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So it was an average day in the office for them they were all just doing their thing McGee was doing stuff with his computer Bishop was at her desk and like usual Torres was there at her desk and they were talking, working leads, flirting like usual and Gibbs was who knows where and then they hear the elevator ding  so McGee looks up and stands up immediately which causes Nick and Bishop to look up and when Bishop does  she gets a horrified look on her face which leaves Nick confused because McGee looks surprised and mad while Bishop looks surprised
J:  hi Ellie
B: what are you doing here
J: I'm here to help with a case
B: ok
Nick saw how tense Bishop looked so he placed his hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring squeeze and when he did she relaxed a little and Jake noticed this and was jealous truth be told he still loved her
J: who's this Ellie
B: first off only my friends can call me Eliie and you are not a friend and this is my partner Torres
G: Jake
J: Gibbs
G: ok what have we got
They fill him in that his financial were good nothing out of the ordinary and his friends and co-workers said he was a good man
G: ok Bishop Torres go talk to his parents McGee go see what Kasie has
J: what about me Gibbs
G: talk to Vance
They all head off and do what there told to
In the car
They sit in silence while he contemplating whether or not to touch the subject then he just says screw it
T: your good
B: yeah
T: yeah right what's wrong El you know you can talk to me right
B: yes, just as I was starting to be happy again he has to come back and ruin it all its just seeing him has brought up some memories
T: him being here for the case shouldn't mean he gets to interfere with your happiness
B: your right    
They arrived at the house talked to the parents and then headed back and on the way back Nick was saying some stupid stuff making himself and Bishop laugh when they got back to the office they were still laughing and laughed all the way up the elevator they started to stop laughing when they got off, just as they did Jake was walking by the elevator and could hear it and then when they got off they were smiling really big which made Jake really jealous. They walk over and fill everyone in and work on it then they find out that the petty officer got into an alteration with Kenny brown so they all suit up and head over there to his house they knock a few times then kick the door down the suspect tries to run out the back but don't get very far they take him into custody and search his house they find the murder weapon and after a few hours of interrogation he finally admitted that he killed petty officer John Flatts because he was sleeping wife. They lock him up and finish their paper work for the day McGee and Gibbs finish first and leave then Nick gets down so he walks over to Bishops desk where she is finishing her report and asks her If she wants to grab a bite to eat she says yeah so he waits and she finishes just as she is putting her laptop in her bag Jake walks over and says
J: hey Eleanor want to grab a drink
B: uh I'm grabbing dinner with Nick
J: ok
Jake walks off and as soon as he does Nick says
T: he got some nerve
B: ain't that the truth
T: I wonder why he wanted to grab drinks with you
B: I don't know and I don't care now let's go I'm starving
T: that's nothing new
B: heyyyyy
She playfully hits him as they get into the elevator they ride the elevator down they get into their cars and head to the diner when they get to the diner they go in order food, talk and joke when they get done they go their separate ways and head home when Bishop gets home Jake is waiting on her doorstep for her
b: Jake what are you doing here
j: we need to talk
b: about what
j: us
b: there is no us there hasn't been a us since you cheated
j: I've changed and I want you to give me another chance
b: NO you had your chance and you cheated there is us and there never will be I've moved on
j: come on Ellie give me another chance
b: no
j: we are good together
b: we were and Jake we could have been happy but you are the one who cheated
j: I know and I'm sorry but I've changed and I'll do anything to prove it
b: No now leave
he walked up to her and kissed her she quickly pulled away
b: what the hell there is no us anymore and there will not be and us we are over for good goodbye
she walked went to her door and unlocked it went in and locked the door but the entire time she was doing this she Jake was yelling her name just as he got to her door she closed it and locked it he started banging on her door saying they were soulmates and to give him another chance then he started to kick the door she quickly pulled out her gun just as she did he broke the door down now they were standing in front of her he had a gun on her and she had a gun on him
b: get out
j: not till you give me another chance
b: why so you can cheat on me again
j: I promise I wont
b: yeah right get out
j: no I'm done begging your mine
b:  no I'm not get out
j: no we deserve to be together
b: you shouldn't have cheated
j: it was a mistake
b: we're over and not getting back together
j: fine if I can't have you neither should your boyfriend
b: he ain't my boy...
just as she said boy he shot her in the stomach so she shot back and hit him in the shoulder the neighbors heard the shots and called the police after a couple of minutes Jake lost consciousness 10 min after that so did Bishop but before she texted Nick Help. When nick got the text he rushed over he was thinking of the worst possible thing she could be dead or alive and hurting when he got there were cops everywhere and 2 ambulances 1 he saw Jake getting loaded up in and as it pulled it away he saw Bishop getting loaded up he rushed over she was awake which was a good sign they loaded her up and Nick hopped in and held her hand and said
t: hey
b: hi
after she said that she started crashing
t: come on Ellie don't leave me not like this
they got her back but she was unconsciousness Nick kept praying she would make it they got to the hospital and rushed her into surgery while they were waiting Nick called Gibbs and McGee and explained everything they both said they were on their way 20 min later Gibbs arrived and a couple minutes after so did McGee
g: Torres give us a sitrep
t: well after work me and Bishop went out for dinner and Jake wanted to go out for drinks she said since we already made plans he seemed mad but I brushed it off we went to dinner and around 10 we parted ways and then at 10:40 she texts me help so I rush over there to find her and Jake being loaded up and I rode with bishop here
g: do we know how bishop is
t: she was rushed into emergency surgery
m: what about Jake
t: I don't know but he was shot to she clipped him on the shoulder and he got her in the stomach
Gibbs went and asked how Jake was and of he was able to be arrested the nurse said he is fine we got him all patched up he is in room 259 Gibbs says thank you
G: Torres want to do the honors
T: gladly
G: 259
So they head down there to his room when Jake saw them he said
J: I hope she's dead
Nick punches him and goes in for another one but McGee stops him
M: he ain't worth it Nick
G: Torres go sit with bishop we got this
They read him his rights and handcuff him just as they did the Nurse came in and said he was being discharged so they got him dressed and put him in cuffs and Gibbs and McGee took him back to headquarters while Nick stayed with Bishop a couple hours later Nick fell asleep holding her hand but he jolted awake when she moved her hand he looked up and met her royal blue eyes
T: heyyyyy
B: hey
T: how you feeling
B: like I was hit by a bus
T: want me to get the dr
B: no I'm fine
T: Ellie you're in pain
B: I'm fine
T: I'm going to get the dr so he can get you some pain meds
B: I said I'm fine Nick
He walked out to get the dr the dr came in increased her pain meds and left
B: are you ok
T: I should be asking you this
B: well I'm asking you
T: I'm fine
B: how long was I out
T: a couple hours
B: Nick go home and sleep
T: no I'm not leaving you
B: I'm fine and you need to sleep in your bed
T: I'm not leaving you
B: Nick please
T: no I'm not leaving you
B: yes, you are go home for a couple of hours and sleep and then you can come back
T: no
B: why not nick
T: I almost lost you once and I'm going to make sure I don't lose you or almost lose you again
B: I'm fine I don't need a protector Nick
T: still ain't leaving I love you too much
Bishop wads thinking did he really just say he loves me I mean I love him meanwhile Nick was mentally beating himself up for it
B: I love you to
Nick was shocked that she said it back he was happy that she did he went in and kissed her she was shocked at first but kissed back because she had been wanting this for way too long.
After a couple of days Bishop was released and Nick moved in to help her out since she had a lot of restrictions   and Nick also asked Ellie out so they were officially a couple (if only they would get together on the show) and Jake was sent to jail he got 15 years for attempted murder of a federal agent

The End

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