Ch 55 🍏

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We get off the jet and Rodney is waiting for us at the limo with the door open

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We get off the jet and Rodney is waiting for us at the limo with the door open. "Hi, Ms. Kane! Mr. Maverick and friends."

"Hey, Rodney! This is Emerson and Chad. Worths brothers." I said.

"Nice to meet you guys. Where to Ms. Kane's home?" Rodney asks.

"Yes please, Rodney." I yawn.

"Wow never been in a limo before." Chad smiles while looking out the window.

"Just wait till yall see her apartment." Worth chuckles wrapping his arm around me and kisses the side of my faces.

Pulling up in front of the building Rodney gets out and walks around and opens the door. "Home sweet home Ms. Kane." He smiled.

"Thank you Rodney for the ride and I left you a tip in the seat. You have a good night." I said as the guys grab their bags.

We walk into the building to see a smiling Sam. "Good evening Sam!" I smile heading to the elevator.

"Good Evening Ms. Kane and fellas." Sam smiles.

"Go ahead Chad I know you want to." Worth chuckles.

"Go ahead and what? Press the P? I can't wait." Chad giggles.

We arrive on my floor and the elevator opens and Chad's mouth drops. "Holy fuck look at this place." He drops his bag and runs over to the window.

Emerson's mouth is open but he hasn't said a word just walks over to the window and grabs his phone.

Worth wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck. "I knew they would be like little kids."

I smile at Worth... "You guys want to order some Chinese?"

"Hell yeah, where is the menu?" Chad asks.

"I'll grab it and you can decide what you want," I said walking to the kitchen and grabbing the menu with Worth on my heels.

"Let's order what we did last time for us and then they can pick whatever." He said.

"Maybe I should invite Derrick over?" I said.

"Yeah invite him and order his favorite too. The guys will like him." He smiled.

📱Hey Derrick! I'm home come over! Worth and two of his brothers are here and we are ordering Chinese.

📱Hey sis! I would love to. Be there shortly order my favorite.

📱You got it! Be careful!

"So Derrick is on his way," I said handing the menu over to Emerson. "Pick out what you want so I can get it all ordered.

Emerson shows Chad the menu and they pick what they want and so I order it all up and we sit around on the couch chatting until Derrick or the food gets here.

"While we are waiting I'll show you guys upstairs and you can take your bags and get settled. I'm going to go change my clothes." I said.

They follow me upstairs with Worth trailing up the rear. "Ok, I got two rooms you can pick which one you want. Our room is right here." I said smiling pulling Worth inside and shutting the door.

"The food should be here soon," I said changing into some yoga pants and a shirt. Worth changes as well and we head back downstairs finding Chad and Emerson back on the couch.

The buzzer goes off.

"Yes?" I said.

"Hey, sis I'm here with the food let us up."

"Alright come on," I said.

I open the door to a smiling Derrick and a Delivery guy. "Hey, Derrick comes on in," I said grabbing my money off the counter and walk back to the door. "Here keep the change." I smile.

"Wow, thanks ma'am have a good night." He smiled.

"Food is here and also my brother. Guys come to meet each other. Derrick this is Chad and Emerson." I said.

"It's nice to put a name with a face," Derrick said.

"Same we are excited to be here and it's good to meet you," Emerson said and Chad smiles.

"Let's dig in guys. We can spread it out on the coffee table." I said.

We laughed and talked and laughed more until we were all yawning our brains out. "I think I'm ready for bed," I said looking over at Worth.

"Yeah, same." He stands up to throw his beer bottles away.

"Derrick if you want to stay the night you can stay down here it's too late for you to go home," I said.

"Thanks, sis I think I will if you don't mind." Derrick yawned.

The rest of us head upstairs to our rooms. "I'm so tired I don't know if I'm going to make it to work tomorrow." I laugh.

"Come on now. Ms. Kane can't miss work." Worth laughs.

I join him in bed and smirk. "You know me too well already Worth." I scoot over close to him and we cuddle until we fall asleep.

The next morning comes early and by the time we all get up and get a shower and dressed and out the door its almost 8 am.

"We are cutting it close this morning huh?" I laugh.

"Yeah, I had too many beers," Derrick said rubbing down his face.

We pull up in front of the building and all get out. "I really hope Sid came through and got me a coffee this morning." Derrick laughs opening the door.

Once in the office I go set my stuff down while Worth and the guys head to the conference room. I walk in and there is Sidney with coffees to go around with a box of doughnuts.

"Oh thank goodness, Sid!" I laugh hugging her. "Oh, this is Worths brothers that's Chad and Emerson," I said.

"Nice meeting you guys!" She smiles walking out of the room.

"Well, she's cute." Chad smiles.

"She's off-limits and if you touch her you will be nutless," I said.

Chad throws his hands up in the air. "Ok, I get you loud and clear Holland."

We spend the rest of the morning going over the packaging and adding more details to the container for the skin cream.

I stand up and walk to my office to get a file and go to head back when Worth is standing in my doorway. He closes the door and locks it. "I miss you and really need a kiss sweetheart."

"We'll lay it on me then Worth." I smile.

" I smile

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