you to move with me to Texas but it sounds like I may not have to beg hard." I laugh.

"Really? How is that going to work?" Sid asks.

"Well Emerson has a friend who is a realtor and found me a building and he is checking it out for me. Derrick already agreed to move and I was going to ask you but with Will living in the same town sounds like I won't have to ask too hard." I said.

"Can I see this building?" Sid asked.

I handed her my phone. "This looks perfect Holls." She said.

"And I can't have a wedding on the ranch without you as my maid of honor you know!" I giggle.

"You want me to be your maid of honor?" Sid asks.

"Of course! Who else silly goose. So do I have to be or will you move with me?" I ask.

"Of course I will move with you and plus I will be closer to Will.  Not sure where I will live but I can figure that out." She said.

"Well until you find a place you can stay on the ranch I'm sure," I said.

We were hugging when the guys walk into the kitchen. "Sidney here just agreed to be my maid of honor.!" I gush.

"Well, that's great news." Worth smiles.

"Oh, Will I was going to tell you that Worth is flying back home soon so if you need a ride back your more than welcome to go on the jet," I said.

"I appreciate that. I was hoping to bring Sidney for the weekend." He said.

"Well then Holls maybe you should come along as well and that way you can check out the building and Sidney can go too." Worth said.

"What building?" Will asked.

"Well, I plan to relocate from here and open my business up in Texas. I was hoping I could talk Sidney into going as well. Derrick my brother said he would be glad to." I said.

"Wow Sidney you would be willing to move to my home town?" he asks smiling really big.

"I would for sure Will." She smiles.

"Well, then we will leave the day after tomorrow then. Sid, please have your phone on work mode and we can answer calls without being in the office." I said.

"I like the sound of that Holls. We are going to head out but you text me a time to leave ok?" She said hugging me.

"Sounds good! Nice meeting you Will. Bye guys." I said as Worth wraps his arms around me. "Later y'all," He said.

Once the door is closed Worth turns me around to face him. "Well, it looks like it won't take long to convince her."

"I told her she could stay with us but I bet Will won't let that happen haha," I said.

"Oh I bet not either and looks like Derrick has already talked to the guys and he wants to stay with Chad and Emerson." He said.

"Good, then we will have the house to ourselves." I smile.

"You're not agreeing to all of this just to make me happy are you Holls?" He asked.

"No I fell in love with the ranch right away I love it there and all of you guys. I think I will fit right in." I smile pulling him in for a kiss.

"You will fit in perfectly sweetheart and I'm so excited that we won't be in different states much longer." He said kissing me again.

"I am excited Worth. I don't care to give up all of this just to be with you." I straddle his lap and wrap my arms around his waist and lean in and kiss him.

"Can we just get married tomorrow?" He chuckles.

"What and have our families kill us? No way Worth and plus I want to get married on the ranch. It will be so beautiful." I said smiling at him kissing his lips.

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