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It's hard to believe that our honeymoon was over six months ago and its almost time for Poppy's arrival

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It's hard to believe that our honeymoon was over six months ago and its almost time for Poppy's arrival.

Emma has done such a great job on her room. It's a light pink color with red poppies all over the walls and her white crib, changing table, and Chester drawers fit so well with her poppy bedding and a nice Red rug in the shape of a poppy on the floor.

She also made our room amazing. We put Worths bed in a spare room and brought my bed in with my huge grey tall headboard. She made the room grey and yellow with sunflowers as she did when I first stayed here. Worth even liked the room.

We have done a little remodeling as well and made a nice walk-in shower in our bathroom. I even had Emma redo Clara and Rogers's room too, however, they liked it.

The business has been booming as well and I've been working every day. The makeup store which we named Glamorous is going well and Emerson is enjoying himself managing the store and Tiffany is the best associate because she knows all of my products.

I'm up dressed to head into work and Worth is outside with the animals. I walk downstairs to find Clara in the kitchen making breakfast. She has a bowl of oatmeal and blueberries sitting at the table for me with a glass of orange juice.

"Thank you, Clara! This looks so good I'm starved." I smile.

"You are welcome, dear. You need to feed that baby." She smiled.

After eating I walked outside to kiss Worth goodbye and head to work. Once there I get started on some new products we are coming out with.

I had a phone meeting with Ryan Denton and his company is now thriving again and we are back up to thirty percent like we were before.

I heard giggling and I knew it wasn't Sid so I got up and tiptoed to Derrick's door and see Emma sitting across from him at his desk.

"Hey, guys whats up? Emma, I didn't know you were coming in today." I smiled.

"Oh, I just came in to chat with Derrick." She blushed.

"Mmmhmm." I laugh and sit down beside her.

"What can I do for you Holls?" Derrick asks rubbing the back of his neck.

"I have some things to go over about the new products," I said.

"I better get going I have some things to do. See you guys later." Emma said and got up and left.

"Alright, Emma is gone now what is going on between you two?" I ask.

"Nothing yet but I do like her and well shes cute and easy to talk to." He said.

"So my brother likes my sister in law hmm." I laugh.

"You would be ok with it Holls? I mean if something were to happen?" He asks.

"Yeah who am I to stop love but just know if it doesn't work out then you are stuck with this family and seeing her all the time. I mean you do live with her brother." I laugh.

"Yeah yeah I know. I mean we aren't anything yet but been talking a little bit. Ok now show me what you need to be signed." He said.

We head to the conference room and Chad joins us as we look over containers and lip brushes and sponges and checking off what I like and what I don't when I get a pain.

"Oh shit!" I said grabbing my belly.

"What's wrong sis?" Derrick jumps up.

"Poppy kicked me really hard. Oh shit! Oh, Shit!" I said bending over.

"Oh god are you in labor Holland?" Chad asks.

"Chad call Worth and tell him to get to the office now!" Derrick said.

My stomach is hurting so bad and I can barely move it's like a cramp from hell that I can't shake.

It isn't long until Worth comes through the door like one of his bulls rushing over to me. "Sweetheart are you ok?" He asks me.

I can't even answer because another wave of pain hits me and I clutch my stomach. Worth and Derrick help me to my feet when I feel a gush of water and that's when my water broke.

"Oh, shit she just pissed herself," Chad said.

"Fuck! Her water broke. Come on Sweetheart we got to get you to the hospital." Worth said.

They lead me out to my truck and help me get in. "Derrick you and Chad call and let the family know we are on our way to the hospital." Worth said getting in the truck and driving off.

"Oh, Worth it hurts so bad I just want to push," I said.

"Please don't push I cant deliver a baby." He laughs trying to get her to laugh and not think about it.

"I'm trying Worth. I'm so scared but excited as well." I cry.

We pull up to the hospital and he helps me inside and then goes and parks my truck and rushes back in. They take me back to a room and check me and I'm dilated to a two so we have a long while to go.

Over the next couple of hours, the Maverick clan shows up along with Sid and Will and my dad and Nancy. Everyone is so excited.

Finally, seven hours later I made it to a 10, and I'm ready to push. Dr. Green looks up from checking me. "My dear you are ready to have a baby!" He said.

Worth is at my head rubbing my hair out of my face and he grips my hand with his. He leans down and kisses me and tells me I can do it.

After what felt like forever I got her head out and Worth looked a little sick when he looked down there which made me laugh through all my emotions I was having.

"Ok Holland just one more push and your baby girl will be here." Dr. Green said.

I gave that push all I had and it wasn't long until I heard our baby cry. "Oh Worth!" I grip his hand harder and cry as I see Poppy's face for the first time.

"Shes beautiful Holland!" Mindy said holding her up and putting her on my chest.

"Dad, you ready to cut the umbilical cord?" Mindy asks.

"Boy am I ever." He smiles and makes the cut and then he kisses my lips and then her head.

"You realize you just kiss my vagina?" I giggle.

"It wouldn't be the first time." He chuckled.

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