Chapter 14

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"So you're saying that RnB is better than Hip-hop?" Isaac asked Lisa, who he had been chatting with over the phone for about an hour now.

"I'm not saying that. I like rap too, but I'm more into Soul, Jazz, and RnB."

"I feel you."

Lisa then set the phone down to attend to her broken refrigerator, which began to make a strange sound.

She sighed, then took up the phone. "Sorry about that. My damn fridge is acting up. I might have to get a new one later."

"You know I can fix that, right?" Isaac said.

"You can?"


"I'm actually in the car waiting for Will to get out of the store. You want me to stop by on my way home? I got my tools in my trunk."


"Alright then. I'll be there."


Isaac and Will pulled up to Lisa's house about an hour later. It was 12:30 in the afternoon.

"Looks like Pam is here," Isaac said, seeing Pam's car parked in the driveway. "You coming in?"

"I'm coming in because it's hot out here," Will said. And he was being honest.

"Yeah right," Isaac mumbled. You know you wanna see your girl. Stop tripping, he thought.

They stepped out of the car, then Isaac knocked on the door. Lisa opened it, wearing a white blouse and pink silk pajama pants, with her hair in a bun.

Kendra was in bed, sleeping, and Pam was searching Lisa's bathroom for a curling iron. Her hair was blown out, and poofy, and she only had on one of Will's t-shirts which covered her all the way down to her knees.

"What's up?" Isaac greeted Lisa. "I got my tools," he said, lifting his tool kit.

"Hey," Lisa responded.

She then saw Will. "Sup, Lisa," he said, walking into the living room.

"Hey, Will," Lisa responded.

Lisa and Isaac walked into the kitchen, and Will sat down in the couch, and leaned back, watching a movie that was on the tv.

A few minutes went by, and Pam still couldn't find the curling iron. She then walked into the living room.

"Lisa, did you find the curling i-"
She paused when she saw Will.

He looked at her, slightly smirked, then looked away. He noticed that she had on his shirt. Pam just stood there looking at him. Why does he keep playing with my feelings like this? Does he want me, or is he just teasing me? she thought.

Lisa walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"You were calling me?" she asked Pam.

"Yeah, I wanted to know if you were able to find the curling iron? 'Cause I can't find it." Pam then gave Lisa a 'What is going on?' look.

Lisa smiled, and said, "Isaac's fixing the fridge. Check if the curling iron is in the closet in my room."

Pam then walked into Lisa's bedroom. She opened Lisa's closet, and immediately spotted the curling iron.

She took it up, and said, "I found it!" loud enough for Lisa to hear.

"Okay!" Lisa responded.

Pam then walked into the guest bathroom, and began to play in her hair.

Kendra walked into the living room, yawning. "Hey, Will," she said.

"What's up, Kendra?"

"Tryna see what they got in here to eat," she responded.

Will smiled.

Kendra then walked into the kitchen. "Oh, hey, Isaac," she said, giving Lisa a silly look. Lisa rolled her eyes.

"Sup, Kendra?" Isaac responded.

Kendra then grabbed an apple, and a bottle of water and headed to the living room. She sat across from Will.

"What have you been up to, Will?" she asked.

"Living stress-free," he responded.
He said that on purpose, hoping that Pam heard him from the bathroom. He could tell that the door was open, due to the light that reflected in the hallway.

She definitely heard him, and didn't feel too good about it. Did he really just say that? Pam thought.

Kendra didn't know how to respond, so she remained quiet.

Will smirked to himself.

Isaac finished fixing the refrigerator, then he and Will left.

It was now nighttime, and Pam was sitting in the living room, eating pizza with Kendra and Lisa.

Pam had her cellphone in her hand.

"I hope I don't seem stupid or desperate, but I really just wanna hear him talk to me. Even if it's just a word. It's been over a month. No talking, no kisses, no touch. Nothing. I miss him. I've never been away from him for this long and it just doesn't seem right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for always talking about my rollercoaster relationship," Pam rambled on.

"We're your bestfriends. We're here to listen to anything you have to say," Kendra said.

"Exactly," Lisa agreed. "I think, well I know that Will loves you. He's just upset. Who wouldn't be? I don't blame him. He has a right to be mad, but I do feel like he needs to communicate with you. That's the only way things will change."

Pam nodded, and said, "You know what? I know what I can call and ask him. I can ask him if any mail came in for me. That way it won't seem like I'm pressed to talk to him."

She dialed her home telephone number, and called it.

After a short while, Will answered, "Hello?"

Pam smiled at the sound of his voice.
"Hey," she spoke almost shyly.

"Say whatever you have to say. I need to go to bed."

"It's only eight-fifteen," Pam said.

Will didn't respond.

She spoke again, "I just wanted to know if any mail came there for me."


"When can I come get them?"

"You have a key. You can come pick them up whenever," he told her.

"How long are you gonna avoid me, Will?"

"Until we get a divorce."

"You don't mean that."

"You don't know what I mean."

"You love me."

"It's good to be confident."

"You love me, Will. And I love you. I miss you."

"When you get the mail, leave the house keys."

"It's my house too."

"I'm not repeating myself," he said, then he hung up.

Pam yelled, "A divorce? He just mentioned a divorce! After all these years I've been by his fucking side, he's gonna put me out of our home? And treat me like I don't mean anything?" She allowed the heavy tears to pour from her eyes. "Why is he doing this to me?"

Lisa gently grabbed her into a loving hug. "You're gonna make me cry, Pam," Lisa said, fighting back tears.

Kendra couldn't fight her tears back. They streamed down her face.

Will sat in bed, frustrated. He loved Pam more than life itself. It hurted him to be so cold towards her, but at the same time, he wanted to teach her a lesson. He wanted her to feel how she made him feel; to feel the pain that she caused him to feel. He was tired of being lied to; tired of feeling betrayed by the people who were supposed to love him.

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