Two weeks went by, and still, Pamela struggled.
Friday had arrived, and she was glad to be home and not at work. She planned to do laundry. Will had straightened up the living room, and would try to cook dinner later. It was just the two of them. Pamela began going through their clothing, checking pockets for valuables and making sure work badges weren't attached to any of them.
Wearing one of Will's oversized blue sweatshirts, with her natural hair caught up in a fuzzy puff, Pam placed her hands into the front pockets of one of Will's jeans. She felt a piece of paper in the left side. Making sure it wasn't anything important, so she wouldn't throw it away, she glanced at it. It read Monica and a phone number underneath.
Pamela looked at it for almost a minute, growing angrier every second. She tried to calm down, telling herself that it could be a co-worker or just a friend. But, she couldn't. She wasn't even the jealous type, but she hadn't been her usual self lately, and the mind can cause a huge change in one's personality.
She stormed up the stairs. Will was washing his hands in the bathroom. He was also dressed comfortably, in a white shirt and multi-colored Phoenix Suns basketball shorts. Pam waited for him in their room with her arms folded.
When he walked in, she asked, "Who is Monica?"
Will responded, "What?" He lowered his eyebrows, trying to figure out why she was asking him that. He was also trying to recall that name, but he couldn't. He didn't remember that it was the name of the girl from Isaac's party.
"I said, who's Monica?"
"I don't know." He stood confused, looking down at her.
She pulled out the paper in front of him and said, "Then why was her number in your pocket?"
Will thought about it for a second. Then, he remembered that Monica was the girl who he had met at the party, and she had put her number in his pocket. Oh, shit, he thought to himself.
"Oh, that's someone I met at Isaac's party." He had no intentions of cheating, but Pam's intense stare made him nervous. They stood there, staring at each other. Tension filled the room. So, he tried to hold her hand.
"Nothing happ-"
"Don't touch me! You think I'm stupid? I'm not stupid!"
"Why you screaming? Nothing happened," Will reassured
"Then why do you have her damn number if nothing happened? Obviously y'all had plans to do something!"
"I wasn't gon' do nothing with that girl. If that was the case, do you think I woulda still had her number in my pocket? Don't you think I would've already called her? The party was two weeks ago, babe."
"You're a damn liar! You're lying! You probably out here screwing every girl that you see! I bet you ain't even pick up Isaac from work the other day! You were at some bitch's house!"
"Don't make me raise my voice!" He didn't like being falsely accused.
"How are you gonna get upset, when you're the one fucking up?"
"I'm not doing shit. You think if I wanted to cheat on you, I would make it that obvious? Do I look like a dumb-ass to you, Pam? You think I woulda left that number in my pocket if I was messin' around?"
"You prolly just forgot to take it out!"
"No! I forgot I even met the damn girl! It was still in my pocket because I had no intentions to call her!"
"So why did you even take the number, Will?"
"She slid it in my pocket and walked away. What was I supposed to do? Chase her down and give it back?"