Chapter 11:3

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Pam stepped inside of her home, and locked the door. At the same time, Will walked inside from the back door. Without knowing, they both headed for the kitchen at the same time.

They walked right into each other. Pam walked around him, and opened the refrigerator. She took out a carton of orange juice and reached for a glass from the cupboard. She filled the glass halfway, and placed the carton back into the fridge. She then turned around and walked out of the kitchen.

Will watched her walk away. The fuck is her problem? he thought. He poured himself some cereal, then walked into the living room with it.

Pam was sitting in the couch watching tv. Will sat in the chair beside the couch, crunching on his cereal. Annoyed by his crunching, she turned up the volume of the television. He stopped eating and looked at her.

"You're mean as hell, yo," he said.

Pam turned the volume up some more.

"That's way too loud," Will complained.
Pam didn't turn it down, and she didn't say a word.

Will stared at her. He saw something shining on her nose.

"What's that?" he asked.

She ignored him.

"What's that on your nose, Pam?"

Pam snapped, "What does it look like to you?"

Will got up and leaned over in front of her, eyeing her nose. He stared at the stud and tried to touch it. Pam leaned away from him.

He then said, "It's cute. Does it hurt?"

She shook her head. "It's just a little sensitive right now."

Will walked back over to the chair. They sat in silence, watching tv, until evening.

"I'm hungry. Can you cook something for me?" Will asked.

"I don't feel like cooking. Order pizza or something," Pam said.

Will didn't respond. Pam looked at him. He was laid back in the chair, just staring at the walls, looking bummed out. She began to feel bad, but she shrugged it off.

"One minute you're telling me you love me, then the next minute you're acting like you don't care," he said.

"One minute you tell me you'll never cheat, and the next minute you're choosing some bitch over me," she snapped.

"Yeah I told you I'll never cheat and I meant that. And I don't choose anybody over you. So you can just drop all of that bullshit right now."

"See, this is the next thing, Will. Why do you always have to start cursing at me?"

"You curse at me all the time. I'm sorry you can't handle it."

"I'm tired of arguing with your ass," Pam told him.

"Just remember that you started this."

"You're the one who's getting all hurt 'cause I told you to order some pizza."

"That's not what I'm talking about and you know it."

"I didn't start anything. I have a right to feel the way I feel. You think it's okay for you to keep being so sweet and friendly to these girls and I'm supposed to just accept it."

"Let me make something clear. I've only been speaking to one girl. That's Arlene. This girl been through a lot of crazy shit, and we talk to each other about our experiences and shit like that. When I gave her my number at the-"

Pam stood up. "So you're the one who offered her your number? Are you fucking serious?"

"Did you not hear what I said? I said she been through a lot of crazy shit. I was just trying to help."

"I don't care! I don't care, Will! I go through shit too. But you never try to talk to me about it. You don't even say anything when I tell you what I go through."

Will stood up. "How many times have I asked you what's wrong, and all you do is say 'Nothing'?"

"Because you never say anything, Will! So are you planning on talking to her?"

"If she apologizes then I don't see why not."


"You see how you got your therapist? Well basically when me and Arlene talk to each other, it's like a therapy session."

"I have an actual therapist. It's his job. He's not some random man who I met at the club. He's a doctor. If she's going through shit, then she needs to go see a therapist or talk to someone else."

"That's not fair," Will said.

"What do you mean 'that's not fair'?"

"I tell her things that you won't understand. It helps when I talk to her."

Pam frowned. "I'm so tired. I am so fucking tired. I'm tired of everything. I know I'm not stupid. Yeah, I know, I'm not perfect. But I have a heart. I've never emotionally attached myself to another man, Will. And how would you feel if I did? If I looked you in your face and told you that I'm telling some random guy things that I feel you wouldn't understand? But it's whatever. You do what you wanna do and I'll do what I wanna do."

"What you mean you'll do what you wanna do? Listen, I'm not emotionally attached to her or none of that. I'm being honest with you. I didn't say that I'm gonna call her. If she calls me and apologizes to me, then who am I to hold her regret against her? Ain't nothing wrong with forgiveness."

"You forgive your father?"

"My father never apologized to me before," Will answered.

"Do you like Arlene?"

"As a friend, yeah."

"Is she pretty? Got big titties? Got a massive ass? Long hair? Smooth skin? All the bullshit niggas seem to obsess over?"

"Pam, chill out."

"You wanna fuck her don't you? Yeah, you wanna fuck her. You wanna get all up inside of her. You want to hear her moan and scream and do all kinds of things to you. You been with me for too long, huh? You getting tired of being with the same ol' girl. The same ol' girl who gave you her virginity and only ever had you inside of her. That's how you men like it, huh? Y'all like to fuck around with multiple women, but you want to be the first, the last, and the only man your girl has ever been with. It's all good though. I mean, she already showed you how sneaky she is. Go ahead and sleep with her. All she's gonna do is get pregnant, and then you're gonna come home and be like, 'I gotta go be with her, Pam. She's carrying my baby. You keep holding off on having my kids. It's your fault that this happened, anyway. I hope you'll stay with me though, so I can keep stressing you out'."

Will stared at her. He shook his head and chuckled. "I really don't know what to say, Pam. I really don't know what to say right now. What you just said, was the most craziest shit I ever heard in my life, dawg. I mean, what really goes on in your head? Do you just overthink all the time and come up with some crazy-ass storylines like that? And you actually believe them? Please bring me my girl back, 'cause I don't know who this crazy girl is that's standing in front of me."

Pam walked upstairs and went into their bedroom. Will lay down in the couch. Shit, I'm not talking to Arlene ever again. If me talking to her really hurts Pam, then I gotta stop. So if she calls me, I'm gonna let her know that we just can't be friends. It's that simple, he thought to himself.

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