Chapter 17

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Pam packed up all of her things that she had brought to her parents' home. She then walked out into the living room where her parents were sitting down.

Her father stood up, and grilled, "So you're really going back to him?" He was frustrated and angry.

"Yes, dad. I told you this already," Pam said.

"I just don't understand how you can do this to yourself."

"Do what to myself?"

"He's no good. He's a piece of shit," Mr. Winston said.

"Calvin!" Pam's mother yelled.

"Don't shout at me, Martha!" he yelled back.

"No, you don't shout at me! Now, our daughter is a grown woman, and we didn't raise a damn fool. She knows what's good for her, and just because you don't see it, doesn't mean that you have to force her to leave that man. If they love each other, they're gonna be with each other. You just have to accept that," Mrs. Winston told him.

Mr. Winston stared at his wife, then he looked at Pam, and said, "You do what you want to do. But I don't want to ever see that boy again."

Pam silently walked out of the house.

She sat inside of her car, and took a deep breath. She hated that there was a rift between her father and Will.

She decided to call Malik for one last time.


"Hey, Malik. It's Pam. I really want to apologize for what happened. I know I should've called a long time ago, but I just....I'm just really sorry."

"It's fine."

"How is Theo?"

"He's okay. I switched him to a different pediatric office."

"I understand. Goodbye, Malik."

"Goodbye, Pam."

She hung up the phone, then drove home.

Pam took out her suitcase and her duffel bag. She still had some stuff at Lisa's house, but she decided that she would get those later.

She walked to the door of her home, and knocked a few times, but received no answer. She then turned the knob, and to her surprise, it was unlocked.

She slowly opened it, and anticipated seeing Will, but the lights were all off, and the house was quiet. She checked the garage and saw that his jeep wasn't in there. He wasn't home.

Pam decided to take advantage of it. She went upstairs with her things, unpacked, and went back downstairs.

She turned on the living room lights, and the tv. She wondered to herself if she should get all romantic and put on something sexy for Will, but she decided against it. The last thing she wanted to be was turned down after getting herself hot and ready. She remained in her white shirt and light blue denim shorts.

She waited hours for Will, and occupied herself with ordering pizza and watching a movie.

It was now 4:30 p.m. and she was laying on the floor, facing the tv and eating a slice of pizza, when the door unlocked and opened. Will walked inside and winked at her.

"Why was the door unlocked?" Pam asked.

"I forgot to lock it," Will answered.

Pam took a deep breath.

"You're lucky I did that, 'cause if I was here, I wouldn't have let you in," Will teased her.

"That's not true. You let me in the other night."

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