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Sorry about any grammer errors this is my first time writing
This couple is from NCIS

M= Torres mom D= Torres dad S= Sage ( family friend)
G= Gibbs B= bishop T or N = Nick Torres
It was an average day for Bishop and Torres they didn't have a case so they were just doing paperwork they were all at their desks well except for Gibbs he was probably at the diner or who knows where but out of the blue Torres mom dad sister niece and family friend show up and when Nick looks up he is in shock to see his family there he then says
T: what are y'all doing here
D: to see if you can go to lunch we were out shopping and in the neighborhood
T: um yeah I guess we don't have a case we are just doing paperwork
*bishop walks in and her phone rings* *bishop has a worried look on her face*
T: hey bishop you ok
B: yeah I have to run an errand call me if we get a case please.
*Torres is now worried*
S: ok I'm hungry how bout we go eat
*The rest say yes*
G: grab your gear where's bishop
T we don't know she got a phone and looked worried then she left she said to call her if we got a case
G well call her
*turns to his family with a sorry look on his face*
T raincheck
M: yeah
*leaves and calls bishop gets worried she don't answer* Gibbs phone rings he answers
Turns out it was bishop she is taking some time off because of family matters says Gibbs Torres automatically gets worried because it seems like she would have told him then he remembered there conversation last night where he let it slip he don't trust her like he used to because of case where she asked a question if it was possible he killed the guy and he was upset because he thought she trusted him more than that to even think that but I guess not so when he let it slip she said well I only asked because you were drugged and when he heard that he felt bad because he then realized she didn't want to ask the question but the team pushed her to because she was the closest to him so when he remembered that he also realized that since he didn't really trust her she didn't trust him only when needed which means he ruined a friendship that meant the most to him because over something that wasn't her fault at all. So after he realized all that he called her but she didn't answer he was worried she also answered his calls even if he hurt her she would answer that's just Ellie so he went to talk to Gibbs about it all. So after Nick explained everything he told nick where she was and that she had told him that last night along with some other things going on and to next time be careful what you say to her because next time I'm not going help you ok and to wait and till after we solved the case to talk to her. So after the solved the turns out the wife did it because he was cheating and was threatening to kill her. So nick quickly left as soon as possible but when he got out of the building he was met by Sage
S: hey I was just going to text you to see if you wanted to grab dinner
N: uhh maybe next time I have something I need to do
S: well let's go ill help you
N: uhh this is something I have to do alone
S: what is it
N: repairing a friendship that ruined
S: well let's grab dinner and you can tell me what happened and how you ruined the friendship and I can help you come up with a way to repair
She didn't even give him time to respond she started walking towards her car
N: maybe next time but I want to go fix it now
S: dang you must really love this friendship if you want to do it now and not just push it off till later or is this friendship with a coworker and it's just awkward at work
N: both she is my best friend who I can talk to about anything and I know she will always have my back
S: ok but you do know I'm always here to talk and will always have your back
N: thanks and yeah I know I will text you later and we can grab that dinner ok
S: yeah
Nick leaves and heads to Ellies house. Nick arrives at bishops house he gets out of the car and knocks on her door.
B: uhh nick what are you doing here
N: I came to apologize about what I said the other day
B: why are you apologize it was the truth wasn't it
N: well at that yes but then I came to realize that the others pushed you to do it
B: so instead of asking me why I asked you just get mad and stop trusting me and pull away and just think that you can come back and apologize and everything will be dandy right?
N: uhh yes
B: you know when you did all that it hurt right the one person who was supposed to be my best friend just pushes me away for something that the others made me do and stop trusting me Nick in our line of work we have to trust each other.
N: it was numb El I should have never done it and I only stopped trusting you because I thought you didn't trust me
B: come talk to me if think that I have always trusted that's not something I say that often you see nick I don't trust people right away it takes time for me to trust you the reason for it is because when I do I end up getting hurt you were the one person I trusted automatically I should have known better but I thought you were different I guess not
N: El I am different this wasn't on purpose I got caught up in my own self I didn't think of how it might affect you
B: yeah it always happens Nick I get when you were undercover you had to always watch your back and if one person hurts you then don't trust them ever again but Nick you aren't undercover anymore and we have known each other for 3 years and in them 3 years I opened up to you about things I never told anyone and in return when I hurt you not meaning to you push me out. I have one question though?
N: ok
B: why not just come ask me about because I thought you knew me better than that I mean when have I ever hurt on purpose?
N: never
B: exactly so why did you think I would start now
N: I don't know I was just mad I wasn't thinking straight it's just I'm scared because I know that there is chance that one of the guys I put away can come back and my brother-in-laws death anniversary was yesterday so I was in a bad spot then it made me realizes how much of a target you could be so when I thought you didn't trust me I thought perfect your less of a target now I just didn't think how much it could hurt you
B: I can protect my own self Nick I've done it before I have been through a lot kidnapped tortured that's happened to before nick I don't need protecting
N: I'm always going to try and protect the ones I love and that includes you. So are we good
B: yeah just promise me one thing come and talk to me next time
N: I promise
B: want to watch a movie
N: yeah
Nicks phone rings
N: hello
S: hey you make up with her yet
N: yeah
S: ok since you made up with her want to go to dinner that you owe me
N: uhh I'm pretty tired maybe tomorrow
S: ok then goodnight
N: good night
Nick hangs up the phone
B: who was that
N: just a family friend she wanted to go out to dinner early but I said no because I wanted to come and apologize
B: you know you don't have to stay you can go have dinner with her right I'll be fine
N: yeah I know I just don't feel like going out and plus I dint have anyone to criticize or criticize me today and to be honest I kind of missed in so I'm going to make up for tonight *he laughs*
B: ohh ok that's how it going be huh *laughing while she says it*
N: oh what have I done *chuckles*
*they are both laughing* someone knocks on the door
B: ill be right back
Opens the door
B: uhh hi how can help you
S: is Nick here
B: uhh why
S: well we were supposed to have dinner but he said he to come and apologize to you then I called him a couple minutes ago and he said he was tired but I knew he was lying
B: uhh how did you know where I live
S: nicks mom told me when I aksed where he was because we were supposed to grab dinner then he blew me off so she told me where you lived so I could see if he was here
Nick comes up behind bishop
S: I knew you it you blew me off for her
N: I didn't blow you off we never had plans for tonight i said tomorrow night but how did you find know I would be here and where Ellie lives
S: nick im not an idiot I see the way you look at her you love her and you also said you were coming to aploigize I figured you would stay nad your mom told me where she lives
N: why did you come by though
S: to see if my suspicions were true and they were
B: what were your suspicions
S: was I talking to you no
B: your rightbut you were talking about me and that gives me the right to join ok honey
S: who do think your talking to sweetie
B: you who else would I be talking to
N: ok you need to leave sage
S: why
B: because we say so
S: ughh bye
They walk back over to the couch
B: I have a question
N: ok what is it
B: was she right
N: about
B: you loving me
N: uhhhh yes she was right
B: since when
N: I don't know a while ago but its ok if you don't feel the same way
She leans in and kisses him
B: who said I don't feel the same way

The End

                                                       The End

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