Ch 56 🍏

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Once I get my kiss we walk back to the conference room and I watch Worth watch me work

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Once I get my kiss we walk back to the conference room and I watch Worth watch me work.

By the time lunchtime rolls around we agree on the diner she took me too that I know Emerson will love.

"Come on guys we can walk there it's not far," I said

"I'm excited." Emerson laughed.

Once we arrived and got seated we ordered what to eat and sit and talked about going to see the containers and how the skin cream is coming along.

"So do you guys want to go to dinner this evening? Something fancy?" I ask.

If you guys want to." Chad said.

"How about that fancy place we went Holls?" Worth said.

"Oh let me text Sid see if she can get us a reservation,"

📱Sid, can you try to get us a reservation at that fancy restaurant Worth and I went to last time?"

📱Let me see what I can do.

📱Thanks so much. 😘

"She's going to call and see but if not there are other options," I said.

"Hopefully no ex this time." Worth chuckles.

I roll my eyes. "Better not be."

"Wait what?" Emerson asked.

"Last time we went there Holls ex was there and even came to our table and followed us outside then had the nerve to send her flowers the next day wanting her back."

"But he forgot to tell y'all the reason for our breakup after five years is because I came home to find him in my bed with some man," I smirked.

"Oh fuck I would have killed him," Chad said.

"Ouch, that's harsh," Emerson said while taking a bite of his burger.

"Yeah, I was in shock before I started screaming and yelling and threatening to take both sets of balls off. That guy jumped up and threw on clothes so fast and left Adam to deal with me." I laughed.

"Well don't leave us hanging Holland what did you do?" Chad ask.

"I started throwing shit and I'm ashamed to say but I beat him with my fist and I made him leave. But a few days later I had his clothes packed up and sit in the lobby. Didn't talk to him after that no closure or anything. I didn't care to know how long he had been cheating." I said.

"So when did the flower thing start then?" Worth asked.

"Oh hmmm maybe just a few months ago. Maybe within the last six months. I leave then out in the lobby area of our floor but I don't want them in my office. If he's dumb enough to keep wasting his money then so be it. Anyways enough about him and I hope we don't run into him." I said.

My phone beeps:

📱Its all set Holls. Tonight at 7 pm your reservation is set.

📱Thanks, Sid! I appreciate it. Love you! 🥰

"Well, guys we got a reservation tonight at 7 pm. So dress your best. Let's get out of here and go check out the product so we can get back to the house and get ready for dinner." I smiled.

Worth gets up and walks over the counter to pay the bill and we all head outside in the sunshine.

We walk back to the office and tell Sidney we are going to head down to look at the skincare line. We get back on the elevator and go down a few floors to the chemistry lab.

"Hey, Chris! We are here to check things out. You met Worth last time but this is his brothers Emerson and Chad. They came up with my bottle and labels." I said.

"Cool nice to meet you are. Here I need you to put these goggles on please." Chris said.

We follow him back into another room and Chris has a presentation set up for us to check everything out. I glance over at Chad and notice the big smile on his face which makes me smile too.

"So here is the skincare. This one is ready to be put in a jar and put on a shelf. So it's a tester you guys try it out and let me know what you think." Chris said.

"Holls I think you have the honor to open it and smell it first." Worth smiled.

"I'm nervous but ok here goes," I said picking it up and unscrewing the top and sniffing it. "Oh my god, it smells like a green apple." I dip my fingers in and get some of the creams and rub it on top of my hand.

I like the texture and most definitely the smell. I hand it over to Worth to get his reaction. "This smells really good Holls." He smiles at me and puts a little on his hand and smells it again then handing it over to Emerson.

"I can't believe this is from the ranch. I feel pretty proud." He laughs putting some on top of his hand rubbing it in.

"I'm so excited to smell this." Chad sniffs it and his eyes light up. He puts some on top of his hand and rubs it in and smells it again.

"Are we all agreeing that we like it?" I smile.

"Oh for sure sweetheart." Worth said.

"Now can we see it in the container?" Chad asks.

"Let me go get Chris and see if we can," I said getting up heading out of the room to find him. "Hey, Chris can we put some in a container to see how it looks?" I ask.

"Sure go right ahead it's your Holland." he laughs.

"Ok, Chris said we could so Chad will you do the honors please?" I ask.

"You want me to?" He asks.

"Of course you picked the container and I want you to do it." I smile.

"It's my pleasure." He picks up the container and the little spoon Chris provided and spoons it over into the container and screws the lid on.

"What do you think sweetheart?" Worth asks.

"I love it! It's exactly how I wanted it to look." I smile.

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