Chapter 10:2

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Will sat down and called Arlene from his cellphone.

She answered, "Hello?"

Will grilled, "Yo, how the fuck you gon' play me like that?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you calling my phone and telling my woman some lying-ass bullshit!"

"So what?"

Will was silent. She sensed his anger.

She then said, "I apologize."

"That's not enough. She packed her shit and left."

"So what do you expect me to do?"

"I want you to talk to her and fucking tell her the truth."

"Can you please stop cursing at me?"

"Yo listen. Whenever I find out where she is, I'm gonna call you. I'm gonna give her the phone, and you're gonna tell her the truth. You fucking understand that?"

"Yes, I understand," Arlene responded.

He then disconnected the call. A few seconds later, there was a knock on the door, snapping Will out of his frustrated thoughts.

He got up and opened the door. It was Cam. He was a ten year old chocolate-brown boy, and the grandson of Will and Pam's other neighbor named Carl.

"Sup, Cam?"

"Sup, Will? Can you please help me fix my bike?"

Will stepped outside. "Yeah. What happened to it?"

Cam responded, "I don't know. This part just jammed up."

He pointed at the chain of the bike.
Will stooped down and took a look at it, then he grabbed some tools and fixed it.

Cam thanked him and left. Will went inside to grab his keys and cellphone.

He hopped into his car and drove to Paige's house to see if Pam was there. There were no cars in the driveway. He still knocked on the door, but no one opened it. Nobody was there.

Will then went back into his car and drove to Pam's parents' house. He knocked a couple of times and her mother opened the door.

"Hey, mom. Is Pam here?" Will greeted and asked.

Mrs. Winston responded, "Hey, Will. No, she's not here. What happened now?"

"We got into it. I just need her to know the truth."

"Oh. Well, she's not here, Will."

"Can I use the bathroom?" Will wasn't giving up.

"Of course." She opened the door wide enough for him to walk in.

He didn't need to use the bathroom. He walked straight into Pam's old bedroom to check if her or her belongings were in there.

"Will, I told you she's not here," Mrs. Winston said.

Will walked out of the room.

"Aight then. Later, mom."

"Later, Will," Mrs. Winston responded.

He then drove to Lisa's house. After four knocks, Lisa opened the door.

"Hey, Lisa. Is Pam here?"

"No, she's not."

"Can I use your bathroom?"

"Will, she's not in here," Lisa said, realizing what he was going to do.

"Where is she at, Lisa?"

"I don't know."

"Is she with Kendra?"

"I don't know."

"Yeah, you know where she is. I know you do. Yeah, I know you're her bestfriend and you gotta have her back and shit, but right now she thinks I did her wrong. I'm tryna tell her the truth. You want your bestfriend to be sad over something that didn't even happen?"

"Wow, Will. It's like you just showing all of the sides of yourself this year, huh? You sound crazy as hell." But he does have a point, she thought.

"Can you give me Kendra's address, please?" Will asked.


"Lisa, come on with that. Can you just show me where she lives or somethin'? Please. Please?" He stared into her eyes. "Lisa, I need her to know the truth. You know I would never cheat on her. Help me out, please."

She let out a deep breath and rolled her eyes. "Alright, Will. Let me go get my keys. You can drive behind me. As soon as I pull up to the house, I'm leaving. I don't want Pam grilling my ass. Plus, I gotta get ready for a work meeting."

"I appreciate it, Lisa," he said.

Lisa got into her car and Will got into his. He drove behind her to Kendra's house. Lisa was unlucky, because Pam and Kendra were sitting outside on the porch. Pam saw her car and then she saw Will's.

Lisa got out of the car and walked over to Pam. "Hey, don't blame me, okay? He figured out you were over here and he begged me to show him. Don't be mad at me."

Pam rolled her eyes, then said, "Whatever, Lisa."

Will stepped out of his car, holding his cellphone. He walked up to the porch and said, "What's up, Kendra?"

"Hey, Will," Kendra responded.

He pulled Pam out of her seat. Then, he held her hand and walked to the other side of the porch. "I'm gonna call Arlene so she can tell you the truth," he said.

He dialed Arlene's number and clicked the button to call it. At the same time, a black, tinted, unfamiliar car pulled into Kendra's driveway.

Mark stepped out of it and walked towards the porch. He shouted, "I'm about to kill yo' ass, Kendra!"

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