Stellaride secrets pt 1

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Ok so stella is only a few weeks on the job from the first day she had caught Kellys eye he couldn't stay away he was attracted to her he couldn't figure out why but he couldn't get her off his mind he wanted to ask her out but couldn't find the courage so he just kept getting closer and closer to her soon over two months they became best friends they hung out a lot but he was always curious as to why she would always go home early and wear a good bit of foundation he thought she didn't need it he never saw her without it he always wondered why she wore so much but never asked he didn't want to offend her.  They had just got back from an call they all showered Stella was heading out she didn't want to because she knew what was waiting for her then she heard her name called
K: Stella
She turned around and smiled because she recognized the voice
S: yesss
K: what are doing tomorrow tonight
S: nothing why
K: how about we go to dinner
She smiled she got real excited
S: ok
K: pick you up at 7
S: ok sounds good  so dressy or dress fancy
K: dressy
S: ok
K: ok
He was really happy she said yes he walked her to her car opened the door for her
K: ok I will see you tonight
S: ok I can't wait
K: me either
He shut her door and watched her drive away he was really excited for tonight he went home he showered he checked the time it was 5:00 he had an hour before he had to get ready so he cleaned and at 5:20 there was a knock on his door he went to answer it and it was Casey so he let him in
C: hey
K: hey what are you doing here
C: well I came to see my best friend
K: ok
C: are you cleaning
K: yeah so
C: since when
K: since now
C: what's going on
K: i asked stella out
C: bout damn time
K: I know
C: so when is it
K: tonight I'm picking her up at 7
C: where are you takin her
K: I was planning on taking her Siena Tavern downtown on the river
C: dang you stepping up your game you must really like her
K: I do I really do I mean how can you not
C: your falling for her and hard
K: ok maybe but how can you not I mean she always puts others first stubborn as the devil and is tougher than anyone I know
C: what makes you say that
K: some stuff she's told me in confidence but she's been through hell and still manages to smile and have fun I don't know how she does it
C: ooo secrets
K: she's become my best friend I can tell her anything and she don't judge she just listens and helps as best she can I actually feel comfortable telling her stuff and I've only known her for two months
C: ok you are in deep
K: ok so that's not bad
C: ok well I'll let you get ready since it's 5:50
K: ok
Kelly went to go get dress he put on his black jeans and a polo he sprayed on the cologne that she said that she liked he remembered when she told him she liked that cologne meanwhile with Stella when she got home she was so happy and excited
SM( Stellas Mom): why are you so excited sweetie
Stella contemplated on telling her but then decided to anyways
S: I have a date
SM: with whoooooo
S: you know that guy that I go out with as friends all the time
SM: Alex
S: no Kelly
SM: ooo how'd you meet
S: he works in the same here firehouse as me to yea the squad lieutenant
SM: squad lieutenant
S: yess what time is it
SM: 5:10 why
S: he's gone be here at 7
SM: ohhh
S: ok I'm gonna go shower and get ready
SM: okkk
She went upstairs and went to go shower she was glad he was picking her up at 7 because her dad don't get off until 8 but she knew once she got back she would get a beating but she really like Kelly and would take the beating if she could go out with him she really liked the guy and was slowly falling in love with him he was a true gentleman he treated her like a queen she had never been treated like that before at first it scared her but she slowly warmed up to it and loved it when she hopped out the shower it was 5:40 so she went and  did her makeup when she was done it was 6:50 when she heard the front door open she walked out and saw her dad she freaked out she went back in and texted Kelly to stay in the car he asked why she said well my dad is home and he is very overprotective and controlling she left out that he would beat her if he found out and she knew she would get a beating but she really liked him then he texted here she said ok she checked and saw he was in the living she was glad she walked out the house being as quiet as possible and she made it and got in the car when Kelly saw her walk out and was astonished she looked so gorgeous he was shocked and thought how lucky he was that she said yes she got in the car
K: damn you look good
She blushed and looked him up and down
S: you don't look so bad your self
K: thank you
He then drove off she the got a text from her father saying you better not go on that date or else you'll get punished she ignored the text she was so excited and would take the beating  then she got another text that said make sure you got makeup you little whore because you will be punished she was worried now but ignored it because she really wanted to go out with him Kelly saw the look of fear on her face when she read the text
K: you ok
she jumped
S: yeah yeah I'm fine why
K: you look scared
S: no I'm not I'm fine
K: are you sure
S: yes I'm fine
K: ok
He knew something was off but didn't want to push at all he knew is something was wrong she would tell him and also didn't want to push her to where she shut him out he took to a restaurant on the river when they got out he offered a arm to her she gladly took they went and sat down they were talking then the waiter  came and took there orders then there food came they ate talked and laughed and forgot about all there problems they were having the best time of there lives when they were done stella hoped he was t taking her home she was glad when they walked last the car and on to the boardwalk they were the only ones out there they just walked in silence she was holding his arm and laid her head on his shoulder he smiled they got to the end and just stopped and listened to the water it was so calming she never wanted to leave she knew what was waiting for her at home
K: ready to go
S: no not really but I guess it is time to
K: we can stay
S: it's fine let's go
Kelly didn't want to go but listened they walked back to the car he opened the door for her she was sad they were heading home he saw
K: everything ok
S: yeah yeah why
K: you look scared
S: no no I'm fine
K: you sure
S: yes I'm sure
He was skeptical but took her home anyways when he pulled in he walked her to the door she didn't care she knew her father wouldn't do anything with anyone around he told her goodnight and kissed her she smiled and kissed back
K: goodnight
S: goodnight thanks for Tonight
K: thanks for coming I had fun
S: me too
K: Weill have to this again
S: yes we will
K: goodnight
She didn't want to go 8n but knew she had to and time she walked on she was knocked on the ground and felt some pain in her cheek........

Sorry for the cliffhangerrrrr but it will be posted next weekkkkkkk

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