Ch 41 🍏

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Later in the night while Holland was in her room changing clothes I thought I would go knock on her door

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Later in the night while Holland was in her room changing clothes I thought I would go knock on her door.

"Come in!" she said.

I smile as I open the door "Hey I wanted to check on you before bed and see if you want to come to my room to sleep tonight or if you wanted me to stay in here with you?"

"Well, I haven't gotten to sleep in your room so I would say that would be nice. Just let me pull my hair up and take this makeup off and I'm all set." She said.

Walking down the hall together felt like home to me. I lead her into the room and shut the door and lock it.

"Make yourself comfortable sweetheart. I'm just going to change." I said.

Holland walks over to the bed and turns it down and sits down checking her emails while waiting.

I walk out in my boxers only and moves to the side of the bed. "So how did you like today? Not so nervous now after meeting my folks?" I ask.

"Everyone was very nice and I had such a great time." She smiles.

"We should probably get some rest because my pops will be waking up at 5 am to go take care of the animals and I'll have to help," I said.

"Well don't let me stand in your way. I'm ready for some sleep." She yawns.

"Can I hold you Holls?" I ask as we lay down in the bed.

"You don't even have to ask that question." She leans back and kisses me and then we snuggle up and fall asleep.

The next morning I woke up really early and went out to help pops with the animals. When I walked back upstairs I found Holland in the shower. I pull the curtain back while she is soaping up. "Any room for me in there?" I ask.

"Of course there is room for you Worth." She smiled.

Holland steps under the sprayer and I step in and put my hands in her hair to help wash out the suds.

"You got up early didn't you?" She asked.

"Yeah, sweetheart I had to. Pops, Emerson, Dustin, and I did the ranch work this morning and fed the animals and now it's done for the day anyways. We will feed them again this evening but pop tries to sneak out and we won't let him." I said.

"Yeah, you smell like horse poop." She giggles.

"Well, thanks Holland I love you too." I chuckle.

Holland giggles and pulls me under the sprayer and kisses me. Here let me clean you." She said.

After a little fooling around I lift Holland up in my arms and place her back against the shower. She closes her eyes as I kiss her lips and down her jaw and neck.

"I need you Worth." She moans and wraps her arms around my neck.

I sink myself inside of her going nice and slow. "God you feel so good, sweetheart."

"You feel good too." She runs her fingers through my hair finding my lips through the stream of the water and deepens the kiss.

"I love you so much Worth." She pants out.

"I love you too Holland," I said.

Our wet bodies move up and down each other quickly. "Sweetheart I can't last much longer," I said.

"You don't have to wait I'm coming now" She moans as she tightens herself around me and soon after I spill inside of her.

We kiss for a few minutes when I let her down slowly. "We better wash off this time huh?" I laugh.

Holland giggles. "Yeah, we probably should and get downstairs before they start looking for us."

After drying off then we both dress and get ready and head downstairs. "You know the girls will be pestering you today for makeup." I chuckle.

"Oh, that's ok I told them that I had more." She smiles.

Hollands phone pings.

📱Hey sis! If your up facetime me.

"It's Derrick he wants to facetime," Holland said.

"Well, I'll go out so you can do that," I said.

"No stay here I don't have anything to hide." She laughs.

We both sit on the bed and she dials Derrick.

📞Hey Derrick! What up?

📞Hey guys! How's it going? How was the cookout?

📞Oh gosh so good! I'm still full you would have loved it. So whats up?

📞Holls I just wanted you to know that I pulled some strings and you should be getting an email soon if you haven't already about the paternity. I wanted you to know for sure before you leave.

📞You didn't have to do that. But thank you. I really appreciate it so much. I'll let you know as soon as I know.

📞Ok sounds good. Yall have a good day. I love ya Holls.

📞I love you too Derrick and thank you so much.

As soon as we hung up she went looking for the email. Her hands were shaking so badly she dropped the phone.

"Sweetheart are you ok?" I ask.

"I'm just nervous and I don't know what this changes if anything." She said.

I pick up her phone. "May I? I'll look for you and see if it's there."

Holland sits patiently on the bed watching me scroll through her emails.

"I don't see anything yet Holls. Let's go down and get some breakfast and then we will look ok." I said.

"Sounds good." We stand up and I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tightly. "I love you and it will be ok," I said.

"I sure hope so." She grabs my hand and I lead her down the hall and stairs to the kitchen.

The kitchen was full of talk and laughter. "Morning guys!" I call out.

"Morning you two," Jack said while sipping his coffee.

Hollan walks over to Josie and Clara. "Morning ladies! Anything can help with?"

"Yes, dear will you get out enough silverware for everyone and then some plates." Josie smiles.

"I can do that. This all smells heavenly. That's one thing I miss in New York is good home cooking." I said.

"We miss Clara's cooking when we are on the road." Josie laughs.

"Oh, I bet. She is such an amazing cook." Holland smiles.

"If you don't mind dear take the plates and silverware to the big dining room... We don't have enough room in here." Clara said.

Holland takes off with the silverware and dishes into the formal dining room. She puts placemats down and places dishes and silverware in the right spots.

"How did you learn where each item goes Holland?"

Holland jumps. "Gosh, Emerson you scared me." She holds her chest.

He laughs. "I'm sorry just curious."

"I think it's from all my tea parties as a kid. My Aunt Shelly would really do those tea parties up." Holland laughs.

A few others start gathering into the room. "Well, this looks really nice." Jack winks at Holland.

Worth looks just like his dad. If that's how he looks in his late 50's early 60's I'm sold.

"What's so funny sweetheart?" Worth asks.

"Nothing just admiring how much you look like your dad." She smirks.

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