Chapter 13:2

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Saturday rolled around, and it was the day of Khalid and Stacy's baby shower.

Pam stepped out of Lisa's house, dressed in a black tank crop top, and a smooth red skirt. Her hair was slicked back and wrapped into a bun, and she had on red lipstick, and flat black shoes.

Kendra wore a sleeveless white blouse, and denim jeans, while Lisa dressed in a grey blouse and a red skirt.

They hopped into Pam's car, and she drove them to Khalid's house, where the baby shower was being kept in the backyard.

They exited the car, and walked into the backyard. Stacy greeted them with hugs, and they carried the gifts they brought for her to the gift area. Her belly was pretty big for five months, but she looked happy and had a glow.

"Guess what, y'all," Stacy said.

Pam smiled. "Just say it."

Stacy pushed out her hand in front of them, showing her diamond engagement ring.

Pam squealed, "Aww. When did he pop the question?"

"This morning."

"That's sweet. Congratulations," Pam said.

"Congrats," Lisa and Kendra said with smiles.

"Thank you. I'm gonna go sort some things out in the kitchen."

They nodded and watched her walk away.

They began to make small talk, and Pam started to look around. Her eyes landed on Will, who was standing on the other side of the yard, and she immediately felt butterflies in her stomach at the sight of him.

He was wearing a red and white striped Karl Kani t-shirt, and he had on khaki shorts and white nike sneakers. A thin gold link chain shined around his neck, and he had a fresh haircut.

She kept glancing back and forth at him, while trying to pretend to be looking around the backyard.

Will was talking to Isaac. He smiled, as his eyes roamed the scene. His eyes locked with Pam's, and she noticed that his smile faded.

She quickly looked away. The sadness of her mood was evident in her facial expression, but she tried to play it off by checking out her red-polished nails.

She looked over at him again. Two girls walked up to him and hugged him. They were Khalid's cousins, but she didn't know that. One of the girls rubbed his hand and slowly let go as she walked away, smiling at him.

Pam felt jealous, and her vibe was broken. She just wanted to leave, and wish that she hadn't went to the baby shower.

Will knew Pam was watching him. He could feel it. His cellphone rang and she watched him walk into an empty area and answer it. It was his mom, but of course, Pam didn't know that.

She was hoping that it wasn't a girl. I hope it ain't Arlene, she thought.

She watched how he interacted. He didn't seem to be flirting or smiling. He just seemed normal. She tried to calm herself after seeing that.

He ended the call, and walked back over to Isaac. She turned around and started talking with Kendra and Lisa.

A few minutes later, Stacy walked up to Pam and told her that her friend wanted to know if she could give her advice about skin health for babies. Pam and Stacy walked over to the bench where the young woman was seated, and looked at the eczema on the toddler's skin. They began to talk.

Will then saw Kendra and Lisa standing without Pam. He decided to walk over to them and see how they were doing.

"Y'all good?" he asked.

"Yeah, we're okay," Kendra answered, as her and Lisa hugged his side.

He looked over at Pam, and asked, "She's good too?"

Kendra and Lisa nodded.

Pam glimpsed at him, but quickly looked away and continued talking to Stacy's friend.

He walked away and went over to Khalid.

After her conversation with Stacy's friend, Pam walked over to Kendra and Lisa.

"What was he saying? Was he asking about me?" Pam questioned.

"He asked if you're okay," Kendra responded.

Pam felt a little better, but she was still questioning his love for her. Did he ask just to ask, or did he actually ask because he still cares about me and genuinely wants to know if I'm okay?

Will, Zavier, Isaac, Khalid, and Chadwick were all standing up, talking.

Khalid's uncle, Tim, who seemed to be a bit tipsy, walked over to them.

"What y'all young boys talking 'bout?" he asked.

"We talking 'bout how old heads like you think you got game, but really don't," Isaac joked.

Tim laughed. "I got more game than all of y'all put together. I can teach y'all the game, and still have more knowledge to teach."

"Oh shit," Will said with a laugh.

Tim stepped closer to the guys and whispered, "Now, I really wanna know who those young ladies are over there. I like her."

He was looking at Pam, Kendra, and Lisa.

Will wanted to clarify who he was specifically talking about. "You like who?"

"The one in the black top. She's nice. Who's she?"

Will stared at him. Is he trying to mess with me or is he serious? He never met Pam before? Nah, I don't think so.

Tim turned to Khalid. "Who is she, nephew?"

Khalid smiled, and said, "Ask Will."

"He won't answer me," Tim responded.

The guys laughed.

"What's so funny? Is it 'cause she's young? I ain't old. I'm thirty-eight."

"Nah, that ain't why we laughing," Zavier said.

Tim responded, "So why y'all laughing? Let me go talk to her."

He began to walk over to where Pam was, but Will stepped in front of him.

"Hol' up. That's my woman," Will said.

Tim laughed. "Oh shit. For real?"

Will nodded.

"Oh wait. You married, right?" Tim asked.

Will nodded again.

"So where yo' ring at?"

"Don't worry 'bout it, playa. You just find you a different girl to approach. She wouldn't give you any play, anyway," Will told him.

"You don't think so?"

"I know so."

"Anyway, young boy, I ain't mean no disrespect. Your woman's looking good. Take it as a compliment. You got good taste. That's all I'm gon' say. She's a pretty young thing. Her friends are pretty too."

He then dapped Will's hand and walked over to the grill.

The guys laughed at Will.

"I don't see what's so funny," he said with a smile.
The evening was just beginning to lose its brightness, and the shower officially ended.

Will, Zavier, Isaac, and Chadwick walked out of Khalid's yard, while Pam, Kendra, and Lisa were also walking out.

While Kendra and Lisa were saying bye to the guys, Will walked over to Pam, who had just made it to the driver's door of her car.

He stared all over her body, making sure to stare attentively at her arms. She noticed and slightly smiled. He then opened the car door for her.

She sat inside and he closed the door, then he walked to his jeep. No words spoken. Pam smiled to herself, and thought, He still loves me.

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