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Later in the night, I went into my room to change my clothes

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Later in the night, I went into my room to change my clothes. I sit down on the side of the bed and let out a breath of air. Wow, what if Daniel is my dad? How would Nancy feel? Hell, how would Derrick feel? I really need to talk to him. I did say it would stay between us four but if I leave him out I will feel really bad.

Since Worth is still downstairs with the guys I figured I would text him that I was going to call Derrick and for him to find me when he's ready for bed.

So I pick up my phone and hesitate while I dial his number.

📱Hey, Holl's! You alright?

📱Yeah, I think so. I have something deep to discuss with you. Can we facetime?

📱Sure no problem.

Once his face pops on the screen I smile. Hey Derrick.

📞Hey, Holls what's up?

📞I got some deep stuff to discuss. I would rather do this in person but since I'm here this has to do.

📞Ok, sis just hit me with it.

📞You remember me telling you about the man that Worth deals with named Daniel?

📞Yeah, you mentioned him.

📞Well, earlier we were talking about back home since that's where he's from well Franklin that is. He was asking mom's name and stuff so I told him but later he asked her maiden name and I told him.

📞Well fast forward a bit Worth calls me to his office and Daniel is there and they tell me that Daniel knew mom back in the day.

📞Oh Wow Holls

📞That's not all. He slept with her once and he's wondering if he is my father.

📞Holy shit! How did you react Holls?

📞Calmly as I could but he and I have the same eye color.

📞Holy shit I'm speechless Holls!

📞Well, we decided to do paternity since I'm here and see what happens. I mean id like to know I guess.

📞Yeah, I would want to know as well you have to do it Holls.

📞I didn't want you to feel some type of way Derrick and I didn't want to leave you out.

📞I appreciate that sis.

📞He's going to talk to his wife tonight. Nancy is a sweetheart and she loves my makeup.

📞Keep me posted on that ok? I'm not mad at you. I know you wouldn't be mad if I was me in this position.

📞Hell no I wouldn't. Its just weird you know? He buys berries from Worth and he and his wife make preserves.

📞Do they have children?

📞Worth said they had a son Kevin but he was killed in a car crash a few years back.

📞Oh well, that's sad. Well, you may give this man another child. I'm really happy for you.

📞I guess we will do that tomorrow before the bbq. Worths parents will be here and I get to meet them and his youngest sister Jessica.

📞Well, I hope you have a good time. I'm headed out down to the bar to have drinks with the guys.

📞Ok, have fun and be safe. Talk soon love you, Derrick.

📞I will I love you too Holls goodnight.

I lay my phone down and lay my head on the pillow just thinking what if Daniel was my dad and how would I feel about that. Would it mess up my relationship with Derrick? I rubbed my head when a light tap knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I turned over to see Worth.

"You ok Holls?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm good. I had a good facetime with Derrick. I had to tell him because he would feel left out and he was ok with it. He wants me to find out if Daniel is my dad. That's weird to say." I laugh.

Worth sits down on the bed. "I know it is and he was so nervous he was afraid to tell you that you would be mad. I told him you weren't like that but that you needed to know."

"I appreciate that. I would hate that we start our relationship out with lies." I said.

"Yeah, that's not who I am. I'm a straight-up honest person and I hope you see that by now." He said.

"Oh, Worth I do." I smile at him.

"Let's head to my room if you're ready. No one is home so you can be loud." He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Where do Clara and Roger stay then?" I ask.

"Downstairs in their own huge room. Its off near the kitchen and the guys went home and Chad went with Emerson I think." He said.

"Lead the way then." I grab my PJs and phone and follow him down the hall.

"What time are your parents arriving?" I ask.

"I think they said around lunchtime. Are you nervous to meet them?" He asked.

"Of course I am. What are their names?" I ask.

"My dad is Jack and my mom is Josie." He said.

"Oh gosh, I hope I remember that." I laugh.

"You will and they will love you. Everyone has been talking about you how nice and pretty you are and how much Rex loves you." He said.

I giggle... "I guess we should get up kinda early and get the paternity test over and done with."

"Yeah, I think I will text him now.

📱Daniel, we will be by your place around 10 so we can go do the paternity test so yall can get it over with.

📱Sound good Worth! Nancy is on board. Goodnight.

"Sounds like its a good." Worth said as he begins taking his clothes off. "But first I think we got some lovemaking to be had."

I giggle and drop my PJs on the floor and get under the covers.

Worth strips down to nothing and cuts the light off and jumps in bed beside me.

"I have been wanting to get my hands on you allllll night." He leans over and kisses my neck. "You smell good too." He said.

I giggle. "So do you and so manly. When did you shower?" I ask.

"Right before I came to your room. I figured you were talking to Derrick or Sidney so I wanted to give you time." He said.

"Yeah, I felt it was only right to share that with him. He's the closest person family-wise to me and I would never hide something like that. I would never want him feeling left out." I said.

"Oh I wouldn't either and I understand." Worth kisses me and pulls me close. "Less talking more petting." He laughs.

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