Chapter 3

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Days had passed by, and Pamela's mental struggles grew worse after each day. She had taken more frequent restroom breaks at work, not to use it, but to cry and try to ease her mind. She had never been this overwhelmed in her whole life. She new she needed help. But, how would she go about it? Is anybody willing to listen? Or would they just let her down like everybody else? She was becoming more dependent on drinking. It was the only thing that helped sometimes. Other times it just added physical pain to her mental pain. Her condition was beginning to cause a strain on her relationship, she thought. Will was understanding and patient. One of the kindest and most honest person she had ever met. But she thought that she was becoming a burden on him, although she was hoping that she wasn't. She hadn't been intimate with him in a while, afraid of becoming pregnant, especially while she was mentally unstable. She didn't even care if the idea of protection existed, she was still scared. As bad as she thought about their long nights of caressing and the wonderful romance they shared, and found herself aching for it, she was still faced with the fear of impregnation. She wanted children. She loved them, but she wanted mental stability before she brought beings into this world. She wanted to be the best parent she could be. So, anytime Will made a romantic gesture towards her, she came up with an excuse, or moved away. He noticed, and at times, he wondered why. When he tried to talk about it, she would say, "I'm just not feeling too good. Maybe tomorrow." Well, tomorrow turned into a month, then that turned into another month. But Will, a man of self control and decency, didn't force her to do anything she wasn't willing to do. He never disrespected her will or her body, and he remained faithful to her.

It was Thursday night and Will had just arrived home from work. He worked five days a week, and every other month, he would get a week of vacation. When he walked inside, he checked if Pam was home. She wasn't. He kicked off his shoes, took a shower, slipped on a pair of boxers, a pair of dark green gym shorts, and a white t-shirt, then rang her pager to check on her. Pamela, who had stopped at her parents' house after work, heard her pager ringing, so she checked it. Seeing that it was Will, she dialed the number in her parents' telephone.

"Hello?" Will answered.


"I was just checking on you," he said.

"I know. I'm with mom. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay."

"Okay, well I'll see you later, baby."

"Okay," Will said. Then he disconnected the call.

Will sat down on the couch, smacking on some left-over chicken, corn on the cob, and string beans that Pamela had cooked. He was planning on playing video games afterwards. As he finished eating and got up to handwash his dish and fork, the telephone rang. He placed them into the sink, then walked over to the telephone, and placed it to his ear.


"Hey, whaddup cuz?" It was Isaac.

"What's good?" Will heard music in the background.

"I'm just chillin'. Why don't you slide over here to my crib?"

"For what?"

"To chill. Come on man, when was the last time we had some fun? Come chill with me, dawg."

"Alright. I'll bring the game. Which one you want?"

"Bring Mortal Kombat. But we probably won't be playing though."


"'Cause I got company."

"What kind of company, man? I ain't tryna be with no crowd right now. You said you were chillin'."

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