Getting Upgrades

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Rk900's P.O.V: After Gavin vented to me about his past nightmares I hugged him tightly and kissed him before pulling away "I'm so sorry Gavin, that's horrible, but, I'm here for you if you need it" I told him

"You mean it?" Gavin asked

"Of course I do, I'm true to my words Gavin" I told him

"I don't doubt that Tin can.." Gavin dragged out before hugging my tightly "I'm pretty glad we met to be honest with you Nines" Gavin continued

"I'm glad we met too Gavin, life has been a ride for me ever since we met but I'm happy it happened this way" I said

"Same here" Gavin told me, we stayed there hugging each other for a while until I got news that made me smirk

"Hey Gavin?~" I said, lust in my voice

"W-What?" Gavin asked

"Guess what cutie~" I told him

"Now that's a name you haven't used and I pray you never use again, but what?" Gavin said

"Those upgrades got finished up a little earlier than expected~" I told him

"What? What upgra—" Gavin paused "Oh, Oh! Th-Those upgrades.." Gavin said while trying to get out of my arms "H-How are you going to get those upgrades?" Gavin asked

"Ehh... as much as I hate to say it, Cyberlife" I said

"You have to go to Cyberlife? Really?" Gavin asked

"Yup, it should only take roundabout 18-20 minutes" I told him

"I'm not waiting here for 20 minutes for your upgrades" Gavin said

"Yeah, that's why you're coming to Cyberlife with me" I told Gavin

"Phck no" Gavin said

"I called a taxi already, either cooperate and get in with me or I force you into the taxi and you don't get to sleep for the night or you wait here, I come back after my upgrades and you lose all ability to walk" I told Gavin

"I'm conflicted here" Gavin said

"I've made the choice for you" I told him "Good luck walking tomorrow" I told Gavin

"W-Wait, I'll come with y—" I cut Gavin off

"Oh no, no, no, no, no, Gavin you have chosen to be difficult and you're going to get what you deserve~" I told Gavin while tugging on his hair slightly "I'll be back in a little while, go make yourself comfortable while you wait, you're going to need it hun~" I told him before opening the front door and getting into the taxi, blowing Gavin a kiss before leaving.

Gavin's P.O.V: 'Well phck' I walk into my bedroom and flop down onto the bed "Is he just going to start domesticating me now? I know with how I act I probably deserve it but it's usually just something out of my control" I told myself, 20 minutes passed before I heared knocks at the door "Phcking great" I say before getting up and opening the door to see Elijah Kamski there "What the phck are you doing here?" I asked shocked and annoyed

"Well, I believe you've met RK900 he's a prototype, same as Connor, he managed to get inside of my Chloe's head so to speak and said that I should visit you and patch things up with you for what happened in the past, it seems so long ago since we've talked, right Gavin?" Elijah said while waltzing into my home

"Why would he?.. Just get the phck out! I don't want you here and I don't want to talk to you!" I yelled at him

"Gavin please, I know that what I did to you before was incredibly cruel but I thought you were ready to face the world on your own, I thought that you could handle yourself, I didn't think I'd hurt you" Elijah said

"Well you did hurt me, you did exactly what my parents did to me, you threw me away! I trusted you and YOU THREW ME OUT OF YOUR LIFE!" I screamed

"I never meant to hurt you Gavin, please you have to see things from my perspective, yo—" I cut him off

"What is there to see?! You threw me out because you were a big hit with your Androids?! I was nothing but helpful to you! You just threw me out, I did everything I could to make it up to you that you had to save my life when you could've done literally anything else! I acted more mature than I was so you'd think of me as something, I tried my hardest but I wasn't good enough! Because in the end! I, I was left out in this world to rot..." I said giving up on the yelling

"Gavin, do you see why I thought you were ready? You were more mature than you thought you were, you did amazingly when you lived with me, I thought it was because you were healed and that you could start a true life story for yourself, I never expected you to turn out like this" Elijah said

"I guess so.. wait how did you get here so fast?" I asked him

"What?" He asked

"I'm sure you didn't come here from home or it would've took longer, so where were you?" I asked

"Oh, down at Cyberlife, my Chloes we're excited for the upgrades, I couldn't keep them waiting" he said

"But if androids are free why would they still ask for your permission for it?"

"I'm their creator, they respect me, one loves me, the other two have.. interesting tastes.. and they just want me to be happy"

"That makes some sense" I said "where are your Chloes?" I asked

"One is in the car, the others are out looking for their loves" Elijah said

"And who would they be?" I asked him

"Well a certain RK800 model and someone named North" Elijah said "I'm staying in town for a little while until my Chloes can make up their minds about what they want to do" he explained

"Okay so one of your Chloes are getting heartbroken and the other is probably going to move into Jericho" I told Kamski

"Oh, is Connor taken?" Elijah asked

"Yeah, him and Hank have been dating for a while" I said

"Well thanks for the heads up, now I have to comfort her when she finds out herself.." Elijah said

"No problem, anyway I assume you should be on your way now" I said

"Yeah, it was nice to see you again Gavin" Elijah told me

"Yeah, I guess" I said unsure wether it was nice to see him or not, a part of me wanted to hate myself for even considering it though

"Bye Gavin, I hope your wounds heal someday" Elijah told me before getting into his car and leaving, I just sigh and close the door before going back into my bedroom and collapsing onto the bed before falling asleep.

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