Chapter 11:2

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"Look, bro. If you want us to leave so you and Pam can have some space to work things out-"

"Y'all ain't got nothing to do with our bullshit. Y'all leaving ain't gon' do nothing. Chill out, bro. Y'all good," Will responded to Zavier.

Zavier nodded. "Well I'm staying until Monday. I'ma go home, and get my stuff together, and in a few weeks, I'm moving back here to ol' Phoenix."

"You sure that's what you wanna do?" Will asked.

"Yeah. I'm done running from my problems," Zavier said.

Will stared at Zavier, but before he could respond, Isaac said, "It's gon' be good to have you back, cuz. And yo, tell Pam thanks for the breakfast. I'm about to go see my girl. I might stay with her for a few nights. Me and her got a lot of catching up to do, if y'all know what I mean. Peace." He did a smooth spin, and walked out of the house, leaving Will and Zavier sitting around the table, finishing up the breakfast that Pam cooked and left there for all of them. She had prepared it early in the morning when they were asleep, and she left before they woke up. When they all had saw the loaded table, they didn't hesitate to indulge.

Pam, Kendra, and Lisa were laying down on the floor at Lisa's house, snacking on popcorn and watching movie tapes.

"Why are you distancing yourself from Will?" Lisa asked Pam.

"He doesn't put out any effort to talk to me, either," Pam responded.

"Pam, you went home way after midnight last night. He was probably asleep."

"No, he wasn't. He was in the living room with Zavier and Isaac. I went to bed, and he didn't even come lay beside me. I'm not gonna be the one to apologize. He needs to apologize to me."

"At least show him that you care, Pam," Kendra said. Kendra felt emotional every time she heard Will's name. She felt so bad that Mark had harmed him. It wasn't her fault, but she still felt a sense of guilt.

"I did show him. I cooked them breakfast before I left. I'm pretty sure they ate it when they woke up."

"Did you kiss him? Tell him that you love him?"

"He wasn't up yet."

"Are you gonna kiss him and tell him that you love him, when you go home?"

Pam stared at her. "Kendra, me and Will are having issues. You don't kiss up on someone when you're pissed at them. Did he come to me and kiss me and tell me that he loves me when I went home? No."

"But he's hurt, Pam. He needs you." Tears slipped out of Kendra's eyes. She continued, "I'm sorry, it's just that, I feel terrible that he got hurt. I just wish Mark didn't do that to him. Every time I think about it, it just fucks me up."

Pam hugged her. "It's not your fault, Kendra. I feel terrible about it too. I cry every night. But, I'm trying to be strong. Will knows that I love him. We're just having problems right now, but we'll get through it. I hope. Well, I think we will. And Mark's ass will get caught soon."

Kendra wiped her tears, then rubbed Pam's hand.

"I love y'all," Lisa said.

"I love you too," Pam and Kendra said in unison, looking at Lisa.

11pm came, and Will was laying down in the living room couch, watching a horror movie, with all of the lights off in the house. Zavier was asleep in one of the guest bedrooms downstairs.

"Stop slowing down. Keep running. He's right behind you! He's right behind you! Shit!" Will yelled at the character in the movie.

Pam smiled as she heard him through the door. She unlocked it and stepped inside. Their eyes met for a moment, and they looked away at the same time.

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