Chapter 8

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Pamela was sitting on the floor in her bedroom, combing out her coarse hair. She wanted to try something new. She had an appointment to get a silk press. She embraced her hair in all forms. Afro-puffed, smoothed down, curly, flat-ironed, or with extensions. She lay flat on her back, and enjoyed the voices of Xscape singing "Just Kickin' It."

She sat back up and continued to comb out her hair. She then stood up and began to dance and sing to Xscape's "Understanding."

She jumped when she saw Will standing at the doorframe, smiling and watching her.

He joked, "What you want me to understand?"

She smiled then sat on the bed.
"How long were you right there?" She questioned.

"About fifteen minutes. Why?"

"Are you serious?"

"That's right. You just never know where I might be, huh?"

"Very funny. I should've farted," Pam joked.

Will grinned. "You fart in your sleep."

"No, I don't," Pam jokingly snapped.

"How would you know?"

"'Cause I just know. And so what if I did?"

Will chuckled. "Anyways, you don't fart in your sleep. But, yo, a dude just tried to sell me a tiny-ass lizard for a thousand dollars."

"What? Get out of here, Will," Pam said while laughing.

"For real. I'm wondering if he was a crack-head or something, 'cause he was talking a whole bunch of nonsense," Will said.

They grinned at each other.

"Anyways, I'm about to go get my hair done. I gotta leave in like ten minutes."

"Aight then."

"Oh, babe?"

"Yeah?" Will answered.

"Leslie called. She said you're supposed to pick her up from practice," Pam said.

"Oh shit, what time is it?" He checked his watch. "I forgot Isaac's out of town."

"Isaac's out of town?" Pam asked.

"Yeah, he went on a trip with Moniece."

"Okay. I see him doing his thang. She might come back pregnant," Pam joked while grabbing her purse.

"And Isaac would be shocked as hell."

"Well it takes two to tango," Pam said as she headed for the stairs.

Will called out, "Hey, baby, wait a second. I got something I wanna tell-"

Pam's beeper rang, preventing him from continuing.

She looked at it. "That's the hairdresser. I gotta go, babe. I'll see you later. You can tell me everything then." She quickly kissed his lips, then ran out of the house. She got into her car, and headed to the hair salon.

Will was trying to tell her about his friendship with Arlene. He and Arlene had been speaking often. Not everyday, but often. They still hadn't seen each other since the night they had met at the club, and Will wanted to keep it like that. Well, until he spoke to Pam about it. But he really didn't see a reason for him to go see Arlene. They were just fine talking over the phone.

The past couple of weeks had been going well. Pam seemed so happy. She was beginning to feel like her old self, but not all the way. Things were getting better for her on some days, but she still had some rough days. Will thought that her cutting out alcohol was helping her. She hadn't drank since the night before he had wrecked the living room.

"Why you so quiet?" Will questioned Leslie as he drove her home from practice.

She was looking through the window.
She turned to him, and said, "I'm just thinking about quitting basketball."

"How come?"

"I just don't love playing like I used to."


"I don't really have a reason. I just don't feel for it anymore."

"Well, I mean, it's your choice, Les."

"Yeah, tell that to your aunt and my dad."

"They don't want you to quit?"

"Nope. They want me to get a scholarship. They want me to be like you, Zavier, and Isaac."

"You don't wanna go to college?"

"Yeah, but I don't wanna play ball. I don't even know if I'm gonna get a scholarship. I haven't really been a good player lately, anyway."

"What if me and Isaac covered your tuition? You think they would understand?"

"Isaac mentioned that to them, but they don't want him to. He didn't even try to persuade them. Ever since he got with that Moniece girl, he's just been so distant, like I don't matter anymore. You changed on me too, Will. I barely ever see you now."

"Chill, Leslie. Everybody goes through shit. I'm here for you any time you need me, ain't I?"

"I guess so," she said, looking out the window.

TLC's "Red Light Special" began to play on the radio station.

"Ooh, let me turn this heat up," Leslie said, referring to the volume of the music in the car. She began to sing the song word for word. She was way too into it, and grooving way too hard, with her eyes closed.

Will turned it down, and she immediately opened her eyes and stared at him.

He glanced at her with his eyebrows furrowed. "Let me find out," he spoke sternly.

"It's just a song, Will," she said.

"It better be," he responded.

She turned up the music, and jammed to it again. Will was the typical protective older relative. He loved her like she was his little sister.

When the song ended, she looked at him.

"I forgot to ask, what's up with that girl Monica? She kept staring at you and Pam at my party."

"I don't know. I guess she likes me or somethin'. I made it clear that I see her as a friend only. I don't need those kinds of problems, ya feel me?"

Leslie giggled. "Yeah." She paused, then continued, "If I ask you something, would you tell me?"

"What's up?"

"So, I guess Pam's dad and my dad are good friends now. Please don't tell anyone that I told you this, but I heard them talking about you the other day. Pam's father was saying that you treat Pam badly and she went over to their house with her stuff late at night. He said you seem very angry and he fears for her safety."

"Pam's father is an asshole, real talk. I don't know what got into him, but he just been acting all grimey. You shoulda seen him when I went to go see her."

"That's what I wanted to ask. What happened with Pam?"

"We got into an argument. I made some mistakes and she had left. Everything's okay now. We been past that. I don't know why her old man is still holding on to it."

"When you say you made mistakes, what do you mean?"

"It means I broke shit, Leslie."

"Oh. I thought you meant you cheated on her or hit her or something."

"I'd never do nothin' like that. You know that."

"Yeah, I know. I don't mean to get all in your business."

"Yeah you do," Will said.

They laughed, then they rapped along to "The World Is Yours," by Nas, until Will pulled into the driveway of Leslie's home. He watched her get inside safely, then he went home.

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