Chapter 7:2

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Will woke up early Friday morning. He freshened up, got dressed, and went straight to the mall.

Pam woke up a few hours later. She was fully sober. Surprisingly, she remembered everything from the previous night. She wished she didn't. She sat up in bed and saw that Will wasn't in it. She then jumped up and then called out for him, running downstairs to check if he was there. She looked outside and into the garage, realizing he had left. She called his cellphone, but there was no answer. She rang his beeper. No call. Will had turned off his cellphone and left it in his car, but he had his beeper. He knew she was calling.

He walked out of the mall, and went inside of his car. He turned on his cellphone, and called Pam. When she heard the telephone ring, she ran to it, hoping it was him.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Yeah, what's up, baby?" His tone was flat.

"Will, I'm so sorry. I feel terrible about what happened last night. Where are you now?"

"I'm about to leave the mall. You good?"

"No, I'm not. I want you to come home," Pam said.

"I'll see you later."

"Where are you going?"

"Somebody's calling me. I'll call you later." He ended the call. He then called the number that was ringing him. No answer.

He threw his cell in the backseat of his car, then drove around the city. He stopped at a few more stores, played some ball with Chadwick for a little while, then left to go see Isaac. It was night when he arrived at Isaac's house. They chilled out and conversed until midnight.

"Damn. Man, I am tirrred," Isaac yawned.

"Shit, me too," Will responded.

"You just gon' sleep over here or what? I'm about to go to bed."

"Nah, I'm 'bout to go home." Will got up from the couch, put his shoes on, then dapped Isaac's hands.

"I'll see you later, cuz," Will said.

"Yeah, drive safe," Isaac responded.

Will stepped out of Isaac's house, got into his car, and headed home. Isaac locked his house door and went to bed.

Pamela was sitting up on the floor with a blanket over her shoulders. She was in the living room, watching "Lean On Me." She was annoyed by Will, him ignoring her question over the phone and purposely staying out all day. But, she was waiting up for him. She still felt bad. Will had caught her lying to him, only this time, there was no cover up. She had no explanation.

If she had had enough energy when she had gotten drunk, she would've hid the bottle and continued to act like she no longer drank heavily. But, her actions caught up to her. To make matters worse, even after he found her intoxicated, she still tried to hide the bottle. She was thinking of what she could say when she faced him.

Those thoughts were cut short, when she saw the door unlock. Still sitting on the floor with the blanket draped across her shoulders, she looked up at Will when he walked in, but she avoided looking directly into his eyes. He stood still, and his eyes were cold. They were piercing right through her. She shifted her eyes to the television.

She stated, "Don't look at me like that, Will."

"Why not? Is it 'cause you can't look into my eyes? You wanna know why you can't do that? 'Cause all you do is lie."

"If you came home just to pick an argument with me, you should've stayed where you were," Pam countered.

"Oh for real? If I heard correctly over the phone, you said you wanted me to come home. Nah, let me rephrase that. You definitely said you wanted me to come home."

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