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RK900's P.O.V: Me and Gavin we're still in the car, hugging, he looked at me and smiled "I'm so happy Nines, so very happy, I never expected an android to be the person that I love but it happened, it happened and I love it" Gavin told me

"Yes Gavin it did happen, it happened and I love it too" I said while squeezing him tighter and tighter.

"Hello??? Tin can? Tin can?!" I heard Gavin yell as I open my eyes "Finally Asshole, I've been waiting for you to wake up for the past 10 minutes, we're here" Gavin told me, I look around to see that we're right in front of the crime scene

"I-I thought.." I started, feeling confused

"You thought what? phcking android.." Gavin spat

"I thought.. I thought nothing.." I continued, lying.

Gavin and I got out of the car and met up with the officer "Good Morning Detective" he greeted

"Good morning? I have to be here with that plastic prick, what's so good about that?" Gavin responded

"Sorry Detective, anyway the android here is a little less destroyed than the one from yesterday, still shut down though" the officer told us, Gavin and I walked over to the android and I analysed it's thirium and Gavin continued to talk to the officer then I noticed something

"Officer? I thought there were multiple biocomponents missing?" I asked

"Well yeah, there are" he responded

"No, it has almost all of its biocomponents, the only thing missing is its thirium pump" I told him

"Oh, but that makes no sense, I saw it with my own eyes" he said

"Maybe the thirium pump is still here then" Gavin joined in

"Maybe..." I dragged out before scanning the area, I could see some thirium on the ground and followed it to behind the corner of the building and there it was, the thirium pump, I grabbed it and took it over to the android, putting it back into its chest "If it's possible to reactivate it then it will be for a short amount of time, I just hope that I'll be able to probe it's memory in that amount of time" I said while reactivating it, it jumped out of pure fear but I grabbed its arm and probed its memory, I saw the killer, I saw them but it's face was obscured and glitched out and I could hear nothing but gibberish then everything went black and I could no longer see its memory as my eyes adjusted back into the world

"So what did you get out of it?" Gavin assked me

"Nothing, it's memory was corrupted, it was all just gibberish and glitching" I told him

"Damnit, we'll never get any closer to learning anything at this rate!" Gavin yelled

"What do you care about the investigation Detective?" I asked him

"I care because I want you out of my life!" He yelled at me

"If that's so Detective Reed then why don't you just call Cyberlife up and tell them to come get me, disassemble me and scrap me!" I yelled back

"I don't have to phcking deal with this right now" Gavin said before leaving.

I sigh looking at the ground 'I want to tell him so badly but I can't, I want to do all that and more but I can't, I can't touch him, my instructions are in the way, I-I need help' I think to myself

Are we really lovers?- Reed900Where stories live. Discover now