The afternoon was hot and sunny.
Will was dressed in an orange I.B. Blackman t-shirt, and khaki shorts. Pamela had on a sleeveless, dark blue mini dress.She wanted Will to meet her therapist.
Will hugged her and asked, "Can you do me a favor?"
"Sure. What is it?"
"Apologize to Mrs. Stevens."
"Oh hell no. Apologize for what? She needs to apologize to me. She the one gettin' all up in people's business," Pam snapped.
"Yeah, but she's still an old lady, Pam. I mean, would you want those words to be the last words you said to her, if something bad was to happen? No. You would be crying up in my ears."
Pam smiled, then said, "Fine, I'll apologize to her when I see her."
"Why don't we go over there now?"
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah. Come on," Will said, leading Pam outside. She pouted. He then let go of her hand and watched as she began to walk in the direction to Mrs. Stevens' house. She turned around and said, "I thought you said we were going together."
"I changed my mind. Go handle your business," Will said.
Pam rolled her eyes at him, then walked into Mrs. Stevens' yard. She knocked on the door. Will found a spot where he could see them from a distance.
Mrs. Stevens opened the door.
"Hello, Pam," she greeted.
"Hi Mrs. Stevens. How are you? I want to apologize for how I spoke to you the other day. I was upset. I also want to tell you this, and I mean it with no disrespect, but I would appreciate it if you don't go telling my husband certain things. That led to a lot of confusion. It's really my business, and it's my business to tell him," Pam confidently said.
Mrs. Stevens responded, "I just wanted to know if you all had company. That's all. But apparently you had a man in your home who your husband didn't know of. I think I did him a favor."
Oh hell no. I know this lady didn't just try me like that, Pam thought. She was so aggravated that she laughed. She stopped laughing. "I would never cheat on my man. Trust that. You on the other hand, should be worried, 'cause I saw that so-called plumber man pull into your driveway the other night, and I saw him leaving the next day when I was going to work. It don't take a whole night to fix a toilet, so y'all old heads must've been gettin' y'all groove on while you're husband was away. That's a damn shame. But you see, I'm gonna keep my mouth shut, 'cause it ain't none of my business. But just always remember that I know. Bye, Mrs. Stevens."
Pam walked away feeling amazing. Mrs. Stevens couldn't even say a word. She was busted.
Pam walked over to Will. He shook his head and smirked at her.
"What was that all about?" he asked.
"What was what all about?"
"I saw you giving her an attitude, Pam."
"That old lady is rude, Will. I respect my elders, but I will not tolerate disrespect from anyone."
Will smirked at her, then said, "You somethin' else, girl, I swear. Come on, let's go back inside. It's hot as hell out here."
A few minutes later, Dr. Thomas knocked on the door. Pamela opened it.
"Hey, Doctor Thomas!" She was so happy. So content. Will began to feel insecure, seeing her so happy to see another man, but he tried to shake it off.