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I finally get called back to the room and the nurse asks a bunch of questions and I explain what going on

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I finally get called back to the room and the nurse asks a bunch of questions and I explain what going on. She walks out and tells me the doctor will be in shortly. Riiiiight I know how this goes.

I pull my phone out of my purse and see that Worth has left me a text.

📱I love you Holls. I hope all goes well and I'm sorry I can't be there.

📱Hey! It's ok waiting for the doctor now. Love you too.🥰

I put my phone back in my purse when Dr. Green walks in.

"Hi Holland its good to see you again." He smiles.

"Hi, Dr. Green.

"So the nurse told me what is going on. Have you had a period at all since your surgery?" He asks.

"No I haven't and sometimes I have mild cramps but nothing more and I have been keeping a headache recently. I feel sluggish and don't want to do anything." I said.

"I see. Well, it could be a multiple of things but I want to get some blood work from you and then we will do a transvaginal ultrasound to see if everything is ok from the IUD."

"Thank you! I just want to know what's going on. I have a wedding in two weeks, and I'm in the process of moving myself and my company here from New York so it's all overwhelming." I said.

"Well even being busy it shouldn't give you these symptoms. So let's get that bloodwork and I'll be back shortly ok?" He smiled and stood up and walked out the door as the nurse walked back in.

"Ok, we are going to draw a little blood from you. Do you prefer a certain arm?" She asked.

"No, it doesn't matter to me. I just hate needles." I laugh.

"Once this is done I need you to undress from the waist down and put this gown on so we can do the transvaginal exam." The nurse said.

"Ok thank you." I smile as she walks out the door.

Uggh I hate this part. I don't want anyone looking at my snapping turtle besides Worth.

There is a knock at the door and I'm expecting the doctor but its the nurse. "I'm sorry but I have to ask are you the Holland Kane? The makeup mogul?"

I laugh. "Yeah, that would be me."

"Oh wow I thought so but I didn't want to ask. What are you doing in Texas?" She asked.

"Well, I'm getting married in two weeks and I will be here permanently and I am opening my business up downtown." I smile.

"Oh wow, that's awesome. I buy your products a lot. Ok, I'm sorry to bother you let me go check on your blood work." She smiled walking out the door.

It isn't long Dr. Green walks back in. "I'm still waiting on the blood work but let's go ahead with this exam." He said as the nurse walked back in.

He pulls it up on the screen and looks around and stops and takes pictures and more and more.

"Is there something wrong Dr. Green?" I ask because I'm getting nervous.

"Well, it depends on how you look at it. Do you remember when I told you that it's possible you can never have children after your procedure?" He said.

"Of course I dwelled on it for months now," I said.

"Well, Holland you don't have to worry anymore." He turns the monitor toward me and points to the screen at something.

"Do you see that?" He asked.

"Yes, what is it? A tumor?" I ask.

"No Holland that is your baby." He smiled.

"My WHAT?" I said.

"Your symptoms are now clear. You are in fact pregnant." He said.

"Oh my god," I said as my eyes well up with tears.

"It looks like you are 12 weeks pregnant." He said.

"Holy crap! I don't even know what to say it doesn't seem real." I said.

"Here are your pictures of your little baby. Around 20 weeks we can tell what it is. But right now its heartbeat is strong and you are in perfect health. I will write you something incase the morning sickness hits you." He said.

"Thank you so much. I don't know what to say but I'm so happy. I didn't think it was possible. Worth is going to be surprised that's for sure." I said.

"We don't need to wait on your bloodwork since we already know whats going on but if anything else shows up I will give you a call. Make an appointment for a couple of weeks so we can check the baby again." Dr. Green said.

"You got it thanks again for seeing me." I put the pictures inside my purse and walk out to find Emerson.

I find him in the waiting room full of women. "Come on Emerson are you ready?" I laugh.

"For sure." He smirks at me.

"Omg, mom that's Holland Kane." A young girl said.

I turned around and winked at her while I was getting my next appointment.

Walking out to the car Emerson wanted to know if I was ok and I told him I was. I wanted to tell him so badly but I feel Worth deserves to know first. "Yeah, I'm good. He gave me some meds for my nausea but otherwise, I'm great!

As we are heading back to the ranch in trying to come up with a way to tell Worth. I need to come up with something. "Hey, can we stop here for a second? I need to get a small box." I said.

"A party store?" Emerson laughed.

"Yeah, I need a small box. It's for a surprise," I said getting out and walking into the store. After being recognized again I find the perfect size blue polka dot box I grab it and we head home.

"Thanks again for taking me, Emerson. I think I'm going to go upstairs and lay down so if you see Worth will you tell him that I'm home?" I said heading upstairs.

"Sure." He hollers at me and heads back out the door.

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