Chapter 10

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Will and Pam were currently planning on having a date night later on at home. It was evening, and they decided to take a ride to Blockbusters to rent a few movies. They went straight there from the mall.

Will parked into the parking lot of the store. The weather was hot, as usual, and Pam wasn't feeling like getting out.

"You already know what movies you're getting, right?" she asked, chewing on a fruity gum.

"Yeah. Why? You not comin' in?" he asked, seeing that she hadn't removed her seatbelt.

She shook her head, slightly furrowing her eyebrows due to the sunlight.

He left the car on, and went inside of the store.

Pam turned the radio up a notch, and rocked her head to "Ask of You," by Raphael Saadiq.

She heard a ringing noise, so she turned down the volume of the music. She followed the sound, and her eyes landed on the backseat behind the driver's seat. She reached over from the front passenger seat and grabbed it, Will's cellphone.

She answered the call, and said, "Hello?"

"Uh, can I speak to Will?"

"Who is this?" Pam asked.

"This is Arlene."

"Who is Arlene?"

"Ask your man."

"Who the hell are you?" Pam snapped.

"I'm the girl who he was all up on at the club. I'm the girl who he's been talking to everyday," Arlene responded, confidently.

"Listen up, ho! You stay the hell away from my man. As a matter of fact, y'all prob'ly deserve each other. Trifling ass," Pam said, then hung up. She folded her arms, still holding on to the cellphone.

A few minutes later, Will came out of the store with a few movies. His white t-shirt and orange polyester shorts were just right for the weather. Pam had on a white sleeveless crop-top, and army-green shorts.

Will opened the door of the driver's side and sat in. Before he could shut the door, Pam threw his cellphone at his chest.

"I'm so fucking done with you! I shoulda known you was screwing around!"

"What are you talking about?" Will's eyebrows furrowed as he shut the car door.

"I'm talking about that bitch, Arlene, calling your phone!"

Will said, "Chill out. It ain't even like that. She's just a friend. I forgot to tell you about her. I only met her one time. We just been talking on the phone about life and stuff like that."

Pamela responded, "I just find it funny how you can accuse me of cheating, when it was my damn therapist, but you want me to trust you when you got a girl calling your phone." She pushed his forehead back with her hand.

"That's different. You had a dude in the house and you lied. You telling me that didn't seem strange?"

"I didn't lie. I just didn't mention it!"

"And I just didn't mention Arlene, because I forgot to. And why you bringing up that shit?"

"Anyways, this isn't about me. This is about your trifling ass! And don't say her name."

"So what did she say, Pam? Cause me and this girl ain't been doing nothing but talking over the phone."

"She said you was all over her at the club, and you been talking to her everyday!"

"That's not true. I wasn't all over her at no damn club. All I did was shake her hand. I'm home with you all day sometimes. Do you see me on the phone? Do you see me on the phone, everyday? Why you lying?"

"Lying? She said that, not me! You about to believe some bitch over me? Fuck you!"

"Yo, don't talk to me like that, Pam!"

"Take me home, now! I don't even know why I'm saying 'home'. It ain't my home anymore."

"I swear you can overreact sometimes, Pam. You gon' leave because of a phone call? I don't think so."

"Take me home, now!"

Will took a deep breath, shook his head, then reversed out of the parking lot and began driving home.

"The next man that ask me for my number, I'm giving it to him. Matter of fact, this patient's father gave me his number. His kid's adorable. Maybe he needs a step-mother," she said.

"You over there talking bullshit," Will responded.

"I'm calling that man as soon as I leave. He's fine as hell too. I'll probably give him his next son."

"Watch your fucking mouth! You forgot that I'm the one behind the fucking steering wheel?" Will yelled.

"Oh, so now what, you're threatening me? You ain't a psycho, Will. You wouldn't do that." She stared at him.

He was looking straight ahead, aggravated. He would never actually bring harm to her. He had just said whatever nonsense that came to his mind, to express his anger.

"You're starting to be like your father. I can't be with you if that's how you're gonna be, Will. I already have so much going on as it is."

Will tried to calm down. "My father got nothing to do with this, Pam. Did you hear what you were just saying? I can never understand how you can just go off on me, but the moment I get angry, I'm the bad guy. I mean, your father thinks I'm hitting you. Who else is thinking that? Why do anytime I express my anger, I get the bad look?"

"Will, did you hear what you said? You basically threatened me."

"I wasn't gonna do anything, and you know it. Were you planning on actually calling that dude?"


"Exactly. Sometimes we say shit that we don't mean," Will said.

Pam stayed quiet for the rest of the ride.

They arrived home, and she quickly exited the car and rushed inside of the house.

She walked upstairs and packed a huge suitcase of clothing and a duffel bag filled with hygiene products and other items.

Will was sitting on the couch. He saw her walk out of the house, and ran behind her.

"What are you doing?" He grabbed after the suitcase and duffel bag. "Why you doing this shit, Pam? I didn't do anything with that girl."

She placed the baggage into the trunk of her car and closed it.

She slid off her wedding ring and held it out towards him. He looked away.

"Take this."

"I'm not taking that shit. Put it back on," Will said.

Pam shoved it into her pocket and went inside of her car.

Will watched her drive away, then he looked over and saw Mrs. Stevens standing in her yard with her arms folded, staring. He walked inside of his house, and slammed the door.

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