The Greeting

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RK900's P.O.V: I was transferred to the DPD for a mission involving android crimes, almost all androids were now deviant they had their own property and responsibilities and civil rights but with all that liberty came problematic causes of crime; robbery, murder, tax evasion, tax fraud, just to name a few.

I walked around the office waiting for Jeffery Fowler to assign me a partner, I walk into the break room to see two people gossiping about whatever is important to humans, I scan their faces "Gavin Reed" & "Tina Chen" Gavin notices me and turns my way while trying to put on a tough guy facade but my sensors allow me to see right through it

"Well, Well, Well. Another tin can in the office" Gavin says "You guys just keep coming and coming don't you?"
[O Silence him]
[X Humiliate him]

"Well detective, it appears that androids are just like you in some way, but instead of coming into somewhere it counts, you come into your own, lonely presence, ain't that right?" I said with a straight face

Reed's face turned red as he stormed over to me, grabbing my shirt collar

"Yeah tin can?? Is that it? You just waltz up in here and think you can treat people like your personal trash can?!" He yelled at me trying to intimidate me but he was at least 2 feet smaller than me

"No Detective, because you're not a trash can you are trash itself, and while saying that, it is my responsibility to put you where you belong" I said while picking him up and dropping him into the trash can in the corner of the room before walking out leaving the officer laughing and recording Reed.

I hear Jeffery call me into his office so I step inside then he calls Gavin into his office as well, Gavin's face still a faded shade of red, I stood there trying to pay attention to Fowler the best I could trying not to stare at Reed

"Alright, now that RK900 is here he will serve as your partner Reed" Fowler said

"Wh-What?! That tin can!?! No way! I'd rather you feed me to the wolves than give me him as a goddamn partner!" Reed shouted, obviously flustered about something

"Reed, you will not start this shit today. RK900 is now your partner and that's that. The first more difficult case that you have been assigned requires you to work with your partner, now get out of my office and get to work!" Fowler yelled and Gavin left, I looked at Fowler, bowed my head and left.

I Followed Reed to his desk and looked at him he was still flustered

"I never expected you to be my partner Detective, otherwise I wouldn't have done that to you" I said in a apologetic tone

"Shut the phck up!" He commanded so I did as he told me

He opened up the case file and I quickly analysed it, 2 Androids gone missing from their home 7 miles away from here, no sign of a break in but there has been a struggle making it a curious case

I looked at Gavin "Two androids missing, their house is a mess but it appears that no one broke in"

Gavin sighed "Probably just ran away together to avoid paying their taxes"

"Even if that is the case Detective we have been assigned this case and we will solve it together" I told him

He stood up about to grab me when suddenly an officer walked in "Um sorry to disturb you Detective but we have some reports on the androids that went missing, they've both been found dead in the old subway station just outside of town" he said

Gavin looked at him then to me and walked away, I followed him outside to his car and sat inside with him, "So tin can, just so it's clear, I don't like you, you don't like me and when this shit is done with you're going back to cyberlife and away from me, got it?" He said

"Got it" I replied as he drove off

Are we really lovers?- Reed900Where stories live. Discover now